Sentences with phrase «work as a scholar»

In relation to my work as a scholar, the access I now have to sources is extraordinary.
He has tried to carry out his work both as a scholar and as a teacher, in two continents, with a view to practicing and teaching understanding.
Throughout it all, she has remained a thoughtful and steady presence, committed to doing challenging work as a scholar and curator, and to creating a program of exhibitions that reflects the diversity of Los Angeles» community and art audiences.

Not exact matches

Since then, the film argues, a variety of measures — from Jim Crow laws to President Richard Nixon's «war on drugs» and President Bill Clinton's «three - strikes - you're - out» legislation — have served to send increasingly large numbers of black men in prison, and several legal scholars and activists interviewed on camera suggest a profit motive at work, as well as racism.
The issue also provides details on visiting scholars at the IMF (mainly from September through December 2011), as well as recently published IMF Working Papers and Staff Discussion Notes.
Please list your credentials as an expert in the original languages to validate your disapproval of the work done by dozens of BIBLICAL SCHOLARS who created the English Bibles.
As a scholar, Polk had gained access to Faulkner's carbon typescripts for the major works; these were, effectively, keystroke logs of the author's original manuscripts, and Polk compared these with the published texts to return the prose to Faulkner's original intentions (these are the «corrected text editions» published by Vintage).
19th century, archaeological finds (e.g. earth and timber fortifications and towns, the use of a plaster - like cement, ancient roads, metal points and implements, copper breastplates, head - plates, textiles, pearls, native North American inscriptions, North American elephant remains etc.) is not interpreted by mainstream academia as proving the historicity or divinity of the Book of Mormon.This evidence is viewed by mainstream scholars as a work of fiction that parallels others within the 19th century «Mound - builder» genre that were pervasive at the time.
[101] The scholars of the Jesus Seminar identify the historical inferiority of John as foundational to their work.
Of course most NT scholars find good reason to think that Peter did not author Peter 2, where Peter allegedly deems Paul's works as divine scripture.
Although the book is best regarded more as a presentation of the Supreme Court's religious - freedom work than as a direct study of the questions underlying that work» the work of constitutional scholars, for example, is for the most part only referenced, not engaged» it is, nonetheless, recommended.
Martin also discusses and criticizes the work of important contemporary New Testament scholars — E. P. Sanders, John Meier, Elizabeth Schüssler Fiorenza and John Dominic Crossan — as well as some of the critical responses to their work.
«Truth Be Known was created in 1995 by independent scholar and author of comparative religion and mythology D.M. Murdock, also known as «Acharya S.» Acharya's work is designed to bring to light fascinating lost, hidden and destroyed religious, mythological and spiritual traditions that reveal an exciting core of knowledge dating back thousands of years.
It offers established scholars the opportunity to come to New York and work with First Things editors to develop their voices as influential public intellectuals.
It certainly is not because she is female (despite what crap she makes up about that), as all one has to do is look at Mary Ann Tolbert, Elaine Pagels and Paula Fredriksen to know that female scholars are well respected based on the work that they do, just as male scholars are.
His work as a teacher and writer of history and as an administrator in the Ministry of Education of the Government of Egypt has made him one of the most highly honored scholars of Egypt today.
In speaking of «recent scholars who have used the new scholarship,» Miola kindly mentions my name as a «Jesuit who detects Jesuit influence on the playwright in The Catholicism of Shakespeare's Plays (1997) and other works
Oden proceeds here at a very deliberate pace, as no doubt a scholar must, and this often obliges him to illustrate a point by quoting some amusing passage from Kierkegaard's work only then to offer an inevitably ponderous explanation of the joke.
As Don S. Browning notes below, several scholars are currently doing creative work in the area of practical theology.
This may come as a surprise, and indeed, very little is known about these earlier feminists beyond the work of a few scholars.
The History of the First Bulgarian Empire (1930), as Dinshaw is forced to admit, is «largely derivative» of the work of the Bulgarian scholar Vasil Zlatarski.
«13 Gerhard von Rad recalls with approval the suggestion of the Jewish biblical scholar Franz Rosenzweig: we ought no longer to think of the symbol R as standing for Redactor but rather, for Rab benu, which means, in Hebrew, our master»; since for the final form in which we receive the work, we are indebted to him and to his interpretation.14 His was the same historical perspective which gave rise to this prayer:
I much prefer to shun the works of any scholar scholastic I find the very concept of forgiveness rather elastic in short, as such an erudite and excellent dialogist I am the very model of a modern ultramontanist
«Because some scholars have treated miracle claims in the Gospels and Acts as purely legendary on the premise that such events do not happen, I intended to challenge their instinctive dismissal of the possibility of such claims by referring to a few works that catalogued modern eyewitness claims of miracles.»
Richard Burridge has set an agenda that will provide decades of work for biblical scholars, historians, and practical theologians, and for theologians who recognize their primary vocation as a service to the Church.
The Tyndale translation (an extraordinary piece of work in itself) along with some other vernacular translations were available as reference to the scholars as much to ensure they were correcting earlier errors as anything.
The majority of New Testament scholars now readily concede that Jesus was a thaumaturge, as his working of miracles is woven into the Jesus tradition.
Scholars in other fields, such as dogmatic theology, are starting to read Burridge and are finding his work illuminating.
It is also highly eclectic in character, but eclecticism was not entirely the work of the Muslim mind as some scholars maintain.
