Sentences with phrase «work of the enemy»

The Assassin's standard weaponry returns, with two concealed blades making short work of enemies from above and inside cover.
Mortars, Machine guns and Flamethrowers can make quick work of enemy worms without wasting a powerful weapon the in the item grid.
Out of a desire for «collaboration,» we will be doing the dirty work of our enemies — not necessarily our cozy new Chancellor or our liberal mayor, but the forces looming behind them: the financial and real estate interests, the venture - philanthropists, the charter school privatizers, the testing profiteers, and the Democratic Party hierarchy.
The Exotic Perk, Mecha Holster, reloads your stowed Submachine Guns and allows you to ready them instantly, making short work of enemies while you've got Power Ammo.
He utilized a shield charge and sword spin that made quick work of enemies once their health was down low enough.
There is also an abundance of weapons scattered across the stages, which I highly recommend using as they can make quick work of enemies before you're fully leveled up.
Fortunately your impressive F - 35 jet fighter plane will make short work of the enemy ships and planes; that is of course if you can pilot it effectively.
Actually, if you're like me, you'll discover that you can actually engage in physical combat with your Hidden Blades, which makes extremely short work of any enemy.
Blood Veils allow for powerful blood drain attacks that will make quick work of enemies... [Read More]
People's needs genuinely change and that's not always a bad thing or a sign of the work of the enemy.
The work of the enemy isn't ultimately to tempt you, but to try you.
I alleged these reasons to those who so often accused my visions of being the work of the enemy of mankind and the sport of my imagination....
Labor papers ran articles on cooperation and political economy; lecturers discussed «working - people's rights» and debated «the hours of labor;» reading rooms carried the works of enemies, like Malthus and Smith, as well as friends, like Henry George, JS Mill and Lasalle.
If a word is dropped that is detrimental to the character of a friend or brother, never encourage this evilspeaking; for it is the work of the enemy.
Game description: In «Azure Striker Gunvolt», you take control of Gunvolt's high - speed mobility and repertoire of electrical attacks to make short work of your enemies.
Even when played solo, the AI controls the extra characters who make short work of the enemies, leaving Kirby to stand on the sidelines.
Playing as Copen, you can dash through the air, slam into enemies, and unleash devastating homing shots to make short work of your enemies.
The missiles and long range cannon were really fun to use, and made short work of enemies.
With that said, the increased magazine size means you can make short work of an enemy and miss them a few times, reloading faster than normal when you hear the empty magazine click thanks to that intrinsic perk.
The furry lombax and his robotic sidekick pick up a ton of high - powered, insanely creative weapons that help them make short work of enemies they confront.
Blood Veils allow for powerful blood drain attacks that will make quick work of enemies... [Read More]
and instead question: the deletion of emails to avoid Freedom of Information requests; the exclusion of research that CRU scientists and their colleagues disagree with; the «tricks» of playing with data to fit the scientists» assumptions; and the desire to oust scientific journal editor who published the works of their enemies.
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