Sentences with phrase «work of lawyers»

The solution to the high cost of «review» for e-discovery: make the preparation work of a lawyer making production comparable to that of an accountant.
But only a few bloggers published posts recognizing the pro bono work of lawyers and paralegals.
And not everyone is cut out for the detail work of lawyers (or librarians).
«Doctors, Dentists and Vets Announce Intent to Free - Ride on the Hard Work of Lawyers Main K&L Gates Head Honcho Calls for an End to the NALP Era»
Ceremony in London will celebrate work of lawyers and non-fee-earning staff promoting innovation
We are a long way from having even a fraction of the creative and judgment - based work of lawyers captured in Code.
In» Social Justice Lawyering: The Rule and the Limits of Law,» an article published by the American Bar Association Section of Litigation, Ogletree recalls the groundbreaking work of lawyers such as Charles Hamilton Houston, Thurgood Marshall, Oliver Hill and Spotswood Robinson as inspiration for lawyers today.
One who finds it very difficult to deal with the by - its - very - nature ethically ticklish work of lawyering, especially getting paid.
Do not wait for the platform to be burning: for clients to defect to alternative providers; for new technologies to replace the routine work of lawyers; for high performing lawyers to leave for more innovative firms; or for turnover and profit to shrinking sharply.
Not everything that Richard painted was black: he did state that dispute avoidance could be a significant area for the future work of lawyers.
My Comment, excerpted: Make the preparation work of a lawyer making production comparable to that of an accountant.
The National Pro Bono Celebration focuses the nation's attention on the increased need for pro bono services during these challenging economic times and celebrates the outstanding work of lawyers who volunteer their services throughout the year.
I automated, delegated, and initiated systems that got the mundane work off my plate (or at least shrunk it considerably), so I could focus on the real work of lawyering.
«Tuesday's Three Burning Legal Questions Main Doctors, Dentists and Vets Announce Intent to Free - Ride on the Hard Work of Lawyers»
And there are many other parts of the work of lawyers that could be much more cost - efficiently done by a specialized support service.
The intent of this blog is to draw attention to the work of lawyer assistance programs (LAPs) across the US, Canada and beyond; and to highlight the corresponding content, activities and services.
Russell Smith, who helped start the Indian LPO firm SDD Global Solutions, says his company was recently hired to «to edit the work of lawyers involved in a Hollywood lawsuit at an Am Law 100 firm in Los Angeles.»
The work of a lawyer makes it easy to forget about cleaning your office, and cleaning the technology you regularly use to get things done.
If we were starting out to draft confidentiality rules in 2016, it is difficult to imagine that lawyers would not be required to uphold the privileges that are so fundamental to the work of lawyers and the legal system.
So, if the impacts they list are summarized in the way I have done it, it does not directly reveal how much the technologies change the work of lawyers.
This is especially important for a solo attorney who's doing the work of a lawyer, an assistant, an accountant and a marketer (and who still wants to make it home by dinner).
That remains the work of the lawyer.
In order to rate a lawyer in the directory, the reviewer must be an attorney and must also be personally familiar with the work of the lawyer.
They will also inform you about the work of lawyers and thus, help get rid of the myths associated with lawyers.
By helping cite check a brief or search cases in a more nuanced way than current search engines, EVA can complement the work of lawyers and law professors and provide more people with access to legal research.
The work of lawyers, paralegals, legal secretaries and litigation support personnel is increasingly being performed by legal service providers on the other side of the globe.
Since the work of lawyers / solicitors is demanding and stressful, they must go out of their way to seek...
Aside from dealing with specific laws for couples in Indiana, the work of lawyers in the area of divorce is delicate and time consuming.
As more web - based applications are created that substitute for the work of a lawyer, the client portal becomes the essential component in the lawyer's toolbox for delivering legal services.
Another aspect to «access to justice» and «access to legal services» may be «access to law» — i.e. if the law is easy enough to understand, or comprehensible in its operations and in the relationships it governs, more people will be able to handle their own affairs and the work of lawyers will be simplified.
Sponsored by Texas A&M University School of Law, the panel will discuss the role of alternative legal service providers in the legal market and how they affect and complement the work of lawyers.
What will that do to courts, the monopoly of the state on courts (the E-bay online dispute resolution platform that deals with millions of disputes a year can make one wonder why states have consumer courts), rules of procedure, the work of lawyers?
Scenario two: A firm is notified of a claim related to the work of a lawyer who once worked at the firm but whose whereabouts are unknown.
Our commitment to stand behind the work of lawyers serving clients is fulfilled in part through not only defending our insureds in court but helping resolve problems before they reach that stage.
Elsewhere in the interview, Noel tells Parnell that technologies such as TAR are helping to ease the work of lawyers, but will never replace them.
Furthermore, this list honours the work of lawyers working for minority rights, showing that this is a concern in the profession.
One thing the regulations will have an impact on, of course, is the work of lawyers.
Coverage for the title - related aspects of the deal plus Legal Service Coverage for the work of the lawyer closing the transaction
As you go through these instructions, be aware that you are doing the work of a lawyer with yourself as the client.
In an age of increasing individual longevity, the work of the Office of the Public Guardian is likely to increase, as is the work of those lawyers who specialise in law for the elderly, including lasting powers of attorney and wills.
Non-lawyers can and should produce content under a law firm banner, so long as they're duly recognized as content professionals supporting the work of the lawyers.
However, although my comments might have appeared as such my intention was not to suggest that «lay» persons should practice law or do the work of lawyers that decision would be entirely up to the legislators (who may or may not be influenced by potential non-lawyer owners).
The LALY awards, organised by the Legal Aid Practitioners Group (LAPG), celebrate the work of lawyers who have dedicated their careers to protecting the rights of the poor and the powerless against the rich and powerful, and to working towards the goal that nobody should be unable to protect and enforce their rights just because they can not afford a lawyer.
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