Sentences with phrase «words about»

Nor do I find one in Pope John Paul II's strong words about the obligation of humanitarian intervention — that such humanitarian intervention may be «necessary where the survival of populations and entire ethnic groups is seriously compromised.»
She recalls her mother's parting words about how to deal with people who try to push you into things you don't want to do: «All you got to say is, «I'm Charlotte Simmons, and I don't hold with things like» at.»
Yet evangelicals and pietists, too, early recognized, sometimes far more explicitly in the mission field than at home, that it was not enough to bring pictures of Jesus, even pictures of Jesus with native features, or words about Jesus, even words about Jesus in the native vernaculars, to the non-Christian world.
Having thus stated the text that governs this book, it may be helpful now to say a few words about context — to indicate some contrasts and kinships with other movements and writers past and present.
We come now to say a few words about that disputed subject, the reality of hell and the possibility of everlasting punishment meted out by God.
Joseph's first words about God in Potiphar's house seem to be a foreshadow of the weighty words of revelation that come at the end.
To summarize, by paying attention to the presence and absence of words about God in both Genesis 39 and the larger context of Genesis 37 - 50, I discerned the significance of Joseph's first words about God.
At its end, Joseph's words about God make the theology of the story clear; God was at work in this family for its salvation and the salvation of many others.
But if we let our heritage slip from our hands, if we do not understand what we are, then Lincoln's great words about us, words we find it hard to understand in these closing years of the twentieth century — that we are «the last best hope of earth» — will in the end be nothing but a mockery, a sarcastic epithet for a fallen republic.
In any case, these words about painting are a fitting description of Davies's own narrative art, provocative in its «farcing out» of Christian tradition and powerful in its evocation of our human depth and variety.
I would not accuse him of «complicity in the explicit slander»» his words about Obama's view of America» of the Church for saying things other Catholics, including me sometimes, find wrong.
Is it really likely that when the Romans heard Paul's words about creation being «subjected to futility» in 8:20 they «could well have thought about how imperial ambitions, military conflicts, and economic exploitation had led to the erosion of the natural environment throughout the Mediterranean world, leaving ruined cities, depleted fields, deforested mountains, and polluted streams as evidence of this universal human vanity»?
The healing of memories is very important, but, (and it is a «but» with great caution), one must bear in mind Jesus own words about living in the day — yesterday has gone and we should not worry about what tomorrow might bring.
Now the words about the temporal duties should be read within the context of the Council statements about the relative autonomy of the secular culture (art. 59), for only thus will the sentence just quoted receive its full weight.
(See the Pope's 11 January powerful words about the Berlin Wall in currentRoad from Regensburg column).
A sample: for the feast of Corpus Christi, we are given some practical grounding in Christ's words about being the «living bread come down from heaven», together with thoughts about how we are united to the Father through Jesus, and also with one another - quoting St Paul - and finally a profound look towards eternity as «Jesus» gift of himself is transmitted to us beyond time and space».
So for me, through the iteration of Christmas mornings, these words about word and flesh connected not just with the Christ child but with thoughts about gifts and giving.
Your words about blended churches may be helpful for a white audience.
What follows are 2,000 words about other words that we can't print in a Christian magazine.
I pray that we who have much of the world's goods and power will hear Mary's words about the proud and rich as warnings and salutary threats to ourselves.
You may not be a member of the 1 percent, but what percentile do you have to fall into before the Bible's words about financial responsibility apply to you?
The Jewish scholar Joseph Klausner, for example, holds that the Pharisees and Sadducees were justified in their attacks on Jesus because he imperiled Jewish culture at its foundations, and that by ignoring everything that belongs to wholesome social life he undercut the work of centuries.2 Others within the Christian tradition have felt considerable uneasiness lest the words of Jesus about nonresistance imperil the civil power of the State, or his words about having no anxiety for food or drink or other material possessions curtail an economic motivation essential to society.
When Jesus ended his sermon with these words about faith, he was probably standing on a mount not unlike these Phoenix mountains.
«Vain» would fit except that it is a play - on - words about the heart, in which case Nancy's spelling would be more apropos.
I was grateful that she was willing to give everyone a voice and that she wasn't going to mince words about what had happened.
Theology is, technically, words about God.
They focus on the words about anointing, the sense of being grasped by the Spirit.
Shroyer's immediately combative response just shows me how little of actual value there is in her words about understanding, communication, and reconciliation outside this forum.
So indeed, if Calvin's words about depravity are the truth, then no man can ever be certain that he has read and understood the Scriptures, including Calvin.
Most Honest (nominated by Kristin Lee Williams) Esther Emery with «Some Words About Jealousy and Christian Feminism»
I have written thousands of words about Mark on my blog, and not one of them has been in admiration.
«For he is our peace, who has made us both one, and has broken down the dividing wall of hostility» Whenever Christians seriously grapple with the question of who should be included as full and equal partners in the commonwealth of the God and Father of Jesus Christ, Paul's words about Christ having «broken down...
Only by living lives of self - giving love can our words about the glorious triumph of God's love have any credibility.
If you can't like the man, at least say a few nice words about his future decomposition.
If you can't like the man, at least say a few nice words about his subatomic particles.
Its curious words about moral dilemmas have been converted into the Maltese bishops» statement that avoiding extramarital sex may be «impossible.»
Thank you so much for your encouraging words about being a Godly wife and mother.
Nonetheless, apart from the way of life that imitates the life of God, our words about him are more like gossip than truth.
«Jesus never spoke the words about the betrayal of Jesus e.g. Mark 14: 17 - 21.
Jesus knew all that would happen - he tells the apostles things to come - Since Jesus in John 17 has not been arrested yet & Judas has not hung himself - the apostles regard Jesus» words about Judas to mean that Judas is to be doomed because of the betrayal — then they forget later on that Peter denied Christ — yet Peter WAS FORGIVEN!
I've been able to accommodate faith and science, at least to a degree by Paul's words about our flawed human understanding and seeing through a glass darkly..
Why do you not allow for the fact that their words about a god are as useless and empty as human words about a god?
Some added words about original sin and baptism from the white - board notes of a Catholic university theology professor:
Passing off Jewish writers» words about love and peace as his own but then ordering his stupid believers to kill anyone that doesn't agree with him.
all your many words about seeing bacteria change and so on is meaningless.
But before doing that I would like to say a few words about monetary policy, in particular how it is formulated.
Mining Analyst, Byron King doesn't mince any words about it.
Officials from Iran, Nigeria and even Russia also offered positive words about the prospects of an accord.
This is a statement which Warren Buffett has regarded as the most important words about investing ever written.
While Buffett delivered harsh words about BNSF that year, in his 2015 letter he credited Rose by name with the railroad's turnaround.
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