Sentences with phrase «work in person»

The benefits of working in person at the bank or credit union are the personal service, and a stronger recommendation.
We only wish we could see this amount of work in person, but if you are lucky enough to live near the exhibition do nt make the mistake of missing it.
I originally wanted to wear this with the dress pictured, and while I loved it in photos, it just didn't work in person.
These teaching teams can teach more students without increasing class size because, at a given time, some of their students are online while teachers work in person with others.
So, what's the evidence that this diet works in people who are trying to lose weight?
The results have raised hopes that the method will work in people too.
Probably 70 % of what I do is make nursing work in each person's specific environment.
Coaching can be performed from any geographical location by phone, and I also work in person.
How this process works in people is still unknown.
Whether the antibody will work in people remains uncertain.
Because roughly two - thirds of yeast genes are identical or strikingly similar to human genes, the study could help explain how proteins work in people.
If the technique works in people, it could be used to relieve chronic pain.
It helps plant cells communicate in much the same way nerve cells work in people and other animals.
This vaccination also works in cats like a flu vaccination works in people.
The possibility of listening to an artist talk and explain their own work in person is an experience that can greatly help who listens to enjoy art.
Studies have shown that we become passionate about visiting works in person because we've already seen images of the works before, especially online.
Then of course experiencing the finished work in person at the opening and meeting all the artists is a huge thrill, and one I am deeply honoured to be able to enjoy.
Make sure to stop by and see his intense work in person.
Till then enjoy and make sure you get down to the show to see these amazing works in person.
It looks cool on video, but if it really doesn't work in person, y ’ all need to go back to the drawing board.
A Georgetown University professor published in the online journal PLOS ONE the first study explaining why drugs designed to fight off malaria stop working in some people with the disease.
This is not in place of couples or marital therapy since that is a very different approach — it takes two people that have the time, can coordinate schedules and are willing to work in person on the relationship together.
The artist continues to insist on installing all new work in person so that his sculptures can be attuned to their surroundings.
Whether this is also the case in humans is not yet known, but points to a potential pathway to understand why Zoloft works in some people and not others.
Given the success so far in rats and the fact that the prototypes are wrapped in plastics already clinically approved for implants, Cinquin sees no reason why they can not work in people as well, and he hopes they will find a use in five to 10 years.
Clinical trials will be needed to determine how well the new treatment works in people, and if it causes side effects like nausea, says Véniant.
These are the things we bring forth by working in person with couples through our Healing From Affairs weekends.
Could it be that this desire to reform is God's Holy Spirit working in that person?
On learning that, although Jesus Christ is the Word who was from the beginning, the power of Christ that was working for salvation before the time of Jesus, in virtue of his coming, is still working in people of sincere faith, devotional Hindus will want to know why they must abandon their own sacraments.
Genuine interreligious dialogue takes place among persons, and it occurs only when we recognize how a tradition actually works in people's lives.
However, should the drugs work in people, there would be a strong incentive to look into developing new ASOs targeting other ribbons.
If anyone was in a position to speculate on the moves of the market, they would have been working in the Peoples Bank of China.
This is not Jesus working in these people who call themselves Christian.
When God is truly working in a person's life, they will be able to see beyond the color of their leader, as in the case of the President of the United States and look at the character of the person.
The big question is whether the approach works in people, as most rodent cancer therapies don't translate to humans.
«And even then, maybe cranberries only work in people who have the right gut microbes.»
He claims that preliminary measurements of how muscle groups work in people using his shovel instead of a conventional one show that his design saves a lot of energy: it can, he says, reduce the effort of shifting a truckload of mulch by at least 30 per cent.
I'm totally okay with people using a cheesy chat - up line ONCE for comedic value to break the ice and nothing else but let's be economical with the truth here, they don't really work in person, they don't really work over the phone so what makes you think they'd work online?
As opposed to the majority of other international dating sites working in PPL model, we welcome sharing of direct contact details between members (email, phone, Skype).
After completing his assignment with TFA, Mitchell worked in People Analytics at Google, doing applied research on the drivers of happiness, health, and productivity for Google employees.
Many will not have had the chance to see much if any of Genzken's work in person before.
He saw prints and sculptures in production at Tyler Graphics and Tallix Foundry, and he traveled to Japan and Europe to see as many of Stella's Moby - Dick works in person as possible.
Read the full - length review on page two by visiting the Art in Review section, and if you're in the NYC area, visit the dynamic works in person at Shainman's gallery at 513 West 20th Street.
The show opens Jan 11th so make the time to go see the French Artists work in person, you wont be disappointed.

Phrases with «work in person»

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