of his entire antiquities, there are two passages that mention Jesus, 1 merely says his brother was James, and people called him christ (which says nothing about works, resurrection, miracles, teachings), and the other is recognized as most likely a forgery, even by biblical scholars.
Introduction Scholars such as John B. Cobb and David R. Griffin have developed the Christological implications of Whiteheadian process - relational thought in a number of widely read works in recent years.1 «Evangelical» Christians, holding the Christian scriptures to be the uniquely inspired and authoritative charter documents of their faith, and finding in these scriptures a Christ...
As to whether the De Resurrectione Carnis comes from his «Catholic» works or not, scholars agree that Tertullian formally seceded from the Church — when he declared himself a Montanist — either in 211 or at the end of 212 at the latest.
Women are afraid that they will not be able to publish in competitive fields at the same rate as their childless colleagues; they are afraid that as new mothers they will no longer be taken seriously as scholars; and they are afraid to take advantage of existing family leave policies in the event that chairmen and colleagues bristle at having to take on additional courses and other work when a new mother takes maternity leave.
Assuming that he is, Patterson is highlighting how significant turmoil in scholarly work is starting to impact on the wider public as materials now being produced bridge the traditional gap between the scholar and the lay person.
Those who have followed his earlier work will realize that Barr has chosen fundamentalism as a dialogue partner more often than is usual among mainstream biblical scholars.
Scholars now widely agree that the statements in the Epistle of James about faith and works are not made in opposition to Paul but represent an attempt to defend Paul's teaching against a misunderstanding of faith as simply intellectual belief.
I thank Brent Slife for his support of my critique of the compartmentalization that prevails in the social sciences and humanities at BYU (as elsewhere, of course), and even more for his valuable work as a teacher and scholar in questioning this compartmentalization.
This point of view is well expressed by that great scholar of Jewish wisdom called Jesus, son of Sirach, who compiled his impressive work, commonly known as Ecclesiasticus, about 80 BC.
We have some hearsay «historians» of the day like Josephus, but, as it turns out, there is much contention among scholars about his works and how much they may have been tampered with.
Not most importantly that since the bible is the most heavily researched book in the history of the world by wide orders of magnitude, scholars have thoroughly examined textual criticism issues such as this, and the Christian can rest assured that: — the bible we have is over 99 % original text — none of the verses under issue affect the Christian message of salvation through faith in the atoning work of Jesus on the cross at all, not even the smallest amount.
The work of Amos Wilder, particularly his book Early Christian Rhetoric: The Language of the Gospel, which deals with major literary genres of the New Testament, as well as the work on parables as extended metaphors by such scholars as Robert Funk, Norman Perrin and Dan O. Via, Jr., has become important for many of us.
As I am painfully aware that there are scholars better versed in Thomas» works than I am, I would be interested to know from them how Thomas might address this apparent difficulty in his account of the virtues.
The heroes of modern - day evangelicalism, from scholars like N.T. Wright to pastors like Rob Bell, are passionately and unapologetically contextual textualists, working diligently with a host of ancient literary and archaeological sources to make sense of biblical texts as they would have been understood in their day.
They work as pastors, preachers and priests, teachers and scholars, evangelists and missionaries, writers and editors, administrators of denominational, educational, social service and reform agencies, as chaplains in prisons, hospitals and military establishments.
Let us continue to examine the nature of the synoptic tradition by considering the results of the work of the scholar who has probably done more than any other to make available to contemporary scholarship historical knowledge of the teaching of Jesus, Joachim Jeremias of Gottingen, whom we are proud to acknowledge as our teacher.
As a scholar of modern Christianity, I am not qualified to weigh in on the scholarly merits of her work.
«There's no question that we always want to make the work as efficient as it can possibly be,» said Melissa Rogers, a scholar who previously led Obama's Office of Faith - Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.
Scholars such as John B. Cobb and David R. Griffin have developed the Christological implications of Whiteheadian process - relational thought in a number of widely read works in recent years.1 «Evangelical» Christians, holding the Christian scriptures to be the uniquely inspired and authoritative charter documents of their faith, and finding in these scriptures a Christ whose divine humanity defies explanation in terms of any general metaphysical scheme, have had for the most part little interest in or even contact with these process - relational Christologies.2 That revelation presents to us this Christ is sufficient warrant for believing him; his being is, at any rate, incommensurate with ours.
As long ago as the 1780's scholars recognized that chapters 40 - 66 could not be the work of Isaiah of Jerusalem because they deal with, and reflect an intimate knowledge of, events in the sixth century B.As long ago as the 1780's scholars recognized that chapters 40 - 66 could not be the work of Isaiah of Jerusalem because they deal with, and reflect an intimate knowledge of, events in the sixth century the 1780's scholars recognized that chapters 40 - 66 could not be the work of Isaiah of Jerusalem because they deal with, and reflect an intimate knowledge of, events in the sixth century B.C.
It is increasingly clear that Deuteronomy and the Priestly writings contain at least some material much older than is indicated by the usual dating of the documents.9 Increasingly, too, it would appear that scholars are disposed to accept the substantial reliability of the persistent tradition which sees Moses as a lawgiver.10 That law was an early and significant aspect of Israelite culture is further attested not only by ancient Near Eastern parallels but even more strikingly in the life, the work and the character of the first three great names in Israel's national history: Moses, Samuel and Elijah.
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