Sentences with phrase «wondrous places where»

Museums are wondrous places where exhibited objects can create new connections to the world.
Amazon is a wondrous place where you can literally buy almost anything — even things to decorate your home or apartment.
Told through the eyes of these youngsters, the world is a wondrous place where the biggest worries are windstorms, forgetting one's umbrella, and making - strange with the babysitter.

Not exact matches

By the time «Part 2» has brought us full circle — it ends at the location where Harry's journey began back in «The Sorceror's Stone» — it will have you looking back at the many entertaining, wondrous places Harry has taken us, all without ever having to leave the comfort of our favorite multiplexes.
Frank meets a mysterious young girl and ends - up riding the classic ride «It's a Small World» (there's some inside marketing for you), and is soon transported to Tomorrowland — a wondrous place between the present and the future where anything is possible.
For we're fortunate enough to experience all sorts of amazing adventures here in this vast, incredibly wondrous, wild place, where waterfalls gush and monstrous mountains rise steeply through the mists and there's no sign of human presence anywhere (except ours).
After a day wandering the quirky market alleyways and browsing the wondrous shops, there's no better place to relax than the Yumcha teashop where you can enjoy a nice cup of blueberry tea whilst you watch the sun glint off the sparkling canal.
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