Sentences with phrase «words from»

In the strictest sense, I'm not using god's words from the Bible against him.
And you start rattling off words from Peter — precisely making my point.
These are words from the throne.
It is our hospitality to those who need it most that reflects this aspect of Jesus» words from the cross.
I don't have too many answers, but I do think all of us who teach Scripture need to think far beyond just the spoken words from our mouths (and the typed words on the website).
If you don't believe it read his Holy Words from the Bible.
Brigham Young University's version of that are the words from Mormon Scripture: «The Glory of God Is Intelligence.»
A chance encounter with a book that excerpted Christ's words from the gospels began a journey that led to his becoming Catholic and eventually a priest.
Oh, it's good to hear encouraging words from one another, and to be praised by others in the church.
How do you interpret these words from Priscilla and Aquilla?
St. John the Divine gives us the words from the heavenly worship service as he heard them in his vision.
These words from Vatican I are fully supported by many passages of Scripture, from the Book of Wisdom to the Letter to the Romans.
But we can agree that the truth is well - expressed in words from a familiar and much loved hymn:
As a small project, why not photocopy those words from the Catechism, and send the copy to your Member of Parliament with a brief note, saying that this is the message that you will be teaching the children in your Confirmation group / parish youth group / RE class and you would like an assurance that it is not against the law to do so?
We echo other words from the heavenly service as well.
Such heartfelt faith is echoed in words from Acts.
Gilbert Meilander's Meditations on Christ's Words from the Cross relates the death of his grandfather and his father as they lay ««laboring» just to draw a breath near the end of life»:
Your words from October 14th, 2009 at 7:42 pm: «Now, I know fision was using the statement in a different context, and that context is all important...].
His question at Caesarea Philippi is not Jesus» final question to his disciples: they will have their last supper together, the moments at Gethsemane, the last words from the cross.
Here some other key words from the book's title and subtitle must be underscored: the relationship between politics and religion must be thought about with reference to the common good; our conversations must be about how religion figures into our shared life.
Their rejection will be sealed with words from a psalm: «Depart from me, all you workers of evil» (Ps 6:8).
I took these words from a response to a fine post by Carl Scott, and decided to make them into a not so fine post of mine here — A long time ago Peter Lawler mentioned doing the most unconservative thing, i.e., writing some kind of postmodern conservative manifesto.
Moreover, Paul seems to be quite capable of taking certain words from the culture of the time, and packing new meaning into the word (such as agape, mysteries, and theopnuestos, to name a few).
Because there are things that happen and perfect words from unknowing people that can not be explained by anything other than an Angel.
These are not empty words from the President either.
The words from Job echo in my ears, «Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him?»
In a blend of words from his public speeches, imagined conversation, and fictional situations, the book highlights Obama's real stance on social justice and, in particular, economic and political empowerment.
There is a mutual relationship and agreement between Jacob's strongly - worded rebuke of the treacherous action of the two men (34:25 - 31) and the pertinent words from the Blessing of Jacob, which clearly reflects a postsettlement, and tribal, point of view:
In concluding his statement, the president combined words from the first and last lines of a moving poem, «High Flight,» written by a poet - pilot, John Gillespie Magee, Jr. «We will never forget them,» the president said, «nor the last time we saw them this morning as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye, «and slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God.»»
Sorry if I used words from the «Bronze Age Storybook there.
Those who have had basic courses in the biblical languages and are willing to devote 20 minutes a day to such language study should gain enough language ability to base their sermon text study on the original text, and they should have enough linguistic skill to use the best of the great philological commentaries, which often cite words from the original languages.
you know words from translated, edited iron age hearsay and attribute it to god.
The meaning of words from the source language to the receptor language makes another problem in translation.
It does not show that «sin» is a valid concept, it is just words from men to men.
What are we to do with, for instance, these words from Ezekiel?
When you take the words from 3.400 years ago that..»
And some final words from Thomas Jefferson, not a contemporary NT scholar, but indeed a very learned man:
But, one really only has to do a simple search to see and hear Romney's own words from his own mouth.
I whispered these words from Teresa of Avila to myself on the plane during turbulence, in the green room before The View, for the doctors and nurses at NYU Hospital, after getting called a heretic and whore on the Internet, every time I thought about the person at the bottom of that escalator.
Or to directly link the two words from your question that everyone's eyes immediately darted to («election» and «hell»), election is about saving people from hell.
First, then, and very briefly, some words from Lloyd - Morgan.
small words from someone who can't conjure up a better argument due to their own lack of knowledge on the bible's subject material.
Thus began a period of voluntary poverty during which she received strange words from God, words from the Gospel that spelled a way of life.
Sungrazer I use HTML code that hides offensive words from the robot moderator.
This phenomenon explains why I was so fascinated by these words from Peter Rollins, (which were brought to my attention by my friend Adele on her Existential Punk blog):
The words from Psalm 118 «Suscipe me, Domine» (receive me, Lord) are sung by those making profession as a monk or nun, and the teaching offered here on the nature of vows speaks to anyone who sees their human journey in terms of vocation.
Those words from Hamlet seem appropriate on the death of US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.
In the light of some negative attitudes towards those texts from some Catholics it may be opportune to highlight these words from the Pope's recent letter Porta Fidei, (n. 5):
Let's end with more words from this great master and teacher: O you who were created for union with God himself and whom he is ever attracting to himself, what are you doing with your precious lives, with your time?
Form your own words from your own brain.
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