Sentences with phrase «wonderous way»

Adoption is a truly wonderous way to start a family.
Learn 7 wonderous ways you can use your kitchen shears today.
Such wonderous ways that God works... all our prayers bundled up and sent in the package of you, Layla, to this lovely woman in the form of a hug.

Not exact matches

This is not the lazy way out, but a way to be a true testament to the wonderous miracles God can and will do, It could be a downpour or a drizzle, but he will end their suffering and drench the fires that burn.
Hank Roberts @ 25, It is bizarre that when I google «Systemic Causation» the first reference is to a post by Judy «air - head» Curry who in turn refers to an essay by a George Lakoff who had coined the term in an article a few weeks earkier (actually «the second of two articles») which contains the wonderous line «No language in the world has a way in its grammar to express systemic causation.»
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