Sentences with phrase «world of ambiguity»

Although he is the son of an Anglican clergyman, he is alone and self - sufficient in a world of ambiguity and violence where love often is a possessive passion which is easily transformed into hate.

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The ambiguity regarding the nature of the gospel in the