Sentences with phrase «work of an apologist»

But the renowned defender of the faith is also known for a more complicated side, famously writing, «I have found that nothing is more dangerous to one's own faith than the work of an apologist
I have found that nothing is more dangerous to one's own faith than the work of an apologist.

Not exact matches

Now the Working Committee of CPC has met and ousted some of the leaders who have fallen into disgrace as apologists for the oppression of the hated regimes of the past.
While monasticism in modern times has been deeply influenced by Dom Paul Delatte's rather rigorous interpretation of the Holy Rule (he was Abbot of Solesmes from 1890 to 1921) we find in Hugh Gilbert's firm but gentle hands a rather more humane understanding of the contemporary mind, particularly in his substantial treatment of the concept of obedience (a minefield for any Christian apologist) which stands at the centre of this present work.
Theistic Evolution is the product of apologists, Denis Lamoureux in Evolutionary Creation and Teilhard de Chardin's works that were later condemned by the Vatican, they do change their minds once in a while.
Instead of acting as apologists for the divorce culture, West and Hewlett propose a Parents» Bill of Rights, a kind of work in progress outlined at the end of the book and on flyers abundantly distributed during their book tour.
Finally, Prof. Johnson praises me for my citation of Cardinal Newman's deft description of secular intellectuals («They persuade the world of what is false by urging upon it what is true») and claims that his own work as a Christian apologist does battle against this very legerdemain.
It's obvious you are a theo apologist and his game will forever speak for itself, you can infuse whatever you like, Theo does not have the attribute of a great striker and he will only give you high work rate and flashes of brilliance and not the real deal alibi a deadly striker.
You present a list of reasons why Roman isn't working for you, Roman apologists fire back with, «Oh, some people will always hate him for no reason.»
Both the Daily Mail and The Daily Telegraph also claimed that Jack Dromey MP (her partner) and former Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt had offered support to apologists for the sexual abuse of children while they were working for NCCL.
To king of zouk and all the other Republican apologists who think that Liberal policies don't work:
I am a Tyler Perry apologist around these parts, an admirer of his work ethic and devout fanbase.
by Bill Chambers The Lucio Fulci apologists like to say that gore and general impropriety are the raisons d'être of his work, not storytelling, but there's a built - in fallacy to that implicitly macho challenge: It presumes that his films are light on narrative when in fact it's narrative drive that they lack.
This entry might surprise some people who are familiar with my work, as I have developed something of a reputation of being a lockbox apologist.
I've been asked a number of times why I once used the work «disingenuous» when referring to Watts and his apologists.
It's time for fossil fuel industry enablers and apologists to step aside and let the rest of us continue the work necessary to solve the climate crisis and transition our society to 100 percent renewable energy.
I guess the politically - aggressive climatologists and their apologists need to work harder, learn some modern mathematics, to understand the real nature of climate.
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