Sentences with phrase «work your entire body hard»

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And we thank our employees for all their hard work with an annual «Mind, Body, Spirit Day» — an entire day dedicated to serving our employees physical and mental well - being.
It's like your entire physiology flips into overdrive in order to get your body back into pre-pregnancy shape, but is still working hard to provide nourishment for your baby, help the two of you bond, and prepare you for motherhood.
«Throughout this entire process, Supervisor Ron McGreevy and the entire Tyre Town Board have worked harder and more diligently than any local government body I have ever seen.
When the heart has to work extra hard just to circulate blood, it brings the entire body to the verge of a fight - or - flight reaction, requiring very little to set off panic.
I like to give my readers better options for metabolism - boosting high intensity workouts that work their entire body while also working their abs... thus building rock hard abs & core, but also creating a much better fat - burning workout than a typical ab workout.
However, I do not believe that this program alone would bring me to my goals — your body is a lot more complicated than that and you need to work harder by changing your entire lifestyle.
Your center of gravity shifts when you stand on one leg, so your core muscles must work harder to stabilize your entire body over the standing leg.
It is undoubtedly a harder exercise than the press up and because you are lifting your entire bodyweight with just your arms unlike the press up it may prove to be a better upper body strength builder but having said that it does not work the core muscles anything like the press up does so only time will tell which one will prove to be better overall.
The lower back plays a crucial role during the Power Clean, as it has to work very hard isometrically throughout the entire movement to stabilize the trunk and allow and effective and efficient transfer of forces from the lower body to the upper body.
All of this keeps our bodies working hard through out the entire 80 days so we can continue to see progress.
These unbelievably trendy pieces of jewelry are working hard to prove that jewelry isn't just for your ears, wrists and neckline, but for your entire body.
«He was a hard businessman but honest, and that's what I liked about him,» continues Craig - Martin, who admits to making entire bodies of work that Waddington refused to show.
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