Sentences with phrase «wood decay fungus»

A novel paper led by Inger Skrede (University of Olso, Norway) reveals a number of features that can explain why the dry to fungus Serpula lacrymans is the most successful invasive wood decay fungus in the built environment.
The wood decay fungus Heterobasidion parviporum causes root rot in spruce and is a serious pathogen.
The research team behind the present investigation analyzed and compared the genomes and characteristics of three strains of wood decay fungi, including the highly successful Serpula lacrymans.

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Figure 1: Hyphae of a wood - decaying fungus found growing on the underside of a fallen log.
Look more closely and the woods are home to a diversity of flora and fauna, from ancient horsetail ferns to 200 species of fungi, many of which grow on dead and decaying trees.
«Decaying matter (dead wood and leaf litter) is processed so efficiently because of the abundance of decomposers including bacteria, fungi, and termites.»
Scanning electron micrograph of wood being decayed by the white rot fungus Punctularia strigoso - zonata.
After an oak tree was cut a year or two before this section was obtained, decay fungi had already set in, beginning to break the wood down to its basic elements.
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