Sentences with phrase «works valued between»

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CEOs are caught between penny - pinching customers demanding value for less money and employees wanting more pay for less work.
«I believe in bringing all of yourself to work, and if there's a difference between who you are and your values, and how a company operates, you're always holding something back.»
Loyalty grows between employees and employers through ethical values and a strong work / life balance.
Instead it is about the more nebulous concept of equal pay for work of equal «value», between ostensible mainly female jobs or mainly male jobs.
The tight working relationship between Shopify Labs and HR makes the cultural value of peer recognition real and vibrant through software.
For Americans, the more immediate choice is between reasonable working conditions and compensation vs. having too much stuff they don't need or value.
Our research team works to identify companies that are priced at a substantial discount to what we consider to be their underlying business value — what a rational investor would pay to own the entire business — and then we patiently wait for the gap between price and value to narrow.
We work with your financial advisor and / or family office to create greater alignment between your investments and your values.
In these cases, the FlexPerks Travel Rewards card works like a cash back credit card where you are directly transferring your points towards cash value products, and each FlexPoint spent can be worth anywhere between $ 0.01 to $ 0.02.
During my time at Franklin Templeton, the company's values have been demonstrated throughout the firm, specifically through the strong collaboration between different departments and the great experience it has been to work with so many people globally.
MasterCard Labs is working on the Blockchain technology, which will support a wide range of uses, inter alia, interbank payments [business to business], the tracking of financial obligations in the value chain, changing your data, Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) between trusted sites and not only.
The development of modern machine technology in industrial society has wrought profound changes in the relationship between work and leisure, with correspondingly far - reaching effects on the values of civilization.
Dewey calls this value «quality,» but by the term he means neither mathematical nor secondary qualities; he uses the term to refer, first, to the wholeness or deeper reality, in some aspect of the world, often as that wholeness is presented in a work of art. 24 If this were called the objective locus of quality, the subjective locus would be the emotional intuition of the objective quality; this subjective quality gives the experience itself the unity which makes it that particular experience.25 It is this empirical discernment of quality which provides the substance of the derivative and propositional resolution of the conflict between the individual and its environment.
He also called for a greater working relationship between the two churches: «Collaboration between our Churches will be of great value to our people, both in Egypt and Russia, and a symbol of proactive unity to the whole world.»
«15 The great Puritans — Winthrop, Mather, Edwards — much as they emphasized the value of hard work, were deeply sensitive to the tension between religion and the world, between God and Mammon.
What church christians don't understand is that their is no difference between them and the «world» in regards to a legalistic system that labels you «good» or «bad» according to your works (as well as the measurement of our value and usefulness for that matter).
Churches must work to find common words and values that permit more explicit connections between faith and work, thereby giving clarity and substance to the ministry of participants and shapers within business organizations.
In his classic work, The Acting Person, Wojtyla examines the cognitive experience of values, which he equates with the apprehension of the good of a specific object, and the relation between knowledge of values and the will.
In the course of analyzing the especial value of process thought for doing a political theology, 4 Cobb draws a stark contrast between major exponents of political theology as it has thus far been practiced, in particular the work of Jürgen Moltmann, Dorothee Soelle, and Johann Baptist Metz, 5 and the kinds of political theology that process thought might become.
If, abstracting altogether from the question of their value for the future spiritual life of the individual, we take them on their psychological side exclusively, so many peculiarities in them remind us of what we find outside of conversion that we are tempted to class them along with other automatisms, and to suspect that what makes the difference between a sudden and a gradual convert is not necessarily the presence of divine miracle in the care of one and of something less divine in that of the other, but rather a simple psychological peculiarity, the fact, namely, that in the recipient of the more instantaneous grace we have one of those Subjects who are in possession of a large region in which mental work can go on subliminally, and from which invasive experiences, abruptly upsetting the equilibrium of the primary consciousness, may come.
Lamin Sanneh reviews a new work by Leslie Newbigin in which Newbigin claims the focus on the dichotomy between «knowledge» of so - called objective facts and «belief» in so - called subjective values is a dichotomy that is rationally indefensible.
Because of the strength of the shared values of the teachers and the close working relationship between teachers and parents, these schools are usually free of the more negative aspects of the youth culture.
Can we create support groups in the churches which will help people work through the many conflicts they face every day between their Christian values and the requirements of their jobs?
Going about their work, the «firemen» Beatty and Montag learn that mass culture and progressive ideology have flattened their world, leveling every possible value - distinction between media, persons, and ideas.
In September, the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) released a report looking at the impact and value of rice breeding work of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) between 1985 and 2009 in three key rice - growing countries: Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam.
