Sentences with phrase «words someone are saying»

There are tons of articles on how to write an effective resume or cover letter, while so few words are said about emailing hiring managers about a particular job opening.
In other words he was saying to pay your tax and follows the laws and obligations of the government.
I admit it could be just words being said how - ever what if it is not?
The panels were filled with things to think about, long after the last words were said.
I didn't really get it till I started evaluating some of the simple - yet - destructive words I was saying.
We could have done with the nice words been said about our future stars.
Babies actually start to absorb words you are saying form birth so repetition will help them understand and later speak the words.
Final Words Is it said that swipe can change your life and we totally agree with this statement.
I have served it to 150 people and not a bad word was said.
These devices ostensibly only act upon hearing their wake word, but it also brings up the point that these devices must be constantly listening in order to hear a wake word being said.
In other words they were saying, there is no life after death.
These wise words were said by Hillary Clinton, on the Graham Norton show, and regardless of your...
A charge of Penal Code section 422 is most often charged after a domestic dispute, an argument with a neighbor, a business quarrel or any other similar situation where words are said in anger.
Only the very devoted atheists might garner the freezingbitter cold of Nothingness for Christ was never of them even though words were said to them being those ungodly and godless souls of deniabilities aggressions!
The techniques of historical scholarship can not establish that God lived in man, but only that certain things were done and certain words were said.
Well, everyone ate all of it... but not a SINGLE word was said.
Funny, the list of atrocities was different, but those very words were said 200 years ago.
Hear the mocking words you are saying to yourself, and imagine they are sliding off that bubble, unable to penetrate and reach you.
The difference with my game is that instead of taking a shot each time a buzz word is said I perform a specific exercise; burning instead of gaining.
The end - of - year rituals are coming ~ from school picnics to graduations ~ and like every year ~ many feelings arise and many words are said to send off...
These profound words were said to Dumbo by Timothy Q. Mouse when he was encouraging him to fly.
Of course, that just piqued my interest so within a week I'd managed to buy and read a (really awful) JS book, and then told them all about it... and not a negative word was said in response.
Now when you are blogging from your iPad, you won't have to wonder just what those blurry words are saying.
When you were baptized, what words were said?
And, in other words you're saying youre ashamed of being an atheist amd you do nt want your kid showing his beliefs if he feels the same way.
Only the very devoted atheists will garner the cold of Nothingness for Christ was never of them even though words were said to them!
«Drinking game» jokes, like «Knock knock» jokes, require a certain adherence to formula: You're supposed to take a drink every time a certain word is said.
He looks like he doesn't believe a word you're saying.
Letting an employee know he or she is awesome is a simple gesture, but in two words you are saying you are thankful for that person, you appreciate their work, and you want them to stick around.
A clear sign that someone is lying to you is when their words are saying one thing and their body language is saying something entirely different.
never has a word been said about it since.
what's the g00ks problem in the video??? we have to listen to them speak and even when they try to speak english we can't understand a word they are saying!
It's just a word, but religion seems to want it to themselves, so as soon as the word is said, yo automatically assume that person is religious.
Christmas for many is just another word, the root word Christ does not factor in, so it does not matter to them whether or not the word is said, what matters is the extravagant fun.
Actually, I think the most accurate would be to state that the anonymous author who wrote the gospel of John attributed those words to Jesus that he or she received second hand (or more) and didn't bother to put into writing until at least many decades after the words were said.
The word itself is saying that the hardship is over and God is saying he's proud of her («I had made it through my tribulation and received the crown of life»)- that said I would be wary and weigh this up because it refers to specific «tribulations».
While I do believe all of this is true, when these words are said in the context of pity, they make me feel like I've failed some sort of quality of life test that demands I have a significant other.
As but a solitary Being living upon the Celestial Plain of Terrestrialnesses» Omnivorants, I must follow the Lord's, Christ Jesus» words He is said to have spoken and put into the Scriptures of the «New» Testament, making the «Old» Testament null and void and unfollowable in these Post Modern Times.
The lady in the email said that she learns through «the Word,» and that you need a good teacher (pastor) to show you what the Word is saying.
By listening to them with patience, even when I don't understand a word they are saying.
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