Sentences with phrase «work on autophagy»

PS — I guess everyone saw Nobel Prize awarded recently for work on autophagy.
The prize was for his work on autophagy, a kind of cellular housekeeping that helps clear the cell of damaged proteins and other potentially toxic debris.
This year's Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Yoshinori Ohsumi, a cell biologist at the Tokyo Institute of Technology's Frontier Research Center, for his work on autophagy, the process in which cells degrade and recycle cellular components.
The prize in physiology or medicine went to Yoshinori Ohsumi at the Tokyo Institute of Technology for his work on autophagy, the process by which cells recycle and repair themselves.

Not exact matches

Their work focuses on «autophagy» as a central element of cellular quality control.
For example, Cuervo's work on enhancing autophagy where we're waiting on formal publication of mortality rate data, or enhanced uncoupling protein studies that show median life span increases but not maximum life span increases.
Before Ohsumi's work, the importance of autophagy was not widely appreciated, and the mechanics of how a cell could dine on itself were unknown.
«Naomi Whittel just revealed what science has been working on for decades - the key to the fountain of youth is autophagy!
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