Sentences with phrase «wonderful people get»

I aspire to bring joy and peace back to the wonderful people I get to work with on a daily basis.
When a big group of wonderful people get together, the energy is palpable and the possibilities seem limitless.
The snow will still be there when we return to our mile high home, but for now I'm going to soak up these wonderful people I get to spend this Christmas weekend with!
I am a wonderful person getting into the modeling industry and I am fun to be around.

Not exact matches

This sounds wonderful to most people, but in reality, we tend to get bored right about now and lose that loving feeling for our business.
In a mock scenario, imagine you're meeting someone at a party, and you have a wonderful time getting to know this person.
This is what Albom's book did for me: It got me thinking about how fortunate I have been to have wonderful people guide me during my career and helped me refocus my efforts on being present as a mentor, a guide, a teacher, and a student.
When people who know I love surfing ask how to get started, I just point them to Kohner's wonderful photos.
«This is fabulous for Calgary and I think this is wonderful that we get so many people every year for the Stampede parade.»
Religion is not healthy for people who got burned alive for heresy: wonderful post.
«They're very often wonderful places where people's dignity is protected and if you will invest those and churches get involved in those we'll see even higher levels of end of life palliative care there.
Today I read this and realize that there are people out there that get it - that understand love and what it is about - thank you for such a wonderful piece of writing - keep doing what you are doing because you, truly, are doing God's work.
Judging by Ms. Kaur's wonderful response, I'll bet she'd be an interesting person to have lunch with, and I envy those who will get that opportunity.
President Obama is a wonderful leader and you and your republiecon politics are just another bump in the road for we who are trying to get our countrys economics straight and people back to work.
Rachel Gardner, Christian Director of Youthscape and President of the Girls Brigade, told Premier: «This is a wonderful opportunity to get involved and talk about the fact that we want our young people to grown into compassionate, kind adults with self - control and we really want that front and centre on the curriculum.»
There are two wonderful things that give me a positive wow factor every day — the increasing number of people I discover doing fantastically brilliant stuff, quietly and without fuss, living out the Gospel of Christ in gentle, caring, loving ways, most of which the church institution hasn't got a clue about because it's too dam busy running itself.
You guys are a profound group and it was so wonderful to get to know some of you, and if that's you Heidi Hurtle, then you were one of those people.
Jeremy why don't you look into open air campaigners organization for training they have a wonderful program for street outreach using a sketchboard and other materials I had a friend who used this approach on streets of new York city for 30 yrs had great success OAC website is they have training and or you can go to major and get trained by one of their field people
I'm down to play and I think I got some wonderful people to play with and it's going to be an exciting evening of television.»
«So we've got a thing called «mountain pilgrims» which is sort of beginning to be a fresh expression of church which is encouraging people to make a link between natural beauty and the sense of awe and wonder which they feel at that and then a sense of awe and wonder at the Creator who created this wonderful beauty.»
People have gotten very upset when I mention how wonderful my parish and bishop were, and how I still value liturgy and ritual.
So in speaking to the majority, this forces supporters of cutting taxes on high - earners to make implausible promises about the wonderful indirect effect benefits most people will get when taxes are cut on somebody else.
J.John said he encouraged churches near the Grenfell Towner in north Kensington to get on board with the event, saying: «In response to that, we heard 300 people have signed up and want to be our guests at the Emirates - which is wonderful...»
Next Sunday, in the First Church of Nixie, New York, or the Saint Waldemar's Church of Proxie, Alabama, I am sure the respective ministers will declare that love is a wonderful thing, that Jesus agreed with their opinions; so why doesn't everybody get on the bandwagon and love one another — taking it easy, of course, with Negroes, minority groups, homosexual persons, criminals, the mentally ill, and many others?
It's so wonderful to find a group of people who really «get» you.
