Sentences with phrase «words learned by»

Research has shown by the time a child from a low - income household enters first grade, that child has gained only a 5,000 word vocabulary, compared with 20,000 words learned by a middle - class child.

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In other words, CRM is a process and a strategy; done correctly, it helps companies earn customers» long - term loyalty by learning as much as possible about them.
According Boyer, Microsoft Word is the most important office software program to learn, followed by Excel.
«You are the most diverse class in Northeastern's history — in other words, you are Donald Trump's worst nightmare... I think that everything that we've lived and learned tells us that we will never come out on top if we accept advice from soundbite salesmen and carnival barkers who pretend the most powerful country on Earth can remain great by looking inward and hiding behind walls at a time that technology has made that impossible to do and unwise to even attempt.
Meta — which, in the words of cofounder Sam Molyneux, uses «artificial intelligence to analyze new scientific knowledge as it's published» — partners with academic journals to access many thousands of scientific papers and draw insight from them (beyond the keywords, that is) with the help of a machine learning tool developed by SRI International, which created Apple's spectral personal assistant, Siri.
I know many business owners and entrepreneurs prefer to learn by the written word vs. the spoken word.
«At one point I recognized that Warren Buffett, though he had every advantage in learning from Ben Graham, did not copy Ben Graham, but rather set out on his own path, and ran money his way, by his own rules...» I have just quickly glanced at Bronte Capital's blog post, but I am sure Todd Combs and Ted Weschler were not hired because they lived and died by Buffet's word but rather because they manifested the teachings of value investing in their own styles.
Thank you for helping make our decentralized future open to all, learn more about our efforts at / crypto, and please help us get the word out by sharing.
Words and phrases characterizing care — the need to be helpful, hospitable, concerned, and loving — were voiced significantly more often by rescuers than non-rescuers as they recalled the values they learned from the persons they valued most.
In this engagement with Scripture, Evangelicals and Catholics are learning from one another: Catholics from the Evangelical emphasis on group Bible study and commitment to the majestic and final authority of the written word of God; and Evangelicals from the Catholic emphasis on Scripture in the liturgical and devotional life, informed by the lived experience of Christ's Church through the ages.
So my guess is that I must learn, in time, to appreciate where I am, to enjoy the beauty of this place, to be embraced by the Mystery with no words or images.
God is like that and by very inadequate imitation we might learn what the words we study really mean.
By expressing our needs (via tears and protest early on and through words after age two) and then having our needs met by those who love us, we learn that needs are good, that expressing those needs results in relational connectedness, and that others can be trusted to provide for uBy expressing our needs (via tears and protest early on and through words after age two) and then having our needs met by those who love us, we learn that needs are good, that expressing those needs results in relational connectedness, and that others can be trusted to provide for uby those who love us, we learn that needs are good, that expressing those needs results in relational connectedness, and that others can be trusted to provide for us.
This Bible helps children understand God's Word by utilizing the nine common ways that children learn: Logical reasoning; Visualizing; Discussing and debating; Learning with others and using interpersonal skills; Reflection or intrapersonal skills; Emotional engagement; Experimenting and doing; Kinesthetics; and Nature.
Christ, as the presence of the Word within us, opens us to the other by offering us ways of integrating what we learn from the other with the wisdom we have received from our own past.
You don't have to be a parent or have a large family to appreciate the various noises that emanate from a full home: The laughter erupting from the most recent funny word uttered by a precious little one who is still learning to talk.
We learn in the Word that He desires and is moved by intimacy rather than our sacrifice.
They will need to learn that the body of Christ is of great faith - building benefit from the cradle to the grave, the Word of God is not just a book full of good ideas to live by, Jesus isn't just a good friend to have in a pinch — He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life — the only way to the Father and eternal life.
One learns to demonstrate one's understanding by means of paraphrase, to recognize key words, and to reflect back content in a concise manner.
Although Bible reading by itself is beneficial, there are a few guidelines I have learned over the years which will make your time in the Word more profitable.
Have to learn Arabic to judge the Quran not by the translations that each makes a different narration to words...
Infants learn their native language by hearing words spoken over and over again.
He was, therefore, commanded «to learn by heart the genealogies of the emperors, and likewise the words of former ages.»
You can find him on Sunday at St. Jude the Apostle Church in Westlake Village, California, being fed by word and sacrament before he brings a lifetime of learning and that melodious voice into the homes, cars, and ear - buds of millions later in the afternoon, from his post behind the microphone at Chavez Ravine.
The meaning of this last word is much disputed, and amongst those suggested are that Mark was literally an interpreter who translated Peter's Aramaic into Greek, that Mark was Peter's «dragoman» (cf. Acts 13:5), and that Mark «interpreted» Peter's teaching by handing it on and explaining it (Papias speaks of himself as handing on what he had learnt from the elders «with my interpretations»).
I also learn by reading the bible; one of the things I learned is that the bible is not the Word.
The project has two subjects, Koko and Michael, who have learned to use American Sign Language (Ameslan), to understand spoken English, and to read printed words.10 Koko's instruction, begun in 1973, is the longest ongoing language study of an ape, and the only one with continuous instruction by the same teacher.
The reason children require a number of years to develop mastery of certain basic concepts, according to some child psychologists, is not that they are slow in learning the words — they actually know the words quite early — but that they have to start experiencing the world in a new, more simplified way that corresponds with the classifications suggested by these words.4 For example, young children may know the words spoon, teaspoon, silver, knife, and metal but find it difficult for several years to apply them appropriately to objects in their environment, the reason being partly that these words form multiple and overlapping classifications.
Blessed Lord, who hast caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant that we may in such wise hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience and comfort of thy holy Word we may embrace, and ever hold fast, the blessed hope of everlasting life, which thou hast...
Jesus refuses the word «good,» not to say that he is sinful, but that his goodness is not that of God and has to be learned step by step, just as our own does.
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I am coming to learn that Jesus is the Word of God as you have said, and am attempting to let Him help me read not only Scripture, but read by own life as well.
I try to coin words that don't exist and craft sentences to explain how it feels when I look at the curve of my daughter's cheek while she nurses at my breast or how I learned to pray by doing laundry or how dignity is overrated and how the Holy Spirit feels like a bracing cold wind to me and how you only really learn that when you have nothing left or how I believe in a God who climbs down into the obscurity and calls us beloved but I keep coming up with nothing much.
He says that if the Bible teaches us anything about God, it is that we learn about God and develop a relationship with Him, not by simply accepting everything the Bible says, but by actually engaging with God in a spirited (both senses of the word are intended there) discussion about the Bible.
Unless a story is learned by heart and word by word, and most are not, it will contain some new incidental elements, new interpretations or emphases, each time it is personally recounted.
By your actions, words or lack of words your children are learning your belief.
Rama learns that the two young men are sons of Sita, and sends word by Valmiki asking her to purify herself by an oath before the whole assembled company.
It does seem that they learn how words function largely by relating them to experiences other than religious.
According to a release on the organization's website, the intention of the combative campaign is for passers - by to «see the board and go to the AiG website» where they «will certainly learn of the truth of God's Word and the gospel of Jesus Christ.»
He has a presentiment of the dreadful event, that a jealous criticism will many a time let him feel the birch; he trembles at the still more dreadful thought that one or another enterprising scribe, a gulper of paragraphs, who to rescue learning is always willing to do with other peoples» writings what Trop «to save appearances» magnanimously resolved to do, though it were «the destruction of the human race» — that is, he will slice the author into paragraphs, and will do it with the same inflexibility as the man who in the interest of the science of punctuation divided his discourse by counting the words, so that there were fifty words for a period and thirty - five for a semicolon.
I sometimes wonder at the grace brought to a reading by a lector who bothered to learn about the text and its meaning, and then tried to give voice not only to the words but their power.
What I learned later was that they were also trailblazers, women who were clearly gifted and called by God into ministry, but who had to fight (gently and patiently, as it turned out) for the chance to serve the church — as women — as Ministers of Word and Sacrament.
If Rachael Jean would learn to rightly divide the word of truth putting scripture in its proper context Rachael Jean would know that when a person is saved they are baptized into the body of Christ and indwelt and sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption which is when we get our new spiritual bodies.
I have learned so much from you, been so profoundly challenged and encouraged by you, and found myself so richly blessed by you, it's hard to find the right words with which to express my gratitude.
I got distracted by my cousin (she's purty) and I felt like you were gonna use a bunch of them quarter words I never learned.
The line between fact and fiction is softened: you can learn a lot from «fiction,» and «facts» are, as the word implies, «made» by those who use them.
Cassian does not mean that one learns how to pray by studying the Scriptures; for him rather the words of the Bible are the primary vehicle that one uses to pray.
Now that we have learnt to regard them as the word of the Church, there is no excuse for failing to recognize the importance attached by the Church to the kerygma of the earthly Jesus.
God had mercy upon his creation and bestowed upon them a new salvation through His Word, that is, Christ, so that men might learn by experience that they can not» attain to incorruption of themselves, but by God's grace only.»
Regardless of whether or not the tree was a carved idol, or a tree decorated, the Word of the L - rd spoken by Jeremiah states, «Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them» (Jer 10:2 KJV).
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