Sentences with phrase «work than dealing»

(I'm not listing any particular brands as I have other more important work than dealing with pet food companies» lawyers.)
In fact, they'll likely spend more time traveling to work than dealing with issues related to their retirement plans.

Not exact matches

Rather than saying, «Thanks for your good work,» it would be more effective to say something like, «Thanks for staying late last night to close that deal; your dedication will really help the company grow.»
And that kid is a rainmaker — we have worked on so many deals, all of them the same size or bigger than that original one I thought I lost.
She worked at Yahoo for more than a decade, fighting off a copyright infringement suit from Sony BMG, helping the company navigate issues of online privacy and working on deals like a Microsoft search agreement (which was just revised this year).
They have these advantages, according to the reports of western companies: they usually have more of a sense of responsibility than do their unmarried sisters; they're less likely to be flirtatious; as a rule, they need the work or they wouldn't be doing it — maybe a sick husband or one who's in the army; they still have the pep and interest to work hard and to deal with the public efficiently.
Goldman Sachs ranks top for ECM volumes, meaning it has worked on a higher value of equity deals than any of its rivals.
But just because conflict is inevitable when colleagues of diverse backgrounds and temperaments are thrown together in a high stress work environment, doesn't mean disputes can't be dealt with constructively and in a way that reinforces rather than erodes morale at your company.
Serving as CEO of a public company typically involves a lot more work than running a private startup, such as dealing with quarterly earnings calls, ramping up sales and marketing teams, while being transparent with shareholders.
In the south, business executives and development officials interviewed by Reuters were less likely to call for new tariffs and trade deals than to worry about how any new regime may disrupt a system they have learned to work with.
Whilst I was working crazy hours, struggling to make ends meet, dealing with challenging clients and never really seeming to have more than a buck fifty in the bank (on a good week), everyone else's business seemed so much easier.
You may find a great deal with competent but budget - friendly professionals that only have lower prices in hopes of building a stronger portfolio, but adversely, you may find that low - cost options are a nightmare to work with — sometimes correcting their work takes more time than doing it yourself.
Your team might respect your work habits, your intelligence or your ability to close a deal but there's more to respect than that.
I think John Boehner genuinely wanted to get a deal done, but it was hard to do in part because his caucus is more conservative probably than most Republican leaders are, and partly because he is vulnerable to attack for compromising Republican principles and working with Obama.
WASHINGTON, April 21 - A multilateral framework like the Trans - Pacific Partnership pact works better in fixing trade imbalances than a bilateral deal, IMF Deputy Managing Director Mitsuhiro Furusawa said in an endorsement of Japan's calls for Washington to rejoin TPP.
«There is little or no evidence to indicate that daily deals are working less effectively for businesses than they did last year,» the study concludes.
Employers are adopting resilience training for their employees at a rate faster than any other intervention in the United States.1 Resilience — the ability to use positive mental skills to remain psychologically steady and focused when faced with challenges or adversity — contributes substantially to how workers deal with stress and perform at work.2, 3 Employers are developing resilience to achieve a competitive advantage, similar to how the military trains active duty soldiers and their family members to withstand challenges.4, 5
At this point, health care is one issue I have chosen to deal with on a year - to - year basis, while also knowing that future changes might require us to work longer than we'd hoped.
For debt deals, management works only with experienced lenders (rather than operating as a lender itself).
You know, this trade discussion around how it works out with China is a bigger deal than people give credit to because they are literally 50 % of the demand in the world for commodities: iron ore, nickel, aluminum, zinc.
He can get deals done and works faster than anyone I know.
Calabria's remarks appeared to reassure investors that the administration is working to reach an amicable trade deal rather than spark a trade war.
More than ever it should be your constant companion as you deal with the day to day challenges associated with working in the international property industry.
It takes a great deal of meticulous work to comb through all the filings and get all the key details, but it is more than worth it when investors can see the true return being generated by all aspects of invested capital.
More aid may be now within reach, but euro - area creditors consider the latest Greek budget measures a basis for further work rather than a done deal.
There is a deal of work involved in that more than a gag on a show.
Don initially resists Roger's buyout plan, protesting that he only wants to do creative work and is tired of worrying about «partnership votes [and] stock prices»: «I don't want to deal with business anymore» — implying that he would rather see SC&P dissolve than let it become corporatized by McCann.
Mays responds that if we remember Whitehead's early mathematical training, then it is evident that the values he later deals with are more akin to «the sort one meets within books on mathematics and mathematical logic, than those found in works on ethics, aesthetics and theology» (PW 61/59).
To make matters worse, the average congregation is more worried about overpaying the staff than underpaying them which leads to the church being crippled spiritually by pastoral changes as the pastor moves to a better deal or leaves the ministry or works multiple jobs just to support his family.
If «corporations aren't people» and it's no big deal for force them to comply, then wait until Hobby Lobby decides shut down rather than provide morning after abortion pills through their employee insurance plan... thousands of employees will be out of work.
