Sentences with phrase «word given»

It's just as important as the actual words you give in your interview answers.
It may sound silly, but this little change of wording gives you distance and reminds you that your low self - esteem moment is just that: a moment.
So in other words his giving us all a middle finger, he does not really care what we think or do.
I thoroughly enjoyed it until the F - bomb and other choice words gave me pause.
Words DO matter, especially when a poorly chosen word gives the wrong impression.
Images, texts and words give direct voice to the art made in the communication age.
One can, of course, say the words, but the mere words give no help.
You realize that your whole paragraph really boils down to one key word you gave «likely».
He was so nice and cool, I will forget the wise words he gave me.
So we could see words given less meaning altogether as images are thrown in for the sake of it, just to bulk out stories.
The alternative wording gives your potential client a clear picture of why they should hire your business and what they will benefit from when they hire your business to assist in their financial matters.
You need not to follow the exact duties or words given in the sample, customize it with your responsibilities and achievements.
Ask the dog to stand while you put on a lead before going outside; in other words give the dog a job to do!
Jesus in his own words gave specific information regarding the end of days.
An earlier question in The Last Word gave warnings about eating leftover rice.
By the time of Rome, Matriarchy was a dirty word giving power to a feminine icon that politicians of the day wanted removed from the human classes they now ruled and controlled.
Sentences or short stories composed of decodable words and common simple sight words give students the opportunity to use the phonics skills they have acquired and learn about print conventions and punctuation.
As long as they do not desecrate the remains then NO I do not care if some wack job thinks by saying a few words gives me a chance for everlasting life.
I also wanted to point this out because the following wording gives the impression that it was just a one season of bad injury luck:
The sense of awe and mystery in the earlier encounter gives way here to a relatively developed theology; it is here a highly articulate Word giving eloquent expression to the nature and purpose of Yahweh.
But in the video of his interview Matt Johnson asks him about Nouhou and Schmetz gives a one word answer and his face says it all
Your story on how the brain stores and organises words gave a fascinating glimpse into the neurological underpinning of category formation (5 January, p 10).
«These are the ominous words given to the six survivors of a tragic bus accident, followed by an ultimatum.
Unfortunately, Ontario's 2006 changes to the Act unadvisedly removed from the section the critical words giving compensation.
In the current section 57 (13), the 2006 changes to the Act unadvisedly removed the critical words giving compensation.
She thanks Farmer for the counseling sessions, the support and the encouraging words she gave her...
Specifically, the proposed wording gives the Bank the power to purchase any securities or «other instrument «it likes «for the purposes of conducting monetary policy or promoting the stability of the Canadian financial system.»
Instead, we speak words given to us by the Spirit, using the Spirit's words to explain spiritual truths.
They are strange new words given to us as means to make a strange new response appropriate to the strange new situation to which we have been opened: Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father that we might walk in newness of life.
In the case of our Lord, who was the Word of God incarnate speaking to human history, that Word gives life wherever it is lived.
The press» presentation of Francis» words gives parish priests a chance to speak directly to their people about what Francis really said and thereby to teach them something about the Church's thinking, which is otherwise harder to do in a homily without its sounding like a lecture.
I find that a well place cuss word gives you a great pie crust.
c: with exact equivalence: with the meaning of each individual word given exactly The term «Mardi Gras» literally means «Fat Tuesday» in French.
As the season progressed (which seems like the wrong word given Liverpool's late season slump), he's ended up playing as an actual right - back, but again his position isn't straight forward.
However, Labour MPs are still wary of these fine words given that he signals at the weekend that they will still have to fight selection battles after the boundary review.
Thomas Ditzinger's background in theoretical engineering was attractive to the Springer - Verlag publishing group, but he knew having the right words gave ideas the power to define truth.
Wow Ginger, your kind words give a lot of hope.
Offering a few extra words gives Mexican beauties more imagination and associations about you.
In 2007 the Ednext poll documented the impact of these attacks on NCLB by asking two versions of the following question (the bracketed words given to one half of the sample, while the other half was asked about «federal legislation»):
Some examples are given in the Song Extras card attached with may more ideas of toy items to use with 3 syllables which are shown with dots under the words
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z