Sentences with phrase «work by the brothers»

At the Royal West of England Academy from this week, rarely seen works by both brothers are brought together.
The museum has more than 14,000 objects in its collection including the largest collection in the world of work by brothers Charles and Maurice Prendergast.
As a gesture of appreciation to Gachet, who had attended to van Gogh in his final hours and even sketched the dead artist, Theo let Gachet have a number of works by his brother: at least 10 and possibly as many as 23, depending on the source.

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The only part of the opportunity that intrigued me was the chance to work side - by - side with my brother.
Brooks Bell — who has an eponymous e-commerce optimization firm in Raleigh, N.C., that has worked with American Eagle Outfitters and Brooks Brothers to scale their online operations — says that by the time online brands open their first store, they've already figured out the hardest parts of the operation: warehousing, inventory management and logistics.
By age 23, she had already worked 22 jobs, and her latest gig was a secretarial position for the Giffuni Brothers» real estate company.
A group linked to the conservative billionaire Koch Brothers, owners of an energy and trading conglomerate who are reviled by unions and Democrats, held three conferences in Michigan in early 2012 on right - to - work featuring renowned conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart.
Having spent the bulk of the 2000s working for action sports companies like K2 and Vans, brothers Lyndon and Jamie Cormack named their new brand after the Saskatchewan hamlet where their great - grandfather, a barrel - maker by trade, settled in the early 1900s.
While working in an industry not known for positive work cultures (call centers), Paul and his brothers focused on creating an environment in which people loved what they did every day, and lived by a set of core values that everyone respected.
Mormons believe that God was once a man on some unknown planet who progressed to being God by his own works and they also believe that Jesus Christ is a created being who was a spirit child who was the brother of Lucifer where Jesus» salvation plan was chosen by a council of gods over his brother Lucifer's plan who then rebelled and became the devil.
(By the way, I want everyone to know that when I review these books, I realize that I am critiquing the work of my brothers and sisters.
Go and save a few more lost souls, and work to disciple to your brothers and sisters in Christ by teaching, encouraging, supporting and loving them.
But Osama, even while working for the family business, became converted to Islamism, having been taught by the brother of Sayyid Qutb.
Both sons are prodicals what God is teaching us through the parable is revealing the intents of our hearts there sinful.The younger son wanted the worldly pleasures that was where his heart was at at least he is honest.The older brothers heart was no better because it was all about him it wasnt out of love for his father that he stayed on the farm but that by his works he would gain all that his father had.If he loved his father he would have known how his father would have responded to his brother and he himself would also have been happy to have seen his brother alive again.In the back of his mind he is worried that he may lose more of his inheritance and feels threatened and that is why he responds in the way he does.His heart hasnt changed at all even though his brother has come back from the dead.
He may be an intellectualist who believes that incorrect behavior by itself prevents the achievement of the First Good; if so, he can now disagree intelligibly with his dissenting Traditionalist brother who supposes that the self does its perfecting work by obtending — that is, by moving the persona to seek right answers as best it can, given its particular resources and circumstances.
Jessica, a young woman who works as an au pair for Elizabeth, is accidentally killed by Lottie's brother, Cameron.
Miller builds her narrative around physical, sweaty work on the house, a growing intimacy between Lottie and Elizabeth during coffee - break conversations, and Lottie's discovery that her brother's obsession is being exploited by Elizabeth to fill her lonely summer months.
of his entire antiquities, there are two passages that mention Jesus, 1 merely says his brother was James, and people called him christ (which says nothing about works, resurrection, miracles, teachings), and the other is recognized as most likely a forgery, even by biblical scholars.
Ms Mendy was described by her brother Paul as a «hard - working single mother whose love for her only daughter knew no bounds».
On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, except that they should fetch your beer from the fridge and make thy snacks for the game, nor any foreigner residing in your towns, except for the National Football League players and the coaches and the trainers and the referees and the ticket takers and the purveyors of hot dogs and beer and the color commentators and the play by play commentors and the cameramen and the... skip a bit Brother Maynard 11 For in six days the coaches trained the players with drills and films, but they contest on the gridiron on the seventh day.
Although I know that God uses my writing or speaking, from time to time, in a prophetic way (since He attested this special call to me by some brothers and sisters), I am merely an instrument, a servant, who can only work effectively if God decides to use my doing for the benefit of expanding His invisible Kingdom.
His Word must be spoken by us, and through it God works to bring the erring brother to repentance.
My parents come from a country that was colonized until recently by the French, and I'm therefore always uncomfortable when «missionary work» or bringing the Gospel to our «brothers & sisters in the dark» are mentioned in the context of church communities working abroad.
after hardship comes ease My brother all this is the work of the JEWSH -LRB--LRB-(Sedition)-RRB--RRB- 99.99 % OF THE COMMENTS YOU SEE ARE WRITEN BY THEM THEY ONLY WANT»S -LRB--LRB--LRB--LRB-(Sedition)-RRB--RRB--RRB-.
And unlike the various movements in which I worked over the years in America, my sisters and brothers, when they have enough of me or forget themselves, at least won't turn on me by calling me «dirty Jew.»
November (Domesticity): - Martha Stewart's Cooking School - Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook - The Quotidian Mysteries: Laundry, Liturgy, and «Women's Work» by Kathleen Norris - The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence - Passionate Housewives Desperate for God by Jennie Chancey and Stacy McDonald - The Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Shaeffer - Next to Godliness: Finding the Sacred in Housekeeping by Alice Peck
The Protestant continues to engage his unbelieving brother, but he is likely to be engaging him by working alongside him.
Jeffryes — who was educated as an engineer and worked in California for semiconductor manufacturers — was introduced to home brewing by his brother - in - law.
He is joined by his brother, Jeff, who works in the field, as well as Phil and Win Pescosolido, who also run the business.
Villicana will be joined by Jim Crooks, Master Blender at Firestone BarrelWorks, who will explain how his brewing team's experiments grew into a valuable extension of the Firestone Walker brand and Paul Scotto, co-founder of Pacific Coast Ciders, who works in tandem with his brother to develop a dedicated line of handcrafted, hard ciders.
There are dark forces at work far beyond your control, like when my brother Rick's chile field was totally trashed by five inches of rain in two hours.
His work is widely anthologized and includes the childhood memoir Unstrung Heroes — which was turned into an eponymous 1995 film, directed by Diane Keaton — the urban history Ghosty Men: The Strange But True Story of the Collyer Brothers and the «crypto - memoir» Fairway To Hell.
COLOR PHOTO: GREG FOSTER [See caption above] B / W PHOTO: ROBERT L. SMITH BUFFALO BOB With the Bills, Kalsu (61) worked as hard as he had at Oklahoma and started nine games as a rookie.B / W PHOTO: COURTESY OF AUDREY WRIGHTSELL BROTHER - IN - ARMS Johnson, who was practically inseparable from Kalsu on Ripcord, would die with him too.COLOR PHOTO: GREG FOSTER LASTING IMAGE At home in Oklahoma City, Leah Kalsu keeps a painting of Bob by another former Sooner, Tommy McDonald.
«When it comes to play - by - play announcing in 2018, it's difficult to stand out without standing out, but that is what I want to do,» said Crockett, who is easily recognizable at shows, never too far from ringside, working away on his laptop and chatting with his Little Brother, 14 - year - old Deon.
«I don't get how Kawhi (my spouse, brother, mother, etc) being on the sideline by my bedside when it seems like the team is fine with him working on his rehab in NY my folks are fine with me healing in the hospital alone is going to help me heal faster... etc..
Whelan family's message to Bohs volunteers.Christy Whelan, brother of Liam, has asked us to include the following message from the Whelan family in our programme and on our website: The Whelan family would like to thank the Bohemian supporters for all they've done with their work on the Liam Whelan Bridge, cleaning and repairing the damage to the plaque and its surrounds.Their swift response and valuable work is much appreciated by the entire Whelan family.
Yes I have put my baby in their crib to cry when nothing else I have done is working because, with the experience from my brother, I know that sometimes, more stimulation means more crying, but if they have not settled down within a few minutes, I pick them up and usually by that time, they are more comforted by my touch.
Police officials said the ring forged the purported burial box of Jesus» brother, James, and a stone tablet with written instructions by King Yoash on maintenance work at the ancient Jewish Temple.
You are telling me that my sister, my brother - in - law, my mother, my mother - in - law, and my cousin (all of whom work or worked in medicine in one role or another) are awful people motivated only by money.
Sophie's 6 month schedule... or Mommys wan na b schedule.I get up at 6:30 am to get myself ready wake up a 5 yr old and 3 yr old for school let them get dressed when one is not throwing a tantrum or teasing the other one by now its 7:30 a send them to eat and then brush their teeth while I dress the baby who has been very paTient... out the house by 8 for kindergartener to get there on time and next stop grandmas we get her to nurse... and get preschooler to school by 8:30 and I'm off to work I pump by 12p and collect 6oz for her afternoon... grandma feeds her again at 11:30 a. Of breast milk and sometimes it's 5oz / 6oz... we sometimes get her a4oz formula bottle with her cereal.I pick up brothers from school at 1and go drop off with grandma and feed Baby again... she gets 5oz bill around 3:30 p and I get home at 6 pm to nurse her and then get food for the kids and don't forget homework... baby gets her veggies... and mom gets Cold
My sister, your Auntie Katie and brother - in - law, your Uncle Travis, also came by with a Happy Birthday cake before the surgery and Katie had to go to work.
My brother and sister - in - law have been laying the ground work by letting Abbie pick out picture books about using the potty featuring her favorite characters.
David Miliband, who resigned from parliament in 2013, is based in New York doing important work as the head of the International Rescue Committee, having had his political career destroyed by his brother.
Which of course lovingly details the group's funding by the conservative Koch Brothers and its work on behalf of union - busters and the tobacco industry.
CSEA will also use this time to consult with our brother and sister unions and other allied community organizations about how we can collectively address the disrespect and disenfranchisement of working people by our state's elected officials.
While that massive deal was in the works, Rattner brokered a distribution deal for a failed movie produced by a brother of the pension fund's manager.
Well - respected for his intellect by those who work closely with him, Ed Miliband has a far lower public profile than his brother and his politics are marginally to the left.
He is survived by his wife, Frances Marie McGettigan, who works in the Cuomo administration, his son, Mac, three brothers and two sisters.
It is also important to consider how our support is valued CSEA will also use this time to consult with our brother and sister unions and other allied community organizations about how we can collectively address the disrespect and disenfranchisement of working people by our state's elected officials.
She talked about her working - class upbringing (her brother is a bus driver) and she had a polite for rebuke for those middle - class idealists who think that the Labour party was founded by people inspired by a philanthropic concern for others.
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