Sentences with phrase «word to that effect»

I actually said words to the effect of «I'm no good at that sort of thing, I could never do it».
(b) the claim expressly states in words to the effect of «low proportion of saturated and trans fatty acids of total fatty acid content».
Only those with words to this effect on the label will contain live probiotics.
Actually, we wrote words to that effect four years ago.
If a property is truly being sold «as is» then there must be clear and express words to that effect in the contract.
Right away you're probably thinking words to the effect of «What's the point?».
To which I replied words to the effect of «no, no, both women and men can be whatever they like».
Do you see the fine print words to the effect that «each office is independently owned and operated»?
(i) if the health claim is a high level health claim based on a relationship described in Schedule 2 or a general level health claim based on a relationship described in Schedule 3, include words to the effect of the relevant dietary context statement in the corresponding row of Column 4 of Schedule 2 or Column 4 of Schedule 3, if any; or
I joked saying that Yorkshiremen had it in for everyone else and not for each other or words to that effect which was a total joke, but it's been picked up and I suspect I will be getting a bit of gyp from this.
And none is more real than that which comes to light in Cary's explanation of what Luther actually means by «faith alone,» namely, a simple, firm belief that our sins are absolved when we hear the divine words to that effect pronounced in the sacraments of Baptism and Penance.
Implicit in what has just been said is the minimization of the power of words to effect anything: to create or to destroy, to bind or to loose, to bless or to curse.
[sit down and shut up or words to that effect]
On a more personal level I'm of the opinion that the PA's content, which provides for some countries to completely not limit their emissions, and absolute lack of any provisions in case of it failing to reach the agreed targets, as well as it's very careful wording to that effect was entirely intentional.
According to contemporaneous reports, Ike's penguin avatar had strolled into a chat room full of other kids» avian alter egos and — after he'd asked words to the effect of «Why don't you all go & # $ * yourselves?!»
Bill Henderson adds words to the effect that hiring pricing specialists is only half the story.
The Court held that for its inherent jurisdiction to be ousted there had to be clear wording to that effect (as in e.g. the Arbitration Act 1996)- which is not present in the PWA.
In his editorial, Henry Aubin, journalist for the Montreal Gazette, writes strong words to this effect:
We haven't heard anything about Steam Machines in the year since except words to the effect of «Yeah... we're not going to make our 2014 launch date.»
As his named nurse I continue to document words to the effect of «my clinical impression is that he presents as sad.»
But, as he said with words to the effect, «I can get them there, the Congress can worry about getting them back.»
The only requirement is that the petitions involved in the petitionSTORM include words to the effect that:
Had it been intended to impose a requirement as to the language in which the information was to be given, his lordship would have expected the section to contain express wording to that effect.
Would anyone protest if LSUC's regulators officially clarified with words to the effect of:
When a Nascar race is over, the Nascar drivers have a meeting and the guy who runs Nascar says words to this effect: «Jimmy, I want you to go to Los Angeles tomorrow.
So, if Persil had sent me an advert with a picture of a horse, the name of their product, and a message saying, «Even removes horse sh*t stains» (or words to that effect), I would have taken notice.
A slew of tokenized projects has emerged that promise «algorithmically - based smarter trading delivered via AI and machine learning» or words to that effect.
I'm with Ghandi, who said words to the effect of: «I like your Christ.
The last President Bush went on TV and said «America is not at war with Islam», or words to that effect.
He stated that he didn't believe any of the nonsense he posted and thanked all those who took the time to honestly debate him in a civil manner, or words to the effect.
or words to that effect.
This is often unequivocally stated, claiming that it is accepted as the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, or word to that effect.
At the same time, is it very common to hear nowadays people saying «I'm not quite comfortable with that», «That offends me» or words to that effect.
Says he, «You don't speak up loud enough; your God's asleep, like enough, or maybe he's taking a walk; you want to holler, you know — or words to that effect; I don't recollect the exact language.
A frequent form is, «I am really sorry that you feel that way» or words to that effect.
Jeremiah, for example, was indignant because recently liberated slaves were illegally repossessed, but he says not a word to the effect that their ever having lost their freedom was a mark of the iniquity of his contemporaries (Jer.
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