Sentences with phrase «world habitation»

But for now, the device is meant more for enhancing the human and interactive component of gaming and virtual world habitation.
What we have said is that through the vast mystery of the whole world - process we are able to see the pervasive presence of the divine activity which makes this world the habitation of God's creatures and, in some measure, of His good.

Not exact matches

Finally, the explosion to satellite communications in the eighties matched in the most recent years with fiberoptic switching systems and computer processing of cash, words, images, and data — the internetting of global consciousness — has swept up most human endeavors from local names and habitations into the global context of international trademarks, common credit cards, shared diets, world class athletics, and intercontinental rock concert tours.
Acts 17:24 - 28 «24 The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; 25 nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things; 26 and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, 27 that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; 28 for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, «For we also are His children.»»
For example, talk of coming down from heaven may have been appropriate in a world that conceived the divine habitations as almost literally «above»; it will also be appropriate as a useful metaphorical way of describing the presence among us of that which (again in a symbolic sense) is higher than human experience as such.
The divine was driven out of nature not to turn nature into a technological instrument, but rather to make it the habitation of the devil; the religious «man» should shun it and flee from it in order to save «his» soul for a higher spiritual realm outside of and against the body and the visible, created world.
He aims to understand how people have used their freedom and to describe the worlds people have built for their habitation.
Eight acts of divine speech schematically represent the untold multiplicity of divine urgings whereby God shaped this world, originally without form and void, into that which we may celebrate as a fit habitation for man.
«Thou hast made us for thyself, O God...» At best, we men are pilgrims whose true Patria is the heart of God; we walk as wayfaring men in the company of the Son of God, seeking to do our duty and live aright in this world, but not ashamed to let it be known that God has prepared for us another habitation, «a city which hath foundations.»
Similar isomorphisms about habitations — house, congregation, and world — seem to operate in the present instance.
Each of us is alienated, again in varying degrees, from the world of nature, which is our habitation and from which humankind has emerged.
Two of the Upangas give in question - and - answer form detailed classifications of living beings and a description of the world in considerable detail, oceans, islands, the palaces of the gods, as well as a classification of races and their habitations.
Downstream, near where the river empties into the East China Sea, the land around the Yangtze contains some of the densest clusters of human habitation in the world, and overfishing there has already endangered 25 of the river's 177 unique fish species.
With Earth no longer safe for habitation, the Robinsons are among those selected to search for a better world somewhere beyond.
The term «Torrid Zone» originates from the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384 BCE — 322 BCE), who believed the world to be divided into three parts: The «Frigid Zone», close to the polar regions, the «Torrid Zone» (now generally called the tropics), which he considered too hot for habitation, and the «Temperate Zone» between the two, which he considered the best place to be.
There is no incongruity in the idea that in the very earliest period of man's habitation of this world he made a friend and companion of some sort of aboriginal representative of our modern dog.
These games privilege the habitation of a singular consciousness in a cerebral space, often filtering our experience of the world through solipsistic voiceover narration.
What at first glance appear to be bucolic scenes of a pristine world become on closer inspection images of a landscape that at every turn has felt and recorded the impact of human habitation.
Victoria Miro is pleased to present Alex Hartley's most recent culmination of his on - going investigation into dystopian architecture, secular habitation and the construction of sanctuary as an inherent drive to form refuge from the world.
It is those who live in parts of the world which have currently have climates marginal for human habitation which will suffer first, i.e. the hot countries and countries where human habitation is strongly dependant on seasonal rainfall, where perturbations to the climate may / will cause crop failure and famine.
In effect they argue that a world designed for human habitation must include negative feedbacks that maintain the state of the planet against our malign influences.
Third, most of our top rank experts and the people in many places, the ones who refer to each other as «the brightest and the best» -LCB- and point to each other as the «smartest guy in the room» -RCB-, appear not to rejected adequate ways of communicating to the family of humanity about what people somehow need to hear, see and understand: the rapacious dissipation of Earth's limited resources, the relentless degradation of the planet's environment, and the approaching destruction of the Earth as a fit place for human habitation by the human species, when taken together, appear to be proceeding at breakneck speed toward the precipitation of a catastrophic ecological wreckage of some sort unless, of course, the world's colossal, ever expanding, artificially designed, manmade global political economy continues to speed headlong toward the monolithic «wall» called «unsustainability» at which point the runaway economy crashes before Earth's ecology is collapsed.
«If the world we inhabit is bounded and finite, with limited resources, how many more years will pass before the colossal scale and global growth of unrestrained consumption, unchecked absolute human population numbers, and large - scale unbridled economic globalization activities by the human species make the Earth unfit for sustaining human habitation
Please forgive me for stating the obvious: there are mountains of scientific evidence, plenty of sound reasons and abundant common sense imploring the leaders of India, China, the US and the rest of the over-developed and under - developed world to consider that the seemingly endless, global expansion of large - scale industrialization and production capabilities, now overspreading the surface of Earth, could be approaching a point in history when these unbridled big - business activities could dangerously destablize frangible global ecosystems, irreversibly degrade the environment, recklessly dissipate Earth's natural resource base and, perhaps, destroy our planetary home as a fit place for human habitation by our children.
* «We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation,» biologist Barry Commoner, University of Washington, writing in the journal Environment, April 1970.
If we keep doing what we are doing now, we could end up leaving our children with a world that is unfit for human habitation.
As a member of the Mars Society for the last several years, I've heard much talk of «terraforming» Mars to make it a warmer and wetter world suitable for human habitation.
Yes, some areas of the world are already at the limit of habitation / productivity because of warm temperatures and further warming may ruin them.
«We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation
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