Sentences with phrase «words written down»

The Kingdom of God is not about mere words written down in a book that so many classify as just another piece of historical literature.
You're reading words written down by human beings who believed what they were writing was divinely inspired.
I want to get words written down so I can move the story along, and therefore, move that much closer to the conclusion, or to allow me the time to fit in some internet marketing and promotion.
When encountering people who fit the description, treasure hunters ask if they might be «God's treasure», perhaps showing the words written down, and offer to pray for them, for healing or any other need.
Maybe the words written down by you will make it deeper in someone's heart.
But to be a flagrant persecuter of the Truthful teaching if Christ Jesus and His Words written down in the Gospels is for all of us to reflect upon and find mediations to ponder about!
When you see those words written down?
I should like to put my colours in one place and actually see the colours rather than have the words written down.
The word I wrote down at first, instead of painter, was painster.
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