Sentences with phrase «world citizens»

The phrase "world citizens" refers to people who believe in being a part of the global community. They see themselves as members of the entire world, not just a specific country, and care about the well-being of people in all nations. Full definition
This is a vital life skill, especially as world citizens continue to be bombarded with an ever - increasing amount of such - like information.
It is an initiative of world citizens who are committed to climate justice through achieving an overall reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and a unified distribution of these emissions among all of humankind.
By being concerned world citizens who care about ourselves, our fellow man, and our most vulnerable.
It also supports the kindness and openness that makes us better world citizens.
Creating world citizens has been one of the hottest topics in education this year, and during this past month, all our contributors focused on how to make students everywhere more globally competent.
By being concerned world citizens who care about ourselves, our fellow man, and our most vulnerable.
They're names most consumers recognize, but their marketing war chests are tiny, and not that many world citizens are actually using their mobile gear at this time.
And yours would be intensely lucky, intelligent, thoughtful world citizens if they use your behaviors as a model.
For families and educators raising world citizens, through arts, activities, crafts, food, language, and love.
Education and communication help world citizens to take informed decisions and move towards more sustainable, low carbon societies.
If Americans are to play their parts as world citizens with full responsibility, they must speedily extend and intensify the program of foreign language instruction, not only in the traditional fields of Latin, French, German, and Spanish but also, for large numbers of citizens, in Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and other non-European languages.
Although minute in comparison to the overall measurable loss, I can't help but see his paintings as a glaring antithesis to the poster didactics, charts, and statistics in the educational portion of Vanishing Ice, calling on world citizens to do their part to help reverse, impact or halt climate change, no matter how small their act of conservation.
He only searched his contact list in his Blackberry and that's a MAJOR FAIL FOR A BILLIONAIRE AND WORLD CITIZEN like Bloomberg.
Our Mission... New England School of Montessori promotes self confidence and joy through active learning, empowering the whole child to become a compassionate world citizen.
With its incisive journalism, Gusture targets world citizens with fast and trustworthy news, analysis and commentary.
Though more often than not these days I would rather be watching Sunday leaguers slogging it out down at the local park for little more than the joy of the game and competition, I found myself fixated, along with millions of other world citizens, at the unfolding spectacle that is, and has become, El Clasico.
Whereas the role of the individual qua world citizen has hitherto been a weak and intermittent strand in Western cosmopolitan political thought, recent concentrated interest in both the theory of democracy and citizenship in the context of the state is starting to spill over to the global plane.
Hangzhou's smart city project optimises the city by tracking each citizen — and it's been so successful that the concept is set to be exported around the world
CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation is a global movement of civil society dedicated to strengthening citizen action and civil society across the world
Maarit shares a practical example for nurturing world citizens — a program her Finnish students, along with students from Germany and the UK, are participating in to explore ways to combat global climate change.
A child can not choose to which society he's born, nor will he grow as a responsible participant world citizen without the grownups support.
After all, with billions of world citizens toting mobile phones in their pockets, it was only a matter of time that mobile phones were considered to be the next big thing in education technology.
· The organization is committed to the development of all learners as productive world citizens and leaders for the future
In their passport project Antarctica, British - Argentine artist duo Lucy + Jorge Orta will envisage new possibilities for community and environment, by inviting visitors to symbolically transfer their individual national identity into that of a collective world citizen.
The financial cost of industrialized nations trying to feed BILLIONS of starving third world citizens should be an interesting exercise in futility, but one that I think is inevitable given the inaction and conflict surrounding other options.
Mr. Chamie notes that the relatively enormous thirst for energy, food and other resources from Americans, when compared with that of the average world citizen, gives outsize importance to issues like global warming and to American trends.
«Americans and most first world citizens know that when they swipe a card that their government will support the dollar or currency that is being spent but in places like Zimbabwe there are 100 trillion - dollar notes in circulation because the government of that country mismanaged their currency and left the people in dire circumstances,»
They became as good friends, as good leaders, and as good world citizens, as good old Cancun knew, or any other good old city, town, or borough, in the good old world.
Campers feel free, independent, heard, and valued as world citizens.
At Raleigh Charter High School in North Carolina, for example, the mission is to create world citizens.
Job Description SAGE Academy is a small, student - centered high school with a focus on developing world citizens.
Fostering the values of cooperation and teamwork, as a student in a classroom and a citizen of the world
New England School of Montessori promotes self confidence and joy through active learning, empowering the whole child to become a compassionate world citizen.
Destroying the world's wealth to chase chimeras like that is supremely counterproductive, and it doesn't appear that many world citizens are lining up to participate.
Graves rightly notes the «irrelevance and incongruence of the values of Western theodicies in relation to the traditional cultures of southern Africa,» Graves calls for «a heightened sensitivity in the future development of process theodicy so that the needs and worldview of the third - world citizen might not he ignored.»
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