Sentences with phrase «working on a logged»

He also discussed on the call that the company is working on a logged - out homepage that will decrease barriers - to - entry for those without accounts.
If they're working on a log - in screen, Rico might eventually be able to fill in the basics of what a good log - in screen should have, saving time and money.
I'll continue to work on getting into a regular habit of 7 hours of sleep a night as I continue to work on logging at least 250 steps each hour.
It also works on logging in Cambodia, Cameroon and Liberia, and the role of diamonds and oil in funding various conflicts in Angola and elsewhere in West Africa.
First, a bulldozer accident killed a man who was working on a log...

Not exact matches

There is a higher premium on work completed and results rather than hours logged.
«Cal / OSHA takes seriously reports of workplace hazards and allegations of employers» underreporting recordable work - related injuries and illnesses on the Log 300, the spokeswoman said, referring to the mandated reports that Tesla must submit.
The clock was seen as an easy proxy for work ethic, and employees who logged marathon sessions at their desks «wore their hours like a badge, practically tattooed on their foreheads,» Emerson says.
Rourke logged on to the Internet to find contract manufacturers who could bid on that work.
The intelligence agency's product incubator relied on lean - startup testing to develop a system allowing staffers to do the work from separate locations via secure smartcard log - ins, without compromising safety.
Twitter is also said to be working on a way to allow cable subscribers to log in to their accounts so that they can watch cable programming through Twitter and also follow along with tweets about the content.
It's working, too, as Fling CEO Marco Nardone told me that over 1.1 million users are logging on a month (and 200,000 active users a day), delivering 33 million «flings» daily.
When he got back to the office he put his insight into practice, launching Soma's «Work From Anywhere Week» policy which, just like it sounds, allows the entire team to log on from anywhere they please for one week each quarter.
Area entrepreneurs can log into the website and research opportunities to do work for the government, indicate their interest and connect with other entrepreneurs who want to collaborate on the project.
While working at the messenger bag company Timbuk2 in San Francisco, Andrew Chau and Bin Chen logged many hours at a nearby boba tea shop slurping on the milky, tapioca pearl - filled drinks of their childhoods.
Some researchers argue that it is impossible to determine when a contractor is truly working for a company during the times when the worker is waiting to pick up a ride, because the driver could be using two applications at once or attending to personal business.100 However, as noted in a 2016 report by the Economic Policy Institute, both Uber and Lyft already have guaranteed pay plans that they use in some markets during certain hours that pay workers guaranteed minimum earnings per hour based on their entire time logged into the system, including waiting times.101
Subscriber - only publications that work with Apple News now can either share their articles for free or just share excerpts of articles and direct readers to log on to their own websites for more.
To give users more privacy controls, Facebook is working on a new feature called Clear History, to enable users to delete their browsing information while they are logged in to the main Facebook app.
But at the time, I couldn't even work up the courage to log on and buy some alpaca socks.
Despite the hours logged at work, they didn't get paid because they were already on parental leave and receiving employment insurance benefits, adds Martin.
Each cryptocurrency work on the same basis in that it is a large data log of information, namely transactions, that are used to determine how much of a cryptocurrency each address has attributed to it.
When you clock in, log on or lace up for the day, you imitate God, who's always working.
SHANE CLAIBORNE: One of the things people seem to identify with in my journey is that I've been working really hard on the log in my own eye.
In those cases the court deferred to the judgment of the Air Force that the free - exercise claim of a Jewish officer who wore his yarmulke on duty could not be accommodated; it deferred to the judgment of correctional authorities that the free - exercise claim of a Black Muslim to attend Friday afternoon religious services could not be accommodated; it deferred to the judgment of the Department of Agriculture's Forest Service that building a logging road through a national forest was necessary despite the damage to religious practices of Native American tribes in that area; it deferred to the Internal Revenue Service's ruling that Bob Jones University was not entitled to tax exemption because of its religiously motivated rule against interracial dating and marriage on campus; it deferred to the judgment of the secretary of labor that a religious community must pay its members the minimum wage for work they performed in the group's business although the members said they had religious objections to being paid for their work.
Remove baking sheets from oven and, working one at a time, carefully transfer each cookie log to cutting board and cut on a slight bias into 3/4 - inch slices.
Working on a lightly greased surface, roll each log into a rope about 24 ″ long.
They are almost like drop cookies but with all the convenience of slice and bake cookies.I probably could have worked more on shaping this log.
Piping it may work, but I just patted in into messy logs on flour - lined parchment and then chilled till it was firm enough to cut (we used a knife and it was no problem).
I totally agree with Ivan — I am always logging on to your blog at work for a little giggle Thanks Isa x
just get a nice long piece of waxed dental floss (one could use thread too, but that can stick a wee bit), hold it flat against the work surface, with a thumb on each side, and slide it under the log of dough.
Arrange the log seam side down on the work surface.
Divide dough in half, then roll dough on a work surface lightly dusted with sugar and flour into 2 (11 - inch - long) logs (each about 1 inch wide).
Working on a smooth surface, form each piece of dough into a log that is about 1 to 1 1/4 inches (2.5 to 3.2 cm) thick.
Sometimes logging three practice sessions a day, Miller alternated among shooting all manner of jumpers, working on his ball - handling skills and developing a repertoire of low - post moves.
«It's important to log your hours, because if you've spent on average four to five hours delivering a meeting, then gone home to do more work then it's nice to be recognised for your hard work.
Tour working businesses like the Print Shop and Blacksmith Shop, attend class in a one - room schoolhouse, imagine life on the prairie in the Log House and visit the Martin Mitchell Mansion, a spectacular Victorian home built in 1883.
Look at the log you created to find clues as to whether you've got a night owl or an early bird on your hands, and take your little one's natural rhythms into consideration along with your own needs (i.e. getting up early for work, needing time with your spouse, etc.) when establishing their routine.
We pay them for their time working on Brave New World Designs (we have a whiteboard where they track their time and Violet, not surprisingly, is a little competitive about who has logged more hours!)
To show you how things were going for me when I began working on my sleep concepts, this was Coleton's actual night waking schedule, logged on tiny bits of paper one very sleepless night:
Logging your child's current eating, sleeping, and fussy habbits will help give you clues to things that you can change before working on sleep so your baby doesn't have to fix more than one thing at a time.
Yet, socially, and on holiday, he was one of those people blessed with a capacity to leave work behind, happiest when playing cards, smoking a cigar (a «log»), reading biographies, discussing The Smiths (yes, he really does like them), or busy in the kitchen.
The work log Curcio kept on Skelos showed that on Jan. 8 — one week after starting — he came into work at 1 pm, «went to lunch, never came back.»
And the U.S. may yet do more: 1366 is working on a machine roughly the size of a dishwasher that will convert molten pure silicon directly into wafers for photovoltaics, rather than employing the process of sawing wafers from purified silicon logs as is commonly done today.
Several weeks later, from my work cubicle in New York City, I logged on to the Genographic Project's Web site using my kit ID number and printed out my results.
How is it, then, that every time you log on to the Internet, there's a cool new Web site that seems to work just fine, despite not being programmed by a crack squad of Nobel laureates?
The work was made possible with the development of Tropical Managed Forests Observatory, a pan-tropical network aimed at understanding the long - term effects of logging on tropical forest ecosystems.
Besides working for eight years to overturn the Clinton administration's «Roadless Rule» that prevented road building (and the logging that usually follows) on 58.5 million acres of national forests, the Bush White House has opened up 45 million additional acres of public land across the American West to oil and gas drilling during its tenure.
Olam, however, denies the claim, insisting it will only put the plantation on «land that is classed as savannah mosaic, woody pioneer areas, logged or degraded forest that does not support significant conservation priorities,» and it is working with authorities to develop an ape management plan that aims to «safeguard ape populations wherever they are found.»
He is also working on projects aimed understanding how women cope with breast cancer diagnoses, by analyzing patterns among anonymized Web search logs.
While you may not be able to completely sidestep injury (especially if you log high miles), you can still work to prevent as many as possible by working on single leg strength and balance exercises [Functional Strength Training].
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