The smell like someone jamming two large needles a good deal up into your nasal cavity and then taking them out and then jamming them back in the diaper had to be changed though so I learned along with the wonder and amazement of responsibility in the life of a little universe just learning about how wonderful and talented it is and all it had to do was be born and stuff just worked unless the cuts came but I did let that happen not when homosexuals could get married and marijuana was legal now to remove the guns and evangelicals and live in peace with the other people.
I can't imagine how much money I've spent on things like butter, flour, and sugar — fun fact: I originally dabbled with using the domain «flourbuttersugar» — or how different my life would feel without getting to connect with so many sweet and truly wonderful people through food and the internet.
But... getting to «meet» everyone on this blog and so many friendly people within the celiac / GF community has certainly been wonderful!
I too have been reading since the beginning — who needs a story — you've got the man, you've got the happiness, and you've got the skills to make one hell of an empty stomach feel like the luckiest organ in the world — Besides, my husband, who was able to vote when I was born, just happens to be my professor from college... And when people ask what grade I got in his class, I become quiet and with a slight whisper say «I got a B» — And that was only 1 of 3 B's I got in college... Our story is wonderful for him since he nabbed the young student... Doesn't sound so good for me, but I love him and sharing it regardless... Happy Anniversary Deb and Alex!!!
I wish you to have a wonderful time on tour and I'm a bit jealous of the people who will get to go and to meet you!
There were tons of people turned away... they need to get you a bigger venue here next time:) CONGRATS on a wonderful book and I look forward to reading your blog for many more years!
There was such a great turn - out and I got to meet so many of you wonderful people!
If you can't wait to get your hands on a copy, the wonderful people at Booktopia are stocking these signed copies which are available right now at the special price of only $ 27.95.
At the end of the day, even though I get these occasional «dislikers» or upset people, for the most part I feel like I have truly wonderful readers.
I created this recipe blog and I got to me a bunch of wonderful people in doing so.
When flying with a toddler (Luke) see if you can keep him awake during the day before getting on the plane - He will be most interested in being in a new space and all the people - Bring him a snack, and see if you can get him to sleep - And have a wonderful Holiday - Aloha
The Tony Gwynn 5.5 k is the perfect way to get people together and support Tag's humanitarian efforts while still having a wonderful time and of course some great beer, too.
«Once we got through the hardness of him, we found a good player and a wonderful person
I lived in Spain and got to know the wonderful culture and people there.
Reality, people seem to accept an under - performing Ramsey and want to say give him time to get a rhythm (sacrificing the overall good of the team and the results of the team — see the beginning of the season) but for some reason no one wants to acknowledge that Santi and Mesut could do a wonderful job for us in there, and no one wants to give Mesut the opportunity to play his way into form in the middle.
A season full of proving people wrong — from the new manager to the ability to get it done in Europe and all the way back again — has been wonderful to witness.
Since he's often shooting moving targets (and that's how I often think of our kids), Steve understands more than anyone the challenges of getting great pictures of wonderful places — that also feature people!
The first 50 people in line will get a wonderful gift from some of our generous suppliers.
- Kristy Taylor (+ 1 other person chimed in positively but with this sizing caveat «I got a pair of the Athleta jeans and they are wonderful but run VERY big.
We want you to have the perfect level of care; enough for you to feel supported, but not extra people in your home all the time to get in the way of you bonding and having wonderful memories with your babies.
This is such a wonderful way to meet alot of other people and to get such an appreciation of the other bloggers!!!
Because even dads that aren't breastfeeding right, they get bonding with their babies but it is kind of extra special that you are able to do that above and beyond what most people even know is even available so I think that's so wonderful that you were able to offer that as an option for you and your baby.
With a cultivated relationship, surrogates have an opportunity to get to know the wonderful people to whom they are giving such an amazing gift.
I have got to know so many other bloggers, chatted lots and formed some wonderful friendships with so many other likeminded people I have met online.
(As a side note, the gym is a wonderful place to meet people who can get you quick appointments.
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