Sentences with phrase «word about each learner»

Create a reflections log, in which you are able to write at least one descriptive word about each learner.

Not exact matches

If you have questions about teaching new vocabulary words to learners in grades K - 5, you're in the right spot!
They prompt learners to think about the various solutions to the problem and answer in their own words, which helps them build critical thinking, communication, and creative reasoning skills.
One of the reason things like «Leadership Skills» or «Management Skills» seem so abstract is because, on the face of it, there's nothing about those words that a learner can immediately visualize in concrete terms.
Word knowledge is incremental, and learners continue to accumulate knowledge about a new word over time, by finding and using the newly learned word in an increasing variety of conteWord knowledge is incremental, and learners continue to accumulate knowledge about a new word over time, by finding and using the newly learned word in an increasing variety of conteword over time, by finding and using the newly learned word in an increasing variety of conteword in an increasing variety of contexts.
In other words, it is all about building a profile of a typical learner of your next learning simulations.
At its core, assessment has always been a process that was meant to support learning; in other words, teachers and learners would use the information from assessments to make decisions about what comes next.
Last words from Dr. DeBacker — Be a learner, be engaged, and ask questions about being better.
When targets are written about strategies (e.g. I can chunk words), they distract the learners from the more significant purpose and blur the final goal.
• Spread the word about school suspension and expulsion rates, including how many were issued by the school district, how many were issued at each school, the reasons for the suspension and the number of suspended students who were low - income, English learners, foster youth, African American, Latino and / or male.
Here's why: It requires that learners dig deeper, beyond just the words of the text to draw conclusions about character's feelings, thoughts, or other... Continue Reading
You will notice that we do not use the word «student» when talking about learners.
Rather than pages of text or the spoken word, multimedia gets learners engaged and excited about the material.
Dublin, OH About Blog Maria Caplin is a mother, 5th grade teacher, reader, LOVE words, 21st Century Learner.
I am a new learner of real estate investment... in other words, I know nothing about the real estate and trying to learn as much as quick as I can.
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