Sentences with phrase «wonderment did»

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Act like a child does on a daily basis, live in wonderment and discover the beauty of life.
People often remark that I am «so open» online (usually with a bit of wonderment or «Oh, I could NEVER do that» particularly when I write about marriage)-- and I have to chuckle because if they only knew how little of my life makes it online.
It affirms the extraordinariness of the ordinary, the spirituality of matter, the mysteriousness of the natural and expected — as Luther did when he cried, «If you really examined a kernel of grain thoroughly, you would die of wonderment
Christians don't think they have the only access to the wonderment of the Universe.
In other words you would find them ready to do anything you ask for much to your wonderment.
Bay's got future cars and future trains and future motorcycles and he's the worst person to do a future movie, because he's incapable of wonderment.
He doesn't have to; he's Steven Spielberg, the one filmmaker viewers of every age and nation give a pass to for the wealth of exciting wonderment he has given over the years.
Brisk, hilarious and brimming with «how did they do that» wonderment, it surprises by turning halfway through from an innocuous potted history of latter - day street art to a saltier study of self - appointed celebrity.
What he does in his portrayal of Kick - Ass is allow the audience to step in his shoes as they experience his wonderment and hope.
Blade Runner (2049)-- No screen can be big enough to do justice to this intoxicating spectacle of wonderment, love and despair.
Adherence to standard textbook - based teaching means that nothing is being done to challenge this perception when it's all too clear that unlocking curiosity and wonderment across all academic disciplines is not only essential to the mastery of tests, but also key to ensuring that more students are inspired enough to pursue further study and even pursue teaching as a career later in life.
by Jody Hedlund Adventures in Editing: A Tale of Wonderment by Lydia Sharp Do Publishers Need to Offer More Value to Authors?
I can't put my finger on it but I don't care seeing all the smiles and wonderment from everyone as fireworks...
Curiosity, wonderment and a means to create it, is the best thing Mm has done for mankind.
For me, and again I must reiterate that I don't mean to disperse my mental state as an objective, the emotional hook that defines wonderment is dimmed with age.
In doing so, BMW intentionally steered viewers towards wonderment.
Forgive me if I don't roll over in wonderment at his abilities.
Joy does not exclude pain, discomfort, fear, grief, confusion, loneliness, wonderment, befuddlement... but rather it is the deep knowing that the heart can bear it all.
But it is the relationship YOU have with God and all you can do is show your wonderment with it all.
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