Sentences with phrase «words spoken by»

What are you going to do with THAT??!!??!!??! Those were the words spoken by both my husband and my daughter when I came home with this......... Actually, their first words were «WHAT IS THAT?!»
The words spoken by the Prime Minister acknowledged the past, recognised that there was: «still much to do to redress the injustice and oppression that has for so long been the lot of Black Australians...».
In each court - ordered hearing or meeting, words spoken by each individual are preserved as a transcript and the court reporter, stenographer, or stenotype reporter is responsible for ensuring accurate, complete, and precise capture of all the words spoken as legal record.
According to USA Today, those exact words will be emblazoned on the statue's pedestal, immortalizing words spoken by actor Chris Evans, rather than a quote by the comic book version of Captain America.
Thus, you can find a list of bills voted on in this session; and the chart setting out the MPs voting record can be sorted by province, type of vote, and even by the number of words spoken by a particular MP in a given debate.
So to give prizes where they're due, the award for silliest words spoken by a lawyer in Canada in 2014 (the booby prize, you could say), goes to Canada's foremost self described freedom fighter, Ezra Levant, who performs on his Sun News show called The Source.
«I accept the uncontradicted evidence of Mr. Brown that the interpreter, at times, omitted words spoken by Mr. Bryan in his testimony; that the interpreter, at times, added words that were not spoken by Mr. Bryan; and that the interpreter, at times, wrongly interpreted words spoken by Mr. Bryan,» wrote Conlan in his April 24 reasons for decision on the mistrial.
Text readers can convert text into words spoken by a very human sounding voice.
They're the final words spoken by the narrator of Oliver Laric's video Versions (2012), which was displayed in the entrance; Laric himself lifted the phrase from a 2001 poem, «Citizen», by Canadian poet Fred Wah.
How then does the sense of words spoken by individuals in the earlier film change when actors recite them today?
A story of abstracted sunbeams, prismatic movement of light, and a deep sea of sentimentality, featuring words spoken by Anna Karina from Paul Élaurd's «Capitale de la douleur.»
He says that he recently often recalls the words spoken by Saicho which he encountered during this period: «Brighten the world at your corner», meaning «Devote yourself to doing your best in every position you hold».
Highlighted (and sometimes poignantly scrubbed out or censored) words spoken by those in the media, in music, and in advertising are written, stencilled, or illustrated across Semple's canvases.
The series is subtitled «Lema sabachthani» - «why have you forsaken me» - the last words spoken by Jesus on the cross, according to the New Testament.
Atsunobu Katagiri «SACRIFICE: Words Spoken by Flowers within 30 km of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant» April 1...
These are the words spoken by Aaron Greenberg: «We felt like we showed a lot of great AAA games,» Greenberg said.
Most of these puzzles could be as simple as entering an environment where several prominent family members and friends are gathered and going up to each person individually to listen to their dialogue before connecting it with similar words spoken by another person in the same vicinity.
Those are the words spoken by one of cinema's most respected and most successful horror movie directors, John Carpenter, in an interview with Game Informer [reported by Videogamer].
Well trained and sensitive animals will know by the words spoken by their pet parent, or by the donning of the therapy vest, that it's time to go to work.
Indeed, TV news and the Internet aside, those famous words spoken by humorist Will Rogers ring truer today than ever.
As I listened to the strange sounds of the shakuhachi music and ate my unidentifiable food, I thought of the words spoken by Dorothy in The Wizard of OZ: «We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto.»
«Specifically, after we equate for socioeconomic status, we find that the sheer number of words spoken by an adult was not related to children's neural processing of language, but that the number of conversational turns was,» says Romeo.
Many years after saying something to one of his students, the educator's grown son heard the same words spoken by the keynote speaker of a major convention.
The first words spoken by a completely serious announcer are, «Her smile has been compared to the Mona Lisa.
It's obvious how much Tarantino enjoys hearing his words spoken by Waltz.
Those are the words spoken by Dr. Beaumont Rosewood — played by Morris Chestnut as he steps into his first leading television role on Fox's upcoming procedural cop drama, Rosewood.
Those are the words spoken by Dr. Beaumont Rosewood — played by Morris Chestnut as he steps... Read More
These indelible and infinitely quotable words spoken by our favorite TV characters and personalities are forever etched in our brains.
Actual words spoken by my boyfriend while I was making these pancakes today.
Never toss out ideas, and bits of beautiful, raw life (like words spoken by strangers, a character you meet on the bus, or the shape of a cloud in the sky).
EVERYONE knows the words spoken by Neil Armstrong when he became the first person to step onto the moon: «That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.»
In 30 trials, the scientists presented Wikie with recordings of unfamiliar sounds and words spoken by trainers, which the whale was then instructed to copy as in - air vocalizations (rather than underwater).
Each template is an average of words spoken by many different people.
The researchers combed this raw data for two things: speech that the child could have heard and words spoken by the child (including his first word at 9 months: Mama).
While the TV was on, the quantity of words and phrases as well as the number of new words spoken by the parents was lower than when the TV was off.
For mom: The lesson we can learn from God's relationship with Moses is summed up in these words spoken by God to Moses at the burning bush: «I will be with you.»
This looks like a book but it's actually a clever sound panel that allows children to hear 128 Spanish words spoken by a native speaker.
Perhaps you remember the memorable words spoken by then - President Bill Clinton: «I did not have sexual relations with that woman.»
At the hospital, my husband and I gazed at what looked like a well - wrapped loaf of bread, and uttered the words spoken by so many new parents: «Now what?»
Actual words spoken by my boyfriend while I was making these pancakes today.
Note that not all messages are simply words on paper or words spoken by the mouth.
In the prologue to the gospel it is mentioned that the sayings are the secret words spoken by the living Jesus and which Judas Didymus Thomas wrote down.
You can tell me I am wrong all you want but those are not words spoken by the Hitler Youth.
I beleieve there is truth in the many words spoken by every religion.
Actually, if you study the words spoken by Jesus and His responses (with objectivity of course which seems to be impossible for you), He is quite brilliant and remarkably lving and logical over the selfish dumb humans.
They are engraved, a brochure notes, with «the most profound words spoken by Christ,» like verbal stations of the cross.
No, but he was fulfilling the very words spoken by Christ (Matthew 18:7, Luke 17:1)
Take your current four Gospel and read the Crucifixion stories, which version is correct, when only one (unnamed Apostle was present) and yet they all have different words spoken by the dying Jesus, different way's and times he died.
Do you wish to hear the words spoken by Jesus?
All this, not because he became acquainted with convictions of his brother which he then and there adopted; not because he made any new resolution in his soul, but merely because the words spoken by his brother were like the light push of a finger against a leaning wall already about to tumble by its own weight.
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