Sentences with phrase «world dictatorship»

Those cycles and their good fit don't matter because they're off - message: There is no urban heat island effect and solar variance is neglibible, so the science remains settled: Doomsday is nigh, CO2 is ultra-powerful, and only world dictatorship can save us.
Australia is rapidly becoming a third world dictatorship.
Maybe one day humanity will have a world government, but the way things are being done, it would only be a worthless world dictatorship or totalitarian regime.

Not exact matches

The Kim dynasty has been one of the most durable dictatorships in the world, and its key aim is survival.
The real dilemmas have to do not with the fact that there are brutal dictatorships in the world, but with the fact that the governments of the world are spread along a spectrum, from fair and democratic to violent and totalitarian.
As the international community marks World Press Freedom Day, The Gambia's journalists are finally able to return to work without fear of intimidation following two decades of dictatorship and repression.
The treatment of the Nazi period in all its aspects - Hitler's rise to power; his establishment of a dictatorship in Germany; the abolition of the rule of law; the persecution of all kinds of political opponents; the racially motivated persecution of the Jews, culminating in the Holocaust; the reticence and opposition of German citizens; and, Germany's instigation of World War II - is compulsory teaching matter at all types of schools in Germany and at all levels of education.
The majority of the rest of the world lived under fairly fierce dictatorships, including most of Latin America, Africa, Southeast Asia, Eastern and Central Europe, North Korea, Cuba, and nearly all of the Middle East except Israel.
The Guardian: Cameron calls on Islam to embrace democracy and reject extremism Democracy and Islam can flourish together, David Cameron will declare on Thursday as he uses a landmark speech in Indonesia to tell the Muslim world that it can reject a «dead - end choice» between extremism and dictatorship.
When the Chinese dictatorship is replaced by a more humane regime» and one may reasonably think it is more a matter of when than if» the Christian proposal could have a world - transforming effect in aligning that society with the cause of human dignity.
Muslims will NEVER be Americans!!!! They don't have the capacity to understand freedom and democracy!!!! Only through Jesus can anyone understand the concept of freedom!!!! There's a reason why all of the free nations in the world are Christian and all of the dictatorships are Muslim or communist (atheist)!!!!
During his homily at the Mass pro eligendo Romano Pontifice [for the election of the Roman Pontiff] on April 18, 2005, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger cautioned his fellow - cardinals that John Paul II's successor would have to deal with an emerging «dictatorship of relativism» throughout the western world: the use of coercive state power to impose an agenda of dramatic moral deconstruction on all of society.
Large capital investments in the Third World on the part of multinational business will increasingly require political commitments from the host nation — and such commitments are most easily secured in such rightist dictatorships as Brazil and Chile.
Dictatorship that deny human rights such as to life and security have been more pronounced in the poor countries during the post World War II period.
With the decline of hereditary monarchies over the last two centuries, dictatorship and constitutional democracy have become the two principal forms of government around the world.
Indeed, the list of Third World governments committed to the goal of shaping the demographic pattern of their societies seems to cover the political spectrum, including not only dictatorships and one - party states (Haiti, Indonesia), but also monarchies (Morocco, Nepal) and a number of genuine constitutional democracies (such as Barbados and Botswana).
First world: Capitalist / democracy Second world: Communist / socialist Third world: Developing / dictatorship Fourth world: N / A
There are a good % of the world's population living under dictatorships and another big % that are in actual modern day slavery.
The president of Business International, Orville Freeman, describes the period following World War II, a period in which the United States solidified its relationships with dictatorships in Latin America and throughout much of the world, as an exemplary time of freWorld War II, a period in which the United States solidified its relationships with dictatorships in Latin America and throughout much of the world, as an exemplary time of freworld, as an exemplary time of freedom.
Spread that link around the world for the call to freedom of all muslim nations around the world under U.S, French, English, Russian and Chinese dictatorship!
And that is not to mention the islamofacists who are already openly dedicated to a world religious fascists dictatorship.
Interpretations of where it is «morally imperative» to intervene remain selective, and intervention is never purely based on high moral or humanitarian grounds; there are a number of humanitarian emergencies and nasty dictatorships throughout the world in which the international community has not stepped in.
Dictatorships around the world have sought to control the speech, thoughts, feelings and perceptions of the people.
