Sentences with phrase «work increases»

This should mean that the quality of work increases as authors rely on readers to want to complete their work.
And not only does having friends at work increase workforce productivity, but it also helps increase employee retention.
Over the year, compensation per employee increased by 2.8 per cent and compensation per hour worked increased by 3.0 per cent.
At the same time, output and hours worked increased by a whopping 1.1 percent and 1.7 percent respectively.
We know that the quality of student work increases when we have students share their work with an audience outside of the classroom.
While working increased sales dramatically since the day I began and was one of the top sellers by bringing excitement and passion into every sale.
Based on the data, flexible scheduling and remote working increase productivity, too.
Does night work increase the risk of breast cancer?
The county's labor force and the number of people working increased during that time.
How does your own work increase our understanding of evolution?
For example, students with interpersonal learning strengths find that cooperative group work increases perseverance.
This can include switching to new products and ways of working that increase efficiency, use fewer natural resources, eliminate waste, reduce water and energy consumption, and involve less packaging.
However, when the demand for bankruptcy work increased due to the financial crisis that occurred in the agriculture community, he decided to give it a try.
Light Work increases its participation in art fairs around the country.
While pregnant, your body produces hormones to begin milk production, and is hard at work increasing the number of milk ducts in your breasts.
As the intensity of work increases, we use a lower percentage of calories from fats, while the percentage of calories utilized from carbohydrates increases.
They found that more frequent night work increased the odds of type 2 diabetes, regardless of genetic type 2 diabetes risk, among the population studied.
For both self - published and traditionally published authors, the ability to market and promote your own work increases your chances of success.
A recent study shows that particularly for women, the risk of conflict at work increases in so - called combi - and flex - offices.
the idea is that there is the amount of money made for every hour worked increases over time.
Shift work increases risk of workplace injury Alamy Working the night shift could nearly double your.
Small group work increases students» opportunities to receive positive feedback from teachers and peers.
In gallery five, dedicated to the 1950 - 1961 years when Still lived in New York and painted amid AbEx brethren, the scale of works increase dramatically.
Scheduling time blocks of uninterrupted work increases productivity.
Criminalizing sex work increases the vulnerability of sex workers who chose this work because of economic necessity, strict immigration laws or personal preference.
The number of people not working increased by 77,000 in the past three months, but the employment rate remains the highest on record, new figures show.
«Higher levels of control, support at work increases wellbeing
Over time heavy impact work increases the activity of osteoblasts within your body which in turn leads to bigger and stronger bones — now this might not be something you've considered but when you get to middle aged, or elderly, and you fall over you might find yourself thankful for your years of pumping iron as you will likely walk away far less injured then your more sedentary friends.
The combination of both barbell and dumbbell work increases muscular development throughout the whole pectoral and shoulder area, giving you the most balanced chest possible.
Measuring pay by weeks worked increases the weekly pay for nonteachers because they have more paid leave than teachers.
Identify why positive relationships and effective problem - solving strategies at work increase job satisfaction, employee engagement and performance
Even road construction work increases during summertime.
When more households are financially fragile, there is an increase in activities that we as a society would prefer to avoid - an increase in divorce, in non-family provided daycare, in household members working increased overtime or working more than one job.
In the equine veterinary industry, we have seen Thoroughbred breeding work wane but high - end sports medicine work increase.
I was a film major in college so I know that quick cutting and fast camera work increase a sense of speed in a movie or trailer, but this trailer for Midnight Club: Los Angeles is just too much.
Through the 1970s and into the 1980s, Miró's work increased significantly in scale.
Will the proliferation of accessible written work increase literacy, decrease monetization, destroy copyrights?
The incident which occurred in Yorkshire highlights the dangers of working in such an environment, with industrial accidents in areas such as waste management and other types of work increasing according to provisional figures from the Health and Safety Executive.
Our international work increases and not only for the commercial Bar: the overall size of the Bar and its earnings continues to increase, confounding those who predicted our demise.
If you want to proofread effectively, wait a day after you write your resume to proofread it, because proofreading familiar work increases your chances of sending it with grammatical errors.
Assisted in equipment maintenance and emergency work increasing manpower and productivity by 10 %.
Utilizing play in family work increases engagement, decreases resistance, and allows family members to have fun while moving towards their therapeutic goals.
Some community managers spent months of hard work increasing the number of followers they have on their Instagram accounts.
Update on Associate Hours Worked (NALP Bulletin, May 2016)-- The most recent information available on hours worked and billed by associates suggests that both hours worked and billable hours worked increased in the most recent two - year period reported (2013 and 2014).
«We have taken their feedback and a burning desire to restore an iconic brand to greatness, and we have put our key learnings to work increasing sales and unit - level profitability.»
Number of Associate Hours Worked Increases at Largest Firms (NALP Bulletin, February 2012)-- The most recent information available suggests that, while hours worked and billed started to bounce back somewhat in 2010 after two years of decline, the recovery has been the greatest at the largest firms of 701 + lawyers.
Yuan X, Zhu C, Wang M, Mo F, Du W, Ma X. Night shift work increases the risks of multiple primary cancers in women: a systematic review and meta - analysis of 61 articles.
The number of economically inactive people also fell, to 23 %, while the number of people in work increased by 0.2 % to 70.5 %.
RESULTS: The multilevel analyis revealed that skill utilisation at work increased by 7 % the risk of being part of an alcohol misuse group.
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