Sentences with phrase «word love»

Of all the writing that I have pursued in my lifetime, there has been nothing more challenging and rewarding than my attempts to capture in words my love for my wife.
It was literally like: searching, finding and buying or in other words love at first sign.
Thank you so much for your kind words love and this beautiful post!
Parents who have little kids who are just starting to talk and learn new words love this channel because kids learn quicker when they are watching animated versions of words.
I live my life by three words love wisdom compassion.
We just loved the six - word love stories we found waiting for us in the comments section of this post this week.
WORD LOVE MEANS submission, and there is no other truth, but Truth absolute.
Quotes can help put into words our love for the person and the grief felt from the loss..
The Greek language uses three different words that are translated into the English word love.
Speakers who addressed the forum included, Dzigbordi Dosoo, Amos Kevin - Annan, Renee Q. Boateng and Rev. Bernard Arde - Acquah who spoke on topics such as «Winning hearts and minds through appearance», «From hello to I do», «Enhancing yourself image» and «Understanding the four letter word LOVE» respectively.
i am a girl i love rock / screamo / melodic rock / metal in other words i love most sub genres of alternative music.
Haha well thanks for the adorable word love Nagi YOU NEED ONE.
Well that amazing torte has 4 key words I love: simple, easy, elegant and luscious.
The features includes a bold color with a metallic wording LOVE print trim, bandeau top with a back tie followed by matching pucker back bottoms.
Word - for - word love scripts to help you bring him closer than ever before.
Share the love and spread the word
For an easier love - letter preparation for your boyfriend, we have rounded up the most perfectly worded Love Letter Templates for you.
I couldn't come up with a 6 word love sotry myself, but I enjoyed reading everyone else's -
«I'll never be able to put into words the love I have for you fans.
Unbeknownst to my darling hubby (who was fast asleep at our normal bedtime), I spent much of the evening creating as many six - word love stories as I could think of.
It is commonly known that in the New Testament scriptures, more than one Greek term is used for the English word love, as well as its variants.
Thanks so much for your kind words love!
im a guy that loves to do all the fun stuff not boring in other words i love to travel watch movies loves outdoor stuff im looking for someone who has the same interset as me
The word love is used for so many different things.
No Sabio... the word love has meaning in both our world views.
Then go back and replace the word love with Jesus or God, since God is love.
Ms. Egan - Unfortunately, the english language does not do justice to the word Love.
The word love does not appear even once in Eberstadt's article, as if sexual intercourse has nothing to do with love.
Pat: yes, I agree — how we throw around the words love and forgiveness and unity and empathy and compassion.
Yeah, I notice that sometimes people throw around the words love as well as forgiveness like they're magic wands that can be waved over a situation and instantly all is well.
I love the word I love the promises of God I love the revelation of God to His own.
on a side note, the word blood appears about 100 more times in the bible than the word love.
If i take the word love and define it for you, that definition is by no means what love means.
Hiding behind the word love is not love at all.
[19] Unfortunately, in our current society the word love has been too closely associated with «eros.»
I have a decent vocabulary, but the only word most people ever hear is the word love.
The word love, alas, is so abused.
The words these loving Christians to describe those who don't believe in their fantasies, i.e., «rats», «wretched creatures» and «vile animals», as well as the idea that we need our «asses kicked» tell me that if they ever get their religion encoded into the US government, they'll make the Crusades look like a picnic in the park.
I want the silhouette of a sparse mountain pine tree on my ribs, I want the words love is enough on my wrists and beloved on my feet.
Brings hate into our hearts, falsifying the word love.
I think you people need to go look up the words loving and merciful because your god is none of these.
You would think that love is bigger than like, but in our Christian context and considering how the word love has been misappropriated by those who always say «love but....»
«Anyone can throw the word love around like you did and quote the bible inaccuratly and feel smug — like I am on the right team — yah!!
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