Sentences with phrase «works expand on»

These works expand on the artist's play with objects, materials and structures involved in rendering notions of public space.
Her works expand on the physical architecture of the space they are in, defining both the negative and positive.
Richard Grayson's video and multimedia works expand on the trifold relationship between religious and social belief systems, individual expression, and the development of cultural identity.
This work expands on these initial investigations by examining the interior of the fossil dinosaur bone prior to dissolution in acid using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS).
Another new body of work expands on the strong heroine — so central, among other things, to King Hu — through a genealogy of portraiture across cultures and up to the present day.
Rachael Champion, who has exhibited at Zabludowicz Collection previously and will unveil a new commission at the Collection's Sarvisalo site in 2016, and Rachel Pimm, a highlight of our 2014 Invites series, will each present recent work expanding on their shared interest in ecology.
Visible only through a small aperture on the wall, the work expands on Gander's ambitious project Fieldwork, adding 32 new items that have been crafted or drawn from the artist's personal collection.
Matt Keegan's works expands on the readymade - or ready said - using words, phrases, and images, taken from his mother's ESL vocabulary flash cards.
His current work expands on this influence, exploring and blurring the boundaries of the two - dimensional and three - dimensional, fusing the human figure with abstraction.
Harrison went on to become a celebrated feminist artist, but she didn't return to the superhero motif for almost 30 years, until the late»90s, when she produced new superhero - inspired works expanding on her interest in disrupting popular symbols of masculinity and femininity.

Not exact matches

Many people are leaning on on - demand work to either develop a new business, or to supplement and expand an existing business.
Although he's a neuroscience major — a subject in which he's personally fascinated — Silverman says he plans to pursue Star Toilet Paper and hopefully move to New York City after he graduates in 2015 to work on expanding the company with his brother.
While many expanding companies invest considerable time and resources into acquiring new customers, they tend to forget that the real work begins once a new customer comes on board.
Every business needs connections to collaborate with, expand on ideas with to work on your dreams and goals together to create a bigger concept.
Flombaum and Enbar, who self - funded the operation up to this point and who say tuition alone can keep the school easily afloat, say they want to work first on perfecting the methods their more than a dozen instructors employ before expanding to other cities or to online courses.
It's hard to convince small business owners that if they work extra hard or take on additional risk to expand their businesses, that the government is entitled to more than half of the rewards.
«Millennials want to leave their mark on the world by working for organizations that benefit society, encourage innovation, and provide them with the opportunity to expand their skills,» the Deloitte study noted.
Now, a new NBER working paper expands on this well - established fact, not just confirming that Americans put in more time at work, but also showing exactly when they're racking up those hours.
The event, called Catalyst Canada Honours, is run by Catalyst — a nonprofit organization that is focused on expanding opportunities for women in business — and the group has been researching woman at work since its inception in 1962.
Taking on additional responsibilities without being asked is not only a great way to demonstrate your work ethic, energy, and skills, but it also lets your boss know that you're ready (and able) to expand your scope.
The company has expanded its existing space into a new 50k sq.ft office in Marina del Rey, CA where more than three hundred DSC team members enjoy a variety of collaborative working spaces, dedicated education and development programs, an on - site barista and more.
Lauren works on helping small businesses secure funding to expand and adapt for the current market.
When the Affordable Care Act expanded Medicaid coverage, that «opened it up» to healthy people who could theoretically work, Conway told ABC's «This Week» on Sunday.
The company has also built up its mobile products, expanded into restaurant reservations and worked on effectively engaging and growing its user base.
Just as there is a difference between running a business and expanding it, there's a difference between working in a business and working on it.
Even employees working full time for a single company who find themselves only working 30 hours a week could choose to add freelance projects on the side to stay busy, make more money, or expand their experience in the industry.
Expanding the program, though, doesn't fit with the IRS's assurance that it is «working diligently to minimize burden on both taxpayers and tax professionals.»
Much of that were retail investors eagerly putting money to work on the back of strong earnings and an expanding global economy.
Whye took the role last April and began to expand the work she'd already been doing on Intel's «Diversity in Technology» initiative announced by CEO Brian Krzanich in 2015.
Plus, the Eon Sports team is already working on expanding the football simulations to work with augmented reality devices, as well as developing a baseball VR simulation for consumers and teams.
The basic social sites you should be «working» to connect with potential clients, keep tabs on industry and competitor doings and expand your brand reach include Twitter, Facebook, Google + and LinkedIn.
In Antifragile, his first book since The Black Swan, Taleb builds and expands on the core ideas from that work.
Many aspiring entrepreneurs come up with ideas that expand on things that are currently working.
But he did expand and extend a program that allows foreign graduates with scientific and technical degrees from American universities to work in on - the - job training programs at U.S. companies.
The Keystone XL project to Texas has been delayed, work on the Energy East line to Quebec and New Brunswick is halted and the future of an expanded Trans Mountain line to Vancouver is in doubt.
True growth requires setting time aside to work on expanding your business.
Clio has had to work hard to evolve its brand and expand its services to keep an edge on competitors.
I'm always looking for ways to improve and / or expand on what is already working.
And the more you work to build a culture that exercises its» empathy muscle on a regular basis, the easier it will be for you to expand your reach to win more diverse customers.
Trump signed the Reducing Poverty in America by Promoting Opportunity and Economic Mobility executive order on Tuesday, directing federal agencies to expand work requirements for those who receive benefits from government assistance programs such as Medicaid, SNAP, and public housing.
Robinson says the program is focusing on startups working to expand Bitcoin's infrastructure and build Bitcoin software, as well as B2B startups, software - as - a-service companies, and brand and retail innovations.
PROPERTY watchers should note where the WA Government is spending on its expanded capital works program if they want to know where the future of development lies, says Premier Richard Court.
But can a focus on spreading the work of talented, often unknown designers — the heart and soul of Threadless — survive as the company expands from direct sales to a supplier to much bigger retailers?
Given Congress's broad inability to work on bipartisan legislation — well, beyond banking deregulation — Republicans might see the expanded CRA as a way to get something done, even if the result is destructive.
The Global Opportunity Network expands on the work of the Global Opportunity Report.
Mark works extensively with clients who have expanded internationally and has assisted on projects that include succession planning in multigenerational business operations.
Join us on this episode as Bay shares what's working for him as he builds his personal brand and expands his network, and how he's generating ROI on his efforts.
Sure, there's a risk involved with working on a project that could yield practically nothing — but the excitement of the expanding project team and multiple investors has started to give the Hyperloop a more realistic shape.
Most recently, Mark pioneered the design of the Employee Experience at Airbnb, which was recognized as the # 1 Place to Work in 2016 by Glassdoor, and which has since inspired significant changes in the way organizations around the world are looking to expand the HR function to focus on the entire employee journey.
In October, BlackBerry expanded its relationship with Ford Motor Company to include a dedicated team working with Ford on expanding the use of BlackBerry's QNX Neutrino Operating System, Certicom security technology, QNX hypervisor, and QNX audio processing software.
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