More important and more difficult to deal with than such differences in teaching on will and freedom, however, is a wall known only too well by those of us who have worked with Omega to help it make its Point: the wall of what Catholics are tempted pridefully to call pietistic faith and what Protestants are tempted cynically to call superstition.
Part of the answer is that these ancient events are moments in a living process which includes also the existence of the church at the present day; and another part is that, as Christians believe, in these events of ancient time God was at work among men, and it is from his action in history rather than from abstract arguments that we learn what God is like, and what are the principles on which he deals with men, now as always.
For the able - bodied, work should always be a better deal than nonwork.
There are more of us that love God and love people, that leave the scent of grace wherever we walk, that forgive and serve without fanfare or book deals, that work for justice and mercy than I could have ever dreamed.
Though Hartshorne has never given a great deal of attention in his writings to concrete religious phenomena, he has always been concerned about the religious significance of his work, He advocates the neoclassical conception of God partly because he believes it is more in keeping with religious experience than classical formulations of either theism or pantheism.
In many respects, the New Deal was less about income redistribution than about the recognition of «group rights» benefitting these cultural challengers, a recognition embedded in such policies as the fostering of labor unions, public works programs, and social insurance.
Jeremy have been asking the holy spirit for his help with this and in regards to the lame man that Jesus healed I do nt believe that sin was the issue for him just like the blind man was it his parents or did he sin the answer was neither but so that God would be glorified.What was the sin that may have been worse for him.The two situations are related of the woman caught in adultery the key words being go and sin no more only two references in the bible and will explain later the lame man we see at first his dependency on everyone else for his needs he cant do it he is in the best position to receive Gods grace but what does he do with it.Does he follow Jesus no we are told he goes to the temple and Jesus finds him now that he has his strength to do things on his own what his response to follow the way of the pharisees that is what is worse than his condition before so he is warned by go and sin no more.We get confused because we see the word sin but the giver of is speaking to him to go another way means death.Getting back to the two situations of the woman caught in adultery and the lame man here we see a picture of our hearts on the one our love for sin and on the other the desire to work out our salvation on our terms they are the two areas we have to submit to God.My experience was the self righteousness was the harder to deal with because it is linked in to our feelings of self worth and self confidence so we have to be broken so we are humble enough to realise that without God we can do nothing our flesh hates that so it is a struggle at first to change our way of thinking.brentnz
The opposition is between the view that the further back you go, you go to more and more rudimentary judgements and the view that there is a real difference between perception and thought; and also that you don't in perception come down to a (Kantian) inchoate manifold which you work up with conceptual schemes, but that you come down to something given in sense - awareness about which you can say a great deal more than that.
I had already read a good deal of Peirce's writings, especially his logical works, but under Charles's stimulus came to see in him a much richer and variegated philosophic mind than I had seen theretofore.
This important work was supplemented by the volume Rabbinic Literature and Gospel Teachings (1930) The additional notes contained in this latter volume deal — naturally with Matthew and Luke rather than with Mark — since Mark gives such a very brief account of Jesus» teaching.
Whatever the means, the subject must be brought into the open, where people can deal with it, rather than fear it: Clergy can also work to make the church facilities architecturally accessible by installing wheelchair ramps as well as making bathrooms accessible to wheelchairs.
but you get to show it off when it sits on the counter... second is to read the directions, because it does work a little differently than a regular mixer (you have to do things a certain way), not a big deal, it just seems like it was different to me.
Their costs may run a little higher than the supermarket own brands, but if you find them on offer (larger health stores such as Holland and Barrett offer some great deals), you can work them into a tighter budget.
The Deutsche Bank analysis was prompted by the Far Work Commission's recent decision to reject a pay deal for workers at Coles, as it did not meet the «better off overall» test» because an employee who typically works weekends was worse off under the agreement than under the relevant retail modern award».
Janell and Jen have each discovered through working with clients, and dealing with personal injuries that there is much more to fitness than counting calories and running more laps.
It's like the Suarez deal... Offer less than the player is worth so that the offer gets rejected and then u can tell everyone that u tried but it didn't work out.
At least a half - dozen Lakers, both players and officials, believe that the Zen Master is now more likely to return (if a deal can be worked out) than he was at midseason, even in the event that Kobe re-signs.
SEE ALSO: Mesut Ozil's agent breaks silence amid rumours linking Arsenal star with Manchester United transfer # 45m star favours Man Utd transfer over Chelsea as he'd rather work for Mourinho than Conte Chelsea ready to break Premier League record with # 15.6m - a-year deal for former FIFA Ballon d'Or nominee who will replace Paul Pogba as most expensive player
For now, we know this much: Nobody will work harder than Daryl Morey to try and pull a miracle here, but with Sacramento's apparent refusal to deal, it won't be as easy as some thought.
Holland was free to try to work a deal with anyone with the knowledge that if he works a deal with a team other than TB / Wash he'd need to go back to Green and get approval.
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