Sentences with word «wonkery»

We need a debate between two versions of policy wonkery.
Lord knows I love me a little political wonkery from time to time — good thing, then, that there's been plenty to go around lately.
So to discuss these and other issues, perhaps a few summer months of long, hot, tedious debates on constitutional wonkery in the House of Commons chamber far removed from the government's timetable for discussing important business and British Airports will focus minds?
The rookie companies tried to woo investors with collegial wit, technical wonkery, and PowerPoint mastery.
We get into some fixed income wonkery — Liquidity, supply, safety, demand, central bank purchases, and the dearth of high quality assets all are part of our conversation.
«Tomorrow's launch of the Speakers Conference should mean more than another round of Westminster wonkery.
Lincoln's explanation of the complex tangle that is the suspect legality of the Emancipation Proclamation, and why it must be superseded by a Constitutional Amendment before the war ends is a wonder of relatable wonkery.
I'll save you from the science wonkery and allusions here (check out RealClimate for a more detailed explanation), but noisy climate skeptics are jumping on two parts of that sentence.
Robert H. SocolowIn 2004, Princeton scholars Steve Pacala and Rob Socolow published a paper [PDF] in the journal Science that has since become one of the most cited, celebrated, vilified, and contested papers in the history of climate wonkery.
The new report lays out a litany of tradeoffs, cost - benefit analyses, and other wonkery designed to guide global action on climate change.
(In policy wonkery, developed countries want to agree on the rules for accounting before the targets and the possible expansion of market mechanisms).
People that confidently assert otherwise, without addressing the facts on the ground — manipulation and political wonkery — are part and parcel with the manipulation.
Whether your campaign focuses on the grassroots or on high - level policy wonkery, you'll learn how to match your needs with the tools and tactics available today.
This may be wonkery, or it may be that place where history conspires to bring morality and pragmatism into conflict with one another, leaving only but the most gifted of political minds to find a way out of this morass.
I'm biased; it's run by a friend, Kevin Teasley, who has been around the choice and charter schools movement for a long time, and once even dabbled in punditry and policy wonkery.
This was the voice of an Appalachian grassroots resistance movement, not the usual polite policy wonkery we're used to hearing in the nation's capital.
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