Sentences with phrase «world ethical challenges»

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So the moral and ethical challenge is to somehow reintroduce values into the technological, and thus political, contextualizing of processed images, to restore the dissected and desiccated token to the water of life, to the moral universe, the real world which permits us to be truly human.
By working together through a myriad of challenging scenarios, ELAC, Oxfam and their collaborators ultimately hope to create a handbook on humanitarian intervention that will outline common moral dilemmas and ethical standards for resolving them that can be applied by practitioners around the world.
In line with the outcomes of 1999 World Conference on Science (WCS) and taking into account the 2011 Budapest Declaration on the New Era of Global Science and the 2013 Rio de Janeiro Declaration on «Science for Global Sustainable Development» we renew our commitment towards the responsible and ethical use of scientific knowledge in addressing the grand challenges of humankind.
2017 Jordan Science For Peace Declaration underlines the 8th World Science Forum's commitment to the responsible and ethical use of scientific knowledge in addressing the great challenges of humankind, more equitable use of natural and human resources and commits to promote diversity in science.
Finding more feminine pieces in the world of ethical and eco-friendly fashion can be challenging, but it's definitely not impossible, so today I've rounded up six of my favorite romantic dresses for the new season.
Young people face an ever - escalating assortment of ethical challenges as they navigate adolescence in today's world.
As current trends in contemporary society demand new educational responses, and traditional systems of learning are substantially challenged and reshaped, consensus is building around the importance of developing learners well prepared to meet the demands that current and future global trends make on individuals and societies, particularly in the area of civic and social participation, and ethical behavior in a world increasingly marked by difference.
Center for Education on Social Responsibility CESR helps students become outstanding business leaders of tomorrow by preparing them to meet the ethical challenges posed by a highly competitive, globally - connected business world.
Recalling the same era, Simon leung's War After War is a collaborative project with Warren Niesluchowski, a former World War 11 refugee and Vietnam War deserter whose life foregrounds the ethical challenge of reciprocity and hospitality.
Challenging commonly held preconceptions of the relationship between art and politics, Jaar fuses the aesthetic and the ethical in order to focus on the world's injustice: poverty, exploitation, genocide.
The purpose of this exercise is to get them to understand that how you see climate change depends upon where you sit in the world and that climate change can not be understood without seeing it as civilization challenging ethical problem.
In the United States and other high - emitting nations there is hardly a peep or a whisper about the practical consequences of seeing climate change as a world - challenging ethical problem.
In the United States and other high - emitting nations there is hardly a peep in the US media about the practical consequences of seeing climate change as a world - challenging ethical problem.
At times, there may be good political reasons for fighting on the terrain of the economists, but environmentalism at a deeper level challenges the ethical principles that underlie prevailing attitudes to the natural world.
Unless nations specifically identify the equity principles that have guided their ghg emissions reductions, and the assumptions about warming limits entailed by their INDC, nations and citizens around the world who may be harmed by illigitmate uses of common pool resources have an insufficient factual basis to challenge the potentially unethical responses of nations to their ethical obligations.
ETHICAL CHALLENGES OF SECURING CLIENT DATA In 1946, computer pioneer Grace Hopper was busy working as a programmer on one of the world's early supercomputers: Harvard's Mark II back when each computer was the size of an entire room.
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