In September, the Australian Center for International Agriculture (ACIAR) released a report looking at the impact and value of rice breeding work of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) between 1985 and 2009 in three key rice - growing countries: Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines.
In September, the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) released a report looking at the impact and value of rice breeding work of the IRRI between 1985 and 2009 in three key rice - growing countries: Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines.
An Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) study looked at the impact and value of rice breeding work of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) between 1985 and 2009 in three key rice - growing countries: Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines.
«This strategic alliance between IDB, FAMA, ICADE, and the Rainforest Alliance will work all along the value chain — from creating demand to organizing producer groups so that together, they can improve the quality and volume of their product.
In a recent study, the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) looked at the economic impact and value of rice breeding work of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) between 1985 and 2009 across Southeast Asia.
UAE FBMG carried out a comprehensive study on the food and beverage value chain and worked on the need for a Food Platform, whose success can be ensured by the collaboration between different players in the value chain.
with # Brexit (Britain Exit from EU) EPL ll further emphasize the «home - grown rule» and it ll be more difficult to sign players from outside England as they ll be more xpensive due to the drop in value of Poundsterling and work - permit issues between English clubs and other European players ll be same as it is with SouthAmerican, NorthAmerican, Asian or African players.It ll be wise for clubs to complete her transfer plans early..
Through Joyful Parenting Coaching, she helps families think ahead about values and priorities, and helps facilitate communication between parents so each understands the role and responsibilities they want to hold in their child's life as they design a co-parenting plan that works best for their family, and their child.
They also found that fathers who tended to value their caregiving roles more also reported spending more time caregiving on a work day and that 65 percent of fathers believed that caregiving should be split evenly between spouses, even if that belief does not necessarily play out in reality.
Forward thinking organizations recognize the intimate connection between family life and work life and value the whole person.
Whether you are dealing with sleep issues, struggling to find your footing as a mother, or trying to find balance between work and home, I develop a collaborative plan with you that considers your family's values, your baby's temperament and your family's well - being.
Crucially, the type of conservatism preached by Glasman, Rutherford, Cruddas and co. is a «radical conservatism», which seeks to resist the disrupting and commodifying tendencies of markets: ``... conservative in valuing relationships, work, family and community... radical in defending the labour interest, and sharing out power, resources and opportunities between members of society.»
Rawls was aware of the moral value of independent economic activity, but he thought that legislatures concerned to make sensible social policy were the proper places to work out the balance between economic rights and other competing interests.
This is, I suggest, a microcosm of the wider struggle between those who favour a «devil take the hindmost» social philosophy and those who believe in the socialist values of hard work and fair play.
He said: «I believe we have established a partnership - based on fundamental shared values - between government and trade unions that has delivered advances for working people unparalleled in modern times.»
In a reference to one of the (many) verbal spats that have taken place between Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Long also said she believes in «real New York values,» which to her are «individual freedom, hard work, personal responsibility, hard work, strong families generosity to our fellow citizens and love of our neighbors.»
As I look back on a 30 - plus year career split equally between Harvard Medical School and the School of Medicine and Public Health at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, I am struck by the even greater contrasts in culture, values, leadership style, and work ethic between the «Eggheads» of the Ivy League and the «Cheeseheads» in Wisconsin.
While most previous such work focuses on mean or average values, the authors in this paper acknowledge that climate in the broader sense encompasses variations between years, trends, averages and extreme events.
Specifically, the researchers evaluated variation, both within each country and between countries, on four work - related cultural values:
The featured work in this issue is an original research article entitled «Striking a balance: the critical importance of sense - making and values - congruent partnerships between GPs and patients following stroke.»
After the Geneva meeting, he claimed that Pearce's work shows that a doubling of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere by the middle of the next century would cause damage from climate change valued at between 1.5 and 2 per cent of «gross world product».
Because of how quantum mechanics works, gaps between the bands are forbidden zones, requiring energy values that no atom in the lattice can attain.
Moreover, the team asserts that, «The implicit ethical values of a balance between work and play, and of a balance between thinking globally and acting locally are values which we are comfortable in advocating to any city, and which we think most people could accept.»
On 28th April 2017, Annals of Oncology published a new analysis of the drugs that were approved by the CDF between 2010 - 2016, and examines whether or not the fund was good value for money and worked for the benefit of patients and society.
REDD + Offset Working Group ( was established in February 2011 as a result of a Memorandum of Understanding signed in November 2010 as part of a collaborative effort between the Governors of California, Chiapas and Acre to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (known as «REDD +») and create policies to provide economic incentives for forest conservation by placing a value on living forests and their ecosystems.
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