Sentences with phrase «work drive»

Or you can buy from a performance breeder, who emphasizes an energetic temperament and strong working drives for hunting.
But the artist suffered something of a conversion in 2008, emerging with a wholly new body of work driven by a narrative specifically (sometimes very specifically) about sex.
The dogs are not bad, but dogs with a dominant nature and a strong work drive need owners who are experienced with very confident dogs.
These gentle giants are calm dogs with low working drive.
Along my commute to work I drive past three churches twice a day.
Every day I drive to work I drive on a toll road.
However, sometimes we get dogs with serious working drive, and we adopt these dogs to experienced working homes and law - enforcement organizations where their full potential can be realized.
Even the show - line only dogs have a very strong working drive.
The dogs chosen for each nursing home or retirement center must have low working drives and high tolerance for human contact.
The right - to - work drive in Michigan is the latest of a series of setbacks for labor unions in the United States, beginning in 2011, when Wisconsin's Walker pushed through the legislature limits on public sector unions such as teachers.
Cai Griffiths got on the score sheet for the first time since his return to the club, with a well worked driving maul.
«Through hard work driven by love, inspiration, and unacceptability of a most certain inevitability for Pete, we changed the world,» Frates said.
Mr. Rule is writing to a niche audience, and his cumulative body of work drives people from all over central BC to read his thoughts on wills, probate & estate planning.
The 4 wheel drive works drive great.
so I was there late Thursday pm after work drove all the way about 25 miles and guess what same old story.
Finally, threatened with harm for his role in shielding 1,268 Tutsis and moderate Hutu from near - certain death over 100 days during the Rwandan genocide, he sought asylum in Belgium and found work driving a taxicab.
For example, breeds with a high energy / work drive living with a sedentary family providing minimal stimulation...
To work in a firm with a professional work driven environment where I can utilize and apply my knowledge, skills which would be a part of the team to contribute towards the mutual growth.
Everyday on my way home from work I drive past Cirian's Farmers Market.
I worked at Schlotzsky's Deli and loved working the drive thru.
Luckily one of my friends at work drives past the rescue organization on her way home so the kittens and I got a ride, supplemented by a comforting conversation during the trip; the familiar face of the foster care coordinator was reassuring as well.
According to Statistics Canada, the employment services industry grew from $ 8.3 billion in 2009 to $ 11.5 billion in 2012; and while this category includes everything from executive headhunters to day labour, other data suggests it's temp work driving the increase.
We made a $ 10,000 donation to The Miami Foundation's Hurricane Relief Fund, to support recovery and rebuilding work driven by organizations on the ground.
Michele has worked driving new digital solutions to many of the world's leading brands, including P&G, Netflix, Starbucks, and Cirque du Soleil, and she was also the Director of Strategy for Sears, where she led apparel growth strategies at the company — a $ 2.5 billion category.
Did I actually hallucinate at four in the morning while working the drive - through?
As a bisexual male - to - female preoperative transsexual at a prestigious U.K. academic institution, she says the harassment she suffered during her Ph.D. work drove her close to suicide.
I'm a nice outgoing easy to talk to Guy.I work drive an live alone on here looking for someone who can love theirselves an me.ask if u wonna know more about me
Strong hardworking athletic work drive do tattoos love family BBQs family orientated but have a ruff side trying to find a soul mate to help me with need a lady that can motivate my at times
no longer work I drove heavy equipment for a road construction company.
Possibly overhearing everything, thanks to some crossed radio signals, is Sally (Drew Barrymore), a very pregnant young woman who works the drive - thru at a local burger joint.
Students will stun you with their insights and depth when they know HOW to contribute in a meaningful way and when they realize that online work drives the work done in the classroom.
MAY 2018 \ \ \ \ \ GLENN O. SWING ELEMENTARY in COVINGTON STUDENT WORK DRIVES IMPROVEMENT Third graders in Karissa Pickens» classroom at Glenn O. Swing Elementary are reading an article about the flu — how to avoid it, or, should a scratchy throat or bleary eyes strike,...
Especially for the price, this is a great way to work some driving fun into your kid - schlepping and commuting duties each day.
The height of Anglomania, the John Cooper Works I drove was in British racing green with black bonnet stripes and Union Jack on its retractable roof.
With great strength and an intense work drive, my forefathers could retrieve up to 100 birds a day.
It is also an energy burner for the high working drive dogs like border collies.
Groenendaels (the black variety) often have a «softer» temperament and a less pronounced working drive.
Our Primary Focus is on producing beautiful and healthy dogs with structurally sound and solid working body type; dogs who possess and exhibit good temperament along with balanced working drives, thereby producing offspring who are also a pleasure to live with.
A sideways glance, a body turning away from the viewer, an arm or leg jutting out of the frame... Such askance viewpoints characterise work driven not only by observation but, as the artist has said, an attempt to sense «how people are.»
His dissatisfaction with the materials commonly associated with outdoor works drove him to explore the use of clay on a large scale, overcoming technical difficulties to produce a body of work that contradicts its materiality and scale.
* Some interesting statistics via Grist: According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 88.1 % of all workers in the USA reported that they used the automobile to get to work, and 79.4 % of works drove alone in their cars.
May 4, 2010: At a Wendy's drive - through in Cumberland County, N.J., a customer rolled up on a Wendy's employee working the drive - through at 1 a.m. and started «talking sh*t» related to an argument over who was the father of the employee's child.
Litigation powerhouse Boies Schiller & Flexner reported profit per partner (PPP) higher than $ 3m (# 2m) for the second straight year in 2015, as the firm's steady mix of claimant and defence - side work drove double - digit revenue growth.
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