Sentences with phrase «world democracy»

We live in a free world democracy that has information out there for all of us to access, why aren't we using them?
It can best serve the cause of world democracy by helping supply the means for the less developed nations to fulfill their own unique aspirations, without attaching to the aid any conditions of military, economic, or political alliance, conformity, or dependency.
The hope for world democracy lies not in imperialism but in anti-imperialism.
An African Election / Switzerland, U.S.A. (Director: Jarreth Merz)-- The 2008 presidential elections in Ghana, West Africa, serve as a backdrop for this feature documentary that looks behind the scenes at the complex, political machinery of a third - world democracy struggling to avoid civil war and establish stability for good.
Nations organized in independence and freedom are as essential to world democracy as free and independent persons are to a democratic community.
Vigorous nationalism and devoted patriotism are thus not incompatible with world democracy.
Of special importance for world democracy at the present time is the decisive rejection of the white man's dominance of the world, as people of every shade of skin assume places of leadership in the councils of the nations.
I stand before the world to declare that just as we have done in the past, my country will go to the polls this December and the processes before, during and after will mark a further consolidation of Ghana's credentials as a leading world democracy
I sensed a smugness there, as though the wearer were proclaiming, «My life is good,» or else a willful blinkeredness: «Life is good if you make enough money and live in a First World democracy
An African Election / Ghana, Switzerland, U.S.A. (Director: Jarreth Merz)-- The 2008 presidential elections in Ghana, West Africa, serve as a backdrop for this feature documentary that looks behind the scenes at the complex, political machinery of a third - world democracy struggling to avoid civil war and establish stability for good.
If hybrid publishing is a democratizing force, as its advocates say, then it is much like any real - world democracy: For the right price, democracy works a lot better.
Why didn't God want a world government, a world bank, a world democracy?
World democracy may also be furthered by the more advanced and prosperous nations providing economic and technical assistance to underdeveloped nations.
To start developing a possible concept of a world democracy that would not lead to replicate current oppressive systems and inequality.
We believe global citizenship means that all people have access to participate and influence in a world democracy.
That alone is the single greatest threat to world democracy in the 73 or so years since the end of World War II.
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