Sentences with phrase «work because»

Moral relativity doesn't work because if it did then I could, say, club a baby seal and as long as I can justify by my moral position then you could not say anything was wrong.
Many residents there are still out of work because of the BP oil spill in 2010.
You Said ---- Moral relativity doesn't work because if it did then I could, say, club a baby seal and as long as I can justify by my moral position then you could not say anything was wrong.
The rhythm method doesn't work because the entire biology of a billion years of evolution is against it..
And while this is thankfully changing, the fact remains that women are the most likely to be forced out of work because of pregnancy, and to carry the heaviest load (literally!)
«I think we connect with your work because you write so much about Jesus,» a man who came all the way from Australia said.
Mary only called on Jesus to work it because she knew he could and would: «Do whatever he tells you» (Jn 2:5).
That's why I like David's work because it provides a forum to discuss what some of us do not have the freedom or opportunity to discuss anywhere else.
He gets rewarded for his work because that is the way the system works.
A lot of things are logical, but they don't work because we are dealing with subjective beings.
And patriarchy doesn't work because God created both men and women to reflect God's character and God's sovereignty over creation, as equal partners with equal value.
I changed the way I was doing things in my work because I got a lot better results doing it intuitively.
I have quoted extensively from Vanstone's work because I think it is not widely known and is worthy of considerable attention.
If anyone comes at you with those arguments, I don't see how they can really work because this is the attitude of Christ.
«Again, if the Fall were the cause of the predestination of Christ, it would follow that God's greatest work was only occasional, for the glory of all will not be so intense as that of Christ, and it seems unreasonable to think that God would have foregone such a work because of Adam's good deed, if he had not sinned.»
I feel it did not work because we a people allowed a new religion to be created called Christianity.
Some people work because of the force of social approval, letting both the nature and the amount of their work be determined by prevailing social patterns.
People economically secure still work because they enjoy it, or prefer activity to an empty leisure, or because they feel a responsibility for accomplishing something, or because they wish to please and serve someone who is loved.
The master can not pay a slave for lost work because the slave is his property.
If you had to live silent about you lack of belief in white apples at work because you know your job would be in jeopardy, then yes, that would also upset you.
Your leader must feel called to this work because he / she will likely have to make changes to their leadership team or share leadership with someone who has different cultural norms.
But such an application does not work because the use of a condom intrinsically impedes the nature of the act.
He said that he did not think that Obama's plan would work because it costs too much and that paying for it through higher taxes on Americans making $ 280,000 + per year is just part of Obama's plan for massive wealth distribution.
I am not a good Christian if I refuse to do my work because I have to pray for 15 minutes out of every hour «in order to show my coworkers how good of a Christian I am.»
These are the same people who are too dumb to realize the «unique DNA» argument doesn't work b / c we have twins, the «beating heart» argument doesn't work because we have lower life with beating hearts and the «potential human» argument doesn't work or we'd be saving every sperm and ovum just in case.
I am not a good Christian if I show up late for work because «my morning devotions went too long.»
In particular, the artist is often said to be compelled to work because he recognizes and finds irresistible an envisaged result, however vague and puzzling that result might seem when he begins to create.
You won't look for examples of self - sacrifice or hard work because that would be contrary to the truth you already «know.»
That commitment comes at a high cost: after falling behind on university work because of his game time, he had to drop out of his course at Oxford.
We are saved by faith not by works but we work because we are saved Eph.
I disregard his work because of my knowledge on the subject and the fact that he is a proven liar, supported only by other ID proponents.
If we first rely on charity to heal the sick... then find out it doesn't work because there are too many sick people, without insurance.
Making religious holidays into school or federal holidays in never going to work because some religions and some people will always be excluded.
The modern industrial worker has to perform meaningless and mechanical work because of an inhuman utilization of human power without regard to the worthiness of the work performed.
Being a YEC is not an automatic disqualification for doing scientific work because science is driven by an objective methodology, so as long as that methodology is not compromised then one is free to think whatever they please.
Oh - snaps that wont work because when they tally the numbers and it does nt turn out the way you want, then you go crying to the Supreme court, that the majority spoke up and we do nt like it.
Unlike insurrectionists who resist government because it is repressive, vigilantes «take arms to do the government's work because the authorities are not repressive enough.»
It's become especially important for the team to do its work because Germany, France and the Netherlands will elect new leaders this year, and fake news can definitely play a role in an election.
In resisting them, geopolitical «containment» along the lines of George Kennan's answer to communism will not work because they are not limited by geography or nation states.
Cases or large bags, large loaves, unbaked pizzas and similar items, however, don't work because they can't eat most (or any) of it before it dries up or molds.
Well, I just had a meltdown at work because I went to have a quick prayer in the bathroom (private bathroom stalls so no one could hear) but I ended up yelling at him because I am upset but soon as I got back to my desk I just started crying so hard because I really love him and I feel bad for yelling but yet I'm just overwhelmed with my job that I genuinely hate but he blessed me with this job 8 yrs ago.
I am sorry for your pain but let it do its work because to speak out of fear or anger doesn't build up.
The authoritarianism of the mission approach was symbolized by one mission superintendent who paid his workers only fifty cents a week for their work because, as he put it, «that is all they can handle.»
~ Democracy doesn't work because one less then half the american population is below median intelligence.
Some people choose to work because they like it, some need the money to better their children's chances, there are many other reasons as well.
We twentieth - century Americans work because it is useful for us to do so.
The Anglican Church did not do its best work because of its establishment in America but in spite of it!
Major restrictions on firearms won't work because criminals will always have guns.
After I had worked near her for about a year, I heard from a member of her church that she told the church folks that she was «persecuted» at work because she was a Christian.
The first thing discarded is the basics because we think the basics don't apply and then we find out that all the more complicated theories don't work because the basics never change.
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