Sentences with phrase «working overtime»

The initial rush of glucose into the cells may feel great, but twenty or so minutes later your body will be working overtime to produce more glucose and you'll be searching the cupboards or your desk drawers for candy bars, cookies and potato chips to get your blood sugar and your energy back up.
It's working overtime, all the time, every second of every day, without much gratitude or payback.
Super-computers are working overtime crunching through the correlations and variations.
It reduces the pressure on the pelvic floor, which is already working overtime to support the weight of the baby.
Would this be a good drink for someone who does nt have a gallbladder since the liver is working overtime to compensate?
Researchers are working overtime in an attempt to develop more effective therapies, but their efforts are hampered... Read More»
Day 4: Feeling super relaxed, a bit dazed, no real pains, my nose is working overtime, I can smell EVERYTHING.
Working overtime as a rule will impact negatively on your ability to do the job on the long run.
Could the reason that we are so sick be that our organs are damaged from working overtime for so long?
There are certain nutrients that receptors require to function and they can «run out» if the receptor has been «working overtime».
The only thing that was keeping us from diabetes, from unchecked skyrocketing blood sugar, is that the pancreas was working overtime pumping out extra insulin to overcome insulin resistance.
Your body is working overtime and it takes a large amount of energy to do so.
Many people notice that some lymph nodes in their bodies become swollen when they get sick, because these structures are working overtime to produce more white blood cells to fight the infection.
Those issues reveal underlying imbalances in your body... poor alignment, improper breath patterns, and key muscles that have shut off (or been working overtime).
This particular type of protein takes up to seven hours to digest, so while you're sleeping, your body is working overtime and burning calories in the process, allowing you to sleep like a baby.
The problem is that the chemicals have rapidly been increasing in our food, water and air and our bodies are working overtime with the detoxing process.
Eat Light: Carbs are easier on the digestion, whereas a dinner that's heavy on protein can keep the digestion working overtime just when you're trying to rest.
However, if someone has an auto - immune disorder, it essentially means that their immune system is working overtime to try to help the body fight off infection, bacteria or virus.
I haven't even tried your recipe yet and my mind is working overtime.
At this point, our thyroid is working overtime, and this often leaves us with thyroid symptoms like fatigue, hair loss, and cold intolerance.
Vitamin C has been shown to support the immune system, which is working overtime when fighting a cold.
Swollen tonsils are simply specialized lymph organs that are working overtime to produce antibodies and clean the throat.
We are working overtime to get more dairy free Keto options AND we're getting closer to our Keto Meal Plan (what we do to make Keto super easy).
Okay, let's go back to that all - star rescue team working overtime to dig you out of the ravine you drove off into.
Well, the ladies with thyroids that are working overtime (Hyperthyroid) let me know that they needed information too!
The body can become overwhelmed and stressed, working overtime, trying to figure out what to do with this unrecognizable «thing».
Next time you perform hanging leg raises, try bringing your legs up higher to really feel your lower abs working overtime.
You'll feel your pecs working overtime as they struggle to maintain your bodyweight into balance.
This two - part move will have your abs and core working overtime.
Unlike free - weight versions of triceps extensions, cable overhead triceps extensions provide continuous tension on the triceps — even in the final position — so you can really feel your tri's working overtime on this one.
Working overtime in general, even if it's not the 55 hour maximum the group studied, also affects health outcomes negatively.
When you finish with your training session your body is so depleted that all your muscles crave for protein and carbs, while your metabolism is working overtime making it possible to send large amounts of nutrients directly into your muscles.
Those behaviors, combined with the stress associated with working overtime, could be a perfect recipe for a stroke or cardiovascular strain.
Limit evening food and drinks A large meal or spicy snack too close to bedtime can leave your digestive system working overtime while the rest of your body lies awake.
Plus, at the most basic physical level, «your heart is working overtime» in the summer, says Kim Knowlton, MD, an assistant clinical professor at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health.
This is due to ectomorph's metabolism, which is usually working overtime.
Nothing good, say scientists exploring what appears to be a direct connection between a circadian clock that isn't working as it should and an enzyme that promotes inflammation working overtime.
Trees in California communities are working overtime.
As the number of hominin fossil discoveries has exploded in recent years, researchers and paleoartists alike have been working overtime to refine their visions of what our ancestors looked like.
This may reflect the brain working overtime when an android «appears human, but does not move biologically,» the authors write.
My brain was working overtime.
Writing in the New Statesman magazine, Mr McCluskey accused MPs on Labour's centrist wing of «working overtime trying to present the Labour Party as a morass of misogyny, anti-Semitism and bullying».
McLaughlin said he believes Army leaders are working overtime to come up with contingency plans for an additional 30,000 cuts, which McHugh has called potentially «draconian.»
He says worker shortages with vacancy rates as high as 20 % at some facilities has led to employees working overtime, while not earning enough to live decently themselves.
Little Marco, his State Chairman, & their minions are working overtime - trying to rig the vote,» Trump wrote on Twitter at 1:06 p.m.
Long Island is so awash in conflicts of interest and outright stealing that it's keeping the public corruption divisions of two of the largest U.S. attorney's offices in the nation working overtime.
With the general election only two weeks away, the candidates vying to replace state Assemblywoman Ann - Margaret Carrozza (D - Bayside) are beginning to take shots at each other's qualifications and backgrounds while working overtime to shake hands and reach out to voters.
Instead, the BBC was working overtime to boost Cameron, as was Trevor Kavanagh.
On Wednesday, Bloomberg proposed that future city police and firefighters would no longer be able to boost their pensions by working overtime in their final years on the job, a common practice that inflates publicly subsidized pensions.
Since the mayor has gone public with the criticism, the governor, a shrewd tactician who aides acknowledge plays politics as a full - contact sport, brushed aside the complaint while working overtime to cozy up to a cadre of lawmakers.
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