Sentences with phrase «work of the commission»

«Clearly, the attorney general should have known that there was political interference with the on going work of the commission,» said, Cahill who said the Schneiderman needs to explain to the public «what did he know» and «what did he do about it.»
When the wide - ranging work of that commission was abruptly shut down in 2014 by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Preet Bharara, the former U.S. Attorney in Manhattan, examined the pending caseloads of the commission.
The staffing change will not disrupt work of the commission as it eyes a formal extension application for money and time to do its work, officials said in a statement.
«Clearly, the Attorney General should have known that there was political interference with the on going work of the commission,» said Cahill who said the AG needs to explain to the public «what did he know,» and «what did he do about it.»
THE Australian Press Council has upheld complaints from the Anti-Corruption Commission against The West Australian.The complaints were based on a series of articles and an editorial concerning the work of the commission and were said to be highly c...
When he arrived in Philadelphia last September, Archbishop Chaput inherited the work of a commission that had been studying how best to address the dwindling resources of the Catholic school system.
Labeling the current «government regulation of political speech» by religious organizations as «untenable,» the 60 - page document submitted to Sen. Charles Grassley — who has been investigating televangelists» finances since 2007 — is the work of the Commission on Accountability and Policy for Religious Organizations (CAPRO).
Such actions have major implications for the integrity of the work of the Commission and constitute abuse of office.
(CNN)- Gov. Andrew Cuomo defended the work of a commission designed to quell corruption in New York state politics against a report that his office interfered with the panel's investigation.
«Already, there is so much confusion and lack of trust around the work of the Commission so the least we expect is having some of these things happening.»
ALBANY, N.Y. (CBSNewYork / AP)-- Political foes of Gov. Andrew Cuomo have called for a prompt criminal investigation of his administration, following a New York Times report that said Cuomo's office repeatedly compromised the work of a commission the governor set up to root out corruption.
The investment would advance the work of the Commission on Local Government Modernization for Syracuse and Onondaga County, the council said.
He said the immense contributions by the media and CSOs to the work of the Commission, through constructive criticisms, suggestions, observation reports and feedbacks from the field, were helping to deepen democracy, strengthen the electoral process and in policy formulation.
The critics were of the view the logo does not reflect the work of the commission and that the current one rather communicates better what the commission stands for.
According to him, such reforms are necessary to improve upon the work of the commission.
Touching on the Electoral Commission, he said he has no doubt about the work of the Commission which has come under severe criticisms in the last months over its handling of the issues regarding the voter's register.
Meanwhile, the Minister for Regional Organization and Development, Dan Botwe, has given assurance that his ministry will not interfere in the work of the Commission, except to provide logistics for its smooth running.
The Tories, drawing on the work of a commission chaired by their former leader of the Lords Lord Strathclyde, have proposed that Westminster should fulfil the devolution «vow» by the leaders of the three main UK parties to Scotland by handing all powers over the setting of income tax to Holyrood.
George Smith - Graham further charged government to desist from interfering with the work of the Commission.
«We are so delighted to include in the work of the Commission the depth of knowledge and expertise from these two education leaders,» said the Honorable Richard W. Riley, co-chair of NCTAF and former U.S. Secretary of Education.
She was appointed Executive Director of the reconstituted Mayor's Commission on Literacy by then - Philadelphia Mayor Michael A. Nutter in January 2011, who charged her with focusing the work of the Commission on adult work - readiness for the City's large, under - educated population.
The work of the commission — which includes leaders in the social, emotional, and academic sectors as well as a former governor of Michigan and the sitting governors of Virginia and Nevada — will conclude in 2018 with a set of recommendations for SEL implementation, research, and policy.
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation, based in Battle Creek, Michigan, is expected to play a significant role in the work of the Commission, and to offer significant funding to help implement a reform plan.
An Administrative Officer, Nellie Catzim, was hired to staff the Secretariat and to provide general support to the work of the Commission.
The work of the commissioned artists is now on view in London.
Each brings a unique background and perspective that will help guide the work of the Commission.
One member of the Commission, former Court of Appeal judge Sir Henry Brooke, has been writing about the work of the Commission and his distinguished legal career — his blog is highly recommended.
While we appreciate your efforts to persuade the government to decide otherwise, the denial of funding and the silencing of community voices undermines the credibility of the work of the Commission.
Most relevant to the work of the Commission on Professionalism, Judge Bauer shares how he led the charge to develop the Standards for Professional Conduct Within the Seventh Circuit.
In that position, she supervised and participated in the work of the Commission's Legal Division, which included writing legal opinions and giving legal advice to public officials and employees, serving as legal advisors to the Commissioners in adjudicatory hearings, and representing the Commission in litigation.
The Commissioners have issued a Practice Guideline which outlines how the work of the Commission will be carried out to assist parties, witnesses and members of the public.
Once they became aware of the work of the Commission they came forward in large numbers.
These findings are exclusively the work of the commissioned researchers and do not necessarily reflect the view of Pew or the other funders.
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