Sentences with word «woodchop»

Baseball players do woodchops not only to work their abs and core but in hopes to increase their swinging power so they can hit home runs.
Training the muscles of your core, those muscles that support your spine, will help reduce the fat around your waist, especially rotational or twisting exercises like woodchops.
Standing at the end of a mat with Ugi on the ground just to the outside of one foot, do an upward woodchop motion, bringing Ugi diagonally across body and reaching it up high towards the ceiling on the other side and then bring it down to navel area, and lie down on mat.
Woodchop and Get Up Jump with Ugi — Standing at the end of a mat with Ugi on the ground just to the outside of one foot, do an upward woodchop motion, bringing Ugi diagonally across body and reaching it up high towards the ceiling on the other side and then bring it down to navel area, and lie down on mat.
Here I will just look at the diagonal woodchop.
The best exercises include the cable woodchop, the seated medicine ball trunk rotation and the kettlebell windmill.
Perform one set of rollouts, followed by a set of woodchops, no pause in between.
Further from the body, cable exercises such as woodchops make for good shoulder training.»
Full body stability can be rapidly built through rotational and transverse movements like woodchops, 360s, and rotations.
«The cable machine comes in useful for lots of other great exercises — woodchops, rows and overhead presses,» says trainer Kelly Boone.
Exercises like planks, T stab push ups and side planks need to be put together with things like the hyperextension, woodchop, hanging leg raise and the bicycle to really round things out and work every part of the core, in all kinds of ways.
Set up a circuit and squat with it, press it overhead, and perform lunges, rows, and ab twists or woodchops.
Start at standing with feet shoulder width apart and holding a weighted object such as a medicine ball, dumbbell or other in both hands, squat down and bring weight down towards ground and then come up and do a woodchop bringing the weight high overhead to one side.
Continue these movements doing a squat and then alternating swinging the weight up to the opposite side for the woodchop.
This is one rep.. Then bring it down again and come back down into a squat and on the next rep do a woodchop bringing the weight up high to the other side.
Alternate sides doing the woodchop for each rep.
Alternate sides doing the woodchop for each rep. Read more
There are a variety of differnt ways to do the woodchop, it can be either horizontal or diagonal, with the cable either in the horizontal position or from the high position.
The woodchop can be done in a variety of ways, there is the standard woodchop, horizontal woodchop and diagonal woodchop.
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