Sentences with phrase «word about its operations»

The company is embracing the use of social networking and new media to spread the word about its operations.
Taking fiscal union first, Mr Brady reminded us of Nick Ridley's words about the operation of the old Exchange Rate Mechanism:
As word about Operation Goldie spread, generous individuals donated funds and Valdepeña coordinated the effort and did the legwork — in the end, the Downey, Carson, Baldwin Park and Lancaster animal shelters all were gifted industrial sized fans to help keep the kennel areas cool.

Not exact matches

They visit the U.S. operation about once a year, and word around the office spreads that «the Germans» are coming.
The Bible talks often enough about the Word coming to someone, and sometimes of its operation within them.
Nutrition Services Director Questionnaire [Word]: This self - assessment tool uses a set of key questions about your current operation to assist you in identifying farm to school opportunities and challenges
Much of the early debate about Britain's coming in - out referendum on the European Union has concerned the operation of these rules: the wording of the question on the ballot paper, campaign spending limits and the extent to which David Cameron and his ministers should go into policy - purdah in the final weeks.
Now since Sandy's operation, she has talked about it, word got out about it.
He never knew so few words could cause such chaos, but when Father William learns that a group of emboldened drug runners are about to execute a lucrative international drug smuggling scheme and use the church to elude suspicion, the race is on to shut the operation down or die trying.
He soon learns about his abilities through expressive trial and error, in other words beating down local law enforcement in Italy, upending police cars in Paris, and taking down other assassins from Operation Treadstone, the black ops team which trained Bourne in the first place.
In a 5,300 - word report for the magazine, titled «Harvey Weinstein's Army of Spies,» he described a shadowy and elaborate intelligence operation commissioned by Weinstein to silence his accusers and suppress stories about his alleged serial abuse of actresses and other women.
Rather, the standard about bar graphs asks students to use information presented in bar graphs to solve word problems using the four operations of arithmetic.
Provide hands - on resources for your entire class while they learn about operations, word problems, reasoning and more!.
These manufacturers continue to spread the word about their green offerings by not only educating retailers, but also showcasing the benefits of their products, says Pete Stirling, chief operations officer of Skout's Honor, which manufactures a Stain & Odor Remover, Urine Destroyer and Urine & Odor Destroyer.
Terms related to the data centre, including definitions about network operations centres and words and phrases about the storage, management and the transmission of data.
You can build an operations manual in your text editing software of choice (Word,, etc.), but I am really enthusiastic about using a wiki, instead.
In their own words, «IAM market allows IP owners to profile their IP sales and licensing operations, as well as their technology transfer programs, and enables them to let the global IP community know about specific assets they are seeking to license - out, sell or transfer.»
Don't get me wrong — I LOVE to write about your technology or operations career... digging in to find out why you've earned promotions, how your work addressed challenges, and the ways you make revenue for employers — in other words, the salient points that make a recruiter sit up straight and reach for the phone.
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