Sentences with phrase «work balance»

Not everyone is cut out for rural practice and not everyone will find a fulfilling life - work balance in a metro area.
What I really like about this one besides the fact that it targets your butt like a laser guided missile is it really works your balance too!
I sprinkle the right amount of left and right brain activity into my week to create a comfortable work balance.
And everybody had a minimum working — you could keep your minimum working balance up to a given amount.
There are loads of blogger - parents out there who give their own hints and tips on how to get the home - work balance right.
As a busy association executive, sometimes I see my REALTOR ® family more than my own family, which certainly makes the life / work balancing act difficult.
As far as topics are concerned, perhaps we should initially stick to entry - level issues, such as work balance, realistic expectations, motivation and accountability.
Each enigmatic work balances between humor and horror, seduction and repulsion, abstraction and figuration.
Thais Mather's solo exhibition Reckless Abandon, the Smitten Forum wearable art exhibition, and Wookjae Maeng's new body of work BALANCE will be on view at form & concept.
Ranging from installations to psychedelic paintings to large - scale drawings, Ugo Rondinone's eclectic work balances on the razor's edge between euphoria and depression.
Scott Burton was an American sculptor whose work balanced stubbornly and elegantly between art and furniture while evolving into a new kind of public sculpture.
It comes when the microbiome is powerful enough to do its job by keeping everything in working balance like humans were designed to do — and did do for years before stress, toxins, foods that do more harm than good, and the oh - so - well - meaning antibiotics industry came along.
Scott Burton, an American sculptor whose work balanced stubbornly and elegantly between art and furniture while evolving into a new kind of public sculpture, died of AIDS on Friday at Cabrini Medical Center in New York City.
Schor's visual work balances political and theoretical concerns with formalist and material passions.
«Traylor's works balance narration and abstraction and reflect both personal vision and black culture of his time.
Career Management Career corporate decision freelance Freelancer life work balance MORE
An avid runner and political enthusiast, Victoria is a firm believer in maintaining a positive life / work balance which strongly features her adorable dog.
«The job of management,» proclaimed Frank Abrams, chairman of Standard Oil of New Jersey, in 1951, «is to maintain an equitable and working balance among of the claims of the various directly interested groups... stockholders, employees, customers, and the public at large.»
Her yoga classes and her coaching work balances vigor with ease, inviting you to uncover your strengths, build awareness, restore your spirit, and enliven the wisdom of your senses.
Athletes thrive on these types of exercises quite simply because they improve your overall athleticism by working your balance, power, and speed.
Guided Crystal Chakra Balancing Energy work balances the 7 major chakras, clears energy blockages, and opens up the mental and physical body to healing.
The looting system in Dying Light could use a little work the balance of items you receive seems fine, but just about everything is in a yellow tool box or a rusted looking crate, which is ok but there are so many other locations in the environment to spawn loot it seems silly that every other balcony has the same crate and tool box.
Ranging from public installations to life - size drawings, Rondinone's work balances euphoria and detachment, according to the museum.
Byron Kim is a critically acclaimed artist whose work balances formal ingenuity with conceptual sophistication; beginning with his breakthrough work Synecdoche (1991 - ongoing), Kim's work has become synonymous with complex series of paintings that deconstruct the ways we organize and define contemporary identity.
Tim Eitel's work balances figurative painting with a conceptual approach often discretely recording inconspicuous actions, situations, or objects from everyday life.
(See my book The Off Switch: Discovering Your Work - Work Balance for references to the specific research — and a lot more detail on this issue.)
If you find the quality of working life and home life are both suffering you need some solid life & work balance tips to help you setting better career / life goal in order find balance in life.
Referencing middle class purposefulness Wondergem's work balances between traditional craft and abstract assemblage.
Schor's work balances political and theoretical concerns with formalist and material passions.
«[Bill] Traylor's works balance narration and abstraction and reflect both personal vision and black culture of his time.
Career Management Career corporate decision freelance Freelancer life work balance
Vincent Desiderio, whose work is on view at Marlborough Gallery through February 8th, is a painter and critic whose works balance a cerebral, theoretical sensibility with powerful emotional cues.
And individuals are creating more innovative approaches to managing family - work balance, such as a reduction in working schedules, family support and a push for more shared responsibilities within the home.
A must read for anyone who wants to understand entrepreneurship, the «how - to» of family - work balance and going against the grain to achieve true, real success.
That encompassed paying for fulltime child care, always having a «Plan B» and a «Plan C» and viewing life - work balance «over a lifetime,» rather than always in the present.
In the same way as any business would, every household should keep a working balance sheet.
I love it... I love the interaction, the chatter, being so involved in something I am so passionate about, it's my livelihood... but when it comes down to family / life / work balance, I have got to practice discipline in how much social media is in my world.
After my second child and frustrations with my spouse of not helping me, I went to a chaplain for help, work balance, stress management.
Both will change my practice significantly, in that I'll be a better midwife overall, but broadening my functional program will allow for a more appropriate life / work balance than an all maternity practice has provided.
As wonderful as the Meadow Yarn «barn» is our hearts are really set on engineering that perfect live / work balance that is so elusive!
I'm a failure for many reasons, but mainly because my life - work balance isn't a balance at all.
And I guess it's also possible that you could end up going too far and constipating her for a day or two until you work the balance back out.
By outlining the benefits of breastfeeding and what it means for your family, you can share with your employer how it can improve your work balance, too.
Higgins says to strike the right life / work balance, recognize that you can't do it all.
When I became pregnant with my daughter, Trudy, I knew I wanted to spend more time at home as having a full time job with my son, I just felt I didn't have the right home - work balance and struggled with guilt that I was missing out on so much with him.
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