Americans and citizens across the world raised money to help Haitians rebuild their country, one ravaged by colonialism, dictatorship, poverty, and foreign political interference even before the earthquake.
Yeonmi Park: «I hope my book will shine a light on the darkest place in the world» Yeonmi Park was born in the North Korean city of Hyesan, close to the Chinese border, and brought up in the brutal and paranoid atmosphere of the Kim dictatorships.
Given Kim's apparent immaturity and lack of restraint, it's hard to imagine any solution satisfactory to the rest of the world, that doesn't involve removing Kim Jong Un, and the dismantling of the hereditary dictatorship that put such an inexperienced and temperamental person in such a position.
And as a democracy in a sea of instability and dictatorships, it's a beacon of hope for the whole world.
Reactionary politics is killing democracies all over the world and making people distrust this process which is the only process that is viable if you don't want to have complete dictatorship.
My first thought is about states like Turkmenistan - a dictatorship consistently ranked as the worst in the world.
This is why every successful armed force in the world is some flavor of dictatorship, rather than making decisions by majority vote.
Any government is capable of providing one, and even several dictatorships around the world have indeed provided betters ones.
«Around the world, dictatorships have died and democracies have been born, and across the old British empire a vibrant Commonwealth of nations has expanded and flourished.
The USSR tried to implement communism in the real world and was a dictatorship with state - control of the production.
Although there are various variants of governance, two main broad governance systems are recognized widely across the world: you are either a dictatorship or a democracy.
I know that that is Russia has only recently emerged from absolute dictatorship but in a world which contains the EU and a Labour government not noted for any regard for democracy, it is not mentaly so very far away.
As the world shifted to the Cold War, and capitalist democracies jockeyed against communist dictatorships, antibiotics emerged as political instruments.
When OPEC shut off oil supplies, the Brazilian military dictatorship began the push for one of the most successful biofuel industries in the world
In the Muslim world, the open communications that helped topple dictatorships are also aiding fundamentalist forces.
If that's true and if it holds in the future — if people continue to defend other people's eccentricities because a) they think it's cool to live in a world of harmless eccentrics and b) for the sake of their own protection — then you would likely see a 51 percent or 60 percent or 70 percent dictatorship by a majority that insists on crushing intolerance.
For instance, having your character living in a dictatorship in a virtual world might be fun from a role - playing standpoint, as would be ruthlessly slaughtering NPC innocents.
In 1985 Neil Postman published a book, «Amusing Ourselves to Death, «in which he argued that of the two great dystopian novels from the first half of the 20th century — Aldous Huxley's «Brave New World» and George Orwell's «1984» — it was actually the former, whose weapon of governmental control was distraction, rather than the latter, whose weapon was dictatorship, that was the more prescient and more deadly.
Less antiseptic than the very broad good vs. evil, dark vs. light fantasy - based conflicts of the series, the world of Rogue One is far more complicated, showing us a more realized version of a universe under the thumb of an evil dictatorship and the moral compromises soldiers living and fighting in a war zones might have to make.
Corruption is a disease that plagues societies all over the world, particularly when under the rule of a dictatorship.
Over the past year, they have achieved stunning results, overturning dictatorships and sending waves of hope across regions and around the world.
She includes inspiring stories from around the world — of resistance workers who organize to overthrow a dictatorship in Serbia; of groups of families who deepen their religious beliefs in affluent suburbia; of a sisterhood of lower - class women who train to become health workers in rural India; of study groups that raise the calculus achievement of black and Hispanic students on college campuses.
Finally, in Nineteen Eighty - Four Orwell's description of a horrifying and soulless dystopia paints a chillingly accurate picture of Burma today, a country ruled by one of the world's most brutal and tenacious dictatorships.
Travelling all over the world he worked with victims of enforced marriages in North Africa and the Middle East, sex workers in the Far East, orphans in war - torn areas like Croatia and dictatorships like Romania, victims of crimes and abused children everywhere.
So far, there has been no government in the world that adhered to the theoretical governance of communism, they all became totalitarian dictatorships.
Aside from the fragile story, the open world gameplay boils down to eliminating key infrastructure from a malevolent dictatorship called DRM.
The intense battles of the world war 2 era games are relocated to the sand - blasted alleyways of a middle - eastern dictatorship, with tense spec - ops raids that reign in the action to brief bursts of gunplay, relying on atmosphere and deftly - weaved scripts to keep the player invested.
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