Sentences with phrase «work of reform»

EJI also prepares reports, newsletters and manuals to assist advocates and policymakers in the critically important work of reforming the administration of criminal justice.
«Instead, we must begin the hard but crucial work of reform to ensure that immigration remains a driver of our economy and America's unique competitive advantage for generations to come.»
That must be true of the ongoing work of reform in the Church today.
No New Yorker should be fooled into thinking the heavy lifting work of reforming the state has been done.
A guiding principle for our work in Kentucky is that we do the hard work of reform WITH teachers and not TO teachers.
In Timothy, «sound» and «healthy» define the kind of teaching and speaking that is going to be at the center of the work of reforming the Ephesian church.
Though I am not a Calvinist, I hold to radical, outrageous, scandalous grace (a grace which is more gracious than the grace of many Calvinists), and I believe that as fallen and sinful human beings, we should always be about the work of reforming ourselves and our theology and never consider ourselves fully reformed.
Nowhere did he find a moral or religious model which could have been copied for his work of reform.
Synopsis: Pope Francis embarks on a personal journey to present his work of reform and answer today's global questions — from his deep concern for the poor and wealth inequality, to his involvement in environmental issues, social justice and calls for peace.
Groups like Black Lives Matter and the N.A.A.C.P. are critiquing the work of reform.
Private - school - choice supporters (among the bedrock of the reform universe writ large, as their advocacy typically crosses sectors and supports the work of those reforming school districts as well — support that is, incidentally, infrequently returned) have two general overriding philosophies.
While supplement not supplant made sense from a compliance perspective, the rule can end up complicating the work of reform - minded state and district school leaders (especially those who are implementing programs approved by the Obama Administration under Race to the Top).
Emphasizing the need for additional effective education entrepreneurs to join the work of reforming America's lowest performing public schools, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan told reporters during a conference call this afternoon that states must be open to charter schools.
Brown says the work of the reform - minded 115th Congress can have enormous repercussions on how much real estate is bought and sold for years to come, so vigilance will be the watchword for 2017, particularly in the early months.
This kitchen is the work of Reform, a company that hacks IKEA kitchens and turns them into something unique and special with custom treated cabinetry and countertops.
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