Sentences with phrase «words on magazine covers»

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Parade magazine put her on its cover with the headline «The Pledge Will Never Be Just Words for Me.»
In other words, take the pressure off yourself and read National Geographic instead of the celebrity magazines with skinny airbrushed mothers on the cover.
Food manufacturers use the word «chocolate» the same way that magazines plaster the word «SEX» in bold all - caps 92 - point font on their covers — because it helps them sell their product.
With sincere apologizes to Messieurs Lamborghini, Porsche, Bugatti, and Pagani, a car magazine without a Ferrari gracing its pages could not possibly have the word «Fantasies» emblazoned on its cover.
See more pictures on our website at We are located 40 miles East of Dallas Shipping is available 903 268 7619 Key words: custom, bagged, air ride, show truck, magazine cover, award winner
A new feature called Vocabulary Builder (which has a dull cover and was sort of hidden in my Cloud collection) collects all the words you've looked up across all the books, magazines and textbooks you've been reading on the device.
Another reason is newspapers, magazines and radio just won't cover a book that is not being published in the Analog Old School sense of the word, that is, on paper.
We've come a long way from that off - model clay Mario on the cover of the debut issue, but the spirit of the magazine will go on thanks to all of those who fondly remember it and do their part to spread the word of video game news.
Campuzano's experience of working in a newsstand as a teenager enveloped by the glut of images and words featured on magazine covers and tabloids had a profound influence on him and continues to impact his art in the present.
[ANDY REVKIN responds: I daresay I've brought Dr. Hansen's research and conclusions as much or more publicity over the course of his career than any other science writer, starting with a 6,000 - word cover story on global warming in Discover Magazine in 1988 that opened with his Senate testimony and continuing through the period when political appointees at NASA tried to stop him from speaking out.
Okay, okay, it's not that you can never use these words, but according to the recruiter experts at Experteer Magazine, HR departments are tired of seeing these same buzzwords repeated on every resume, cover letter, and job application that crosses their desks!
I did care when my dad ripped up my precious RAM magazine with Neil on the cover because it had swear words in it.
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