Sentences with phrase «work of love»

At some point in their marriages, each couple made a choice to do the hard work of loving each other regardless of their feelings at the moment or the circumstances they faced.
The strange work of love has to do with judgment and punishment.
The various institutions we have formed and called churches over the years have at times been powerful advocates for such works of love.
They can do no more than provide the proper conditions for the constructive patient work of love.
Yet the radical work of love implicit in the new ethic remains in a strange way hidden.
Surely the deepest work of love occurs just where it can not remain «calmly untouched» in the established orders, but is constrained to challenge, reform, or deny them.
Adoption happens as the grace - filled work of loving parents.
All good causes suffer from fanatical and hostility - ridden people who need an inward orientation before they can really begin doing works of love.
The Wesleyan tradition, on the other hand, has left us a legacy of works of love - the crusade against slavery, concern for the poor, campaigns for the reform of society, and so on - in its effort to» spread scriptural holiness across the land and to reform the nation.»
As Catholics we need to engage in works of love with our fellow men and women in this secular, anti-Catholic world, but we also need to exercise an intellectual apostolate, one that must begin with the sort of two - way exchange that the Jesuits undertook in China.
Infatuation is also known as the honeymoon period and it is when this blissful adoration starts to wane that the real work of love begins to build a lasting relationship5.
It is, furthermore, too much disposed in its doctrine of divine judgment to spread the doom on thick without adequate recognition of God's saving grace or of the concrete works of love which man not only can but must do if he is to be God's servant in fashioning a better world.
The trouble is, when limerence expires, the real work of love begins.
We have said that the Hebrew faith does not come to a clear resolution of the question of how the suffering either of God or the Servant enters into the redemptive work of love.
Our call is to be movers and shakers within the PC (USA) and beyond, encouraging one another to take seriously God's call to God's people to participate in God's nonviolent work of love, peace, and justice in the world.
Those who fully appropriate the central message of Jesus into their lives, whatever portion of «Christians» this may be, evidence a combination of freedom, moral concern, inner peace and good works of love that often bear fruit in the lives of others.
From the realistic eyes to the way the characters mouths move, you can tell that Rise of the Tomb Raider is a true work of love.
Choosing to do the hard work of loving members of our community in the face of disappointment and disillusionment strengthens us to do the same with our spouse.
3 Generous, life - giving spousal love is the antidote to hedonism and immaturity: parents gladly give up frivolous pursuits and selfishness for the intensely more meaningful work of loving and educating their children.
Microethics are the personal acts of an individual, his or her personal gifts of charity and personal works of love.
Disclosure to the self is the first painful work of love.
These greater works of love require Jesus» departure before they can begin, but God's presence will be with them, now in a different form from that of the historical Christ: the Counselor, the Spirit of Truth.
While it must always be lovingly presented, the Gospel does always go beyond whatever works of love and justice we do in its name.
The presence of Christ's Spirit calls for ongoing transformation in the form of life - giving works of love.
They redress the balance of grievances and create a wholesome and socially sensitive world for all who share in it, so that the situations that produce the need for individual charity and individual works of love might be eliminated or at least minimized.
To do more than entertain Jesus as an agreeable possibility is to do the not - so - majestic work of loving each person we meet, even our difficult uncles.
When you see the cost of one of these little works of love you will be astounded!
Angels of Paris by Rosemary Flannery is a stunning illustration of the art and architecture of Paris, and is a total work of love!
DiggyPOD has easy - to - use tools you'll use to publish your one - of - a-kind work of love.
While in many cases it can feel like a heartless cash - grab, other times it's a genuine work of love, revitalizing genres that have fallen to the wayside.
But our relational God made us to be relational, and created a way for families to be encouraged while doing the hard, daily work of loving the fatherless and vulnerable.
Through baptism we are dead for the sin and in Christ, which uses our body, which is sinful in itself, to do works of love and righteousness.
Christian maturity means progress in self - understanding which is one of the prerequisites of works of love.
It is never made very clear what went into this decision; but we can reflect upon it in the light of a passage in Works of Love:
The True Hard Work of Love and Relationships — Alain de Botton interviewed on the On Being podcast
He resolved the dilemma for himself with the statement that power is the «strange work of love».
We as Christians are sinners, regarding our sinful body, but bottom line we are righteous in work and deed in daily life, because the Spirit, which dwells in us, is stronger than our sin (Romans 8) and causes real works of love and righteousness.
The New Testament makes the clear affirmation that it is through the suffering of Jesus that the way has been opened for the redemptive work of love.
Our call is to be movers and shakers within the PC (USA) and beyond, encouraging one another to take seriously God's call to God's people to participate in God's nonviolent work of love, peace, and justice in the world.
however its 2 b emphasized that Jesus, S James the Just, S John de Divine n S Paul all believed that works of love will get u saved but not works of religion.
Of course Mother Teresa and her sisters make a powerful witness to Christ by word and deed, and we would not be at all surprised if thousands who are listed as Hindu or Muslim came in their last days and hours to know something of the One who inspires and sustains this work of love unqualified.
Tillich (1954) interprets that to mean, «It is the strange work of love to destroy that which is against love» (p. 49).
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