Sentences with phrase «work daylight hours»

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This includes changing daylight savings time, cutting working hours of public sector employees and urging residents to scale back on their use of electricity.
However, the presence of such a God in the daylight working hours would only disrupt our labor and embarrass our fellow workers.
After 4 days this week of my frustrated angry lectures at my boys who were bored and avoiding work like the plague, I banned electronics during daylight hours and told them there will be jobs to do everyday this summer.
We have spent every waking moment possible in the garden this week - flip flopping work schedules to make the most of daylight hours, going for easy meals, ignoring the laundry, and on and on to get the garden in.
Since most of Schmidt's colleagues were scattered across the globe — in Europe, South America and the United States — the group had developed a 24 - hour relay approach to analyzing their telescope data: Schmidt would work all day in the East before emailing the baton over to colleague Adam Riess, then at the University of California, Berkeley, who continued the study during daylight in the West.
Furthermore, disruption of the body's natural sleeping and waking cycle (circadian desynchrony) often experienced by shift workers and others who work outside daylight hours, also appears to have a clear association with poor metabolic health, accompanied by increased rates of chronic illness and early mortality.
This activity works best if you start early in the day, so you have a few hours of daylight to do your testing.
And while we'll gain an extra hour of daylight in the evenings, we'll lose it in the morning — waking up, and maybe even heading off to work or school, before the sun comes up.
You may get all of your work done during daylight hours, but your skin doesn't necessarily follow the same schedule.
The con also of course is that you need to find your perfect spot, suss out the new daylight hours & work out when is best (but also possible) to shoot your pics.
Living in Edmonton comes with it's challenges, namely the less than 8 hours of daylight (all of which I am at work) and the super cold winter weather.
I hate how dark and dreary the mornings and evenings are in the winter, especially when I find myself at work for the majority of the daylight hours.
The Contractor shall provide adequate watch to maintain the lights in working condition at all times other than daylight hours.
Working en plein air, she painted two paintings each day over the course of 40 days, spending four to six hours painting a view through the trees in daylight and then another four to six hours painting the view after the sun set.
Time - lapse photography captures the effects of 12 hours of changing daylight on Shapiro's 4 Elements (2003), a work installed in the Skyroom at L.A. Louver in Venice, California, as part of the exhibition Recent Sculpture (2004).
Since its establishment in 2003, a substantial body of works by Ryman in Dia's collection has been on display in Beacon, lit during daylight hours with natural light only.
This combination of a lot of work and not a lot of daylight hours can be quite a downer.
Work the hours you are comfortable with, typically daylight hours and if possible, lock your self in the property and always let someone know where you are.
With the stupid daylight savings time, we'll only have about 2 hours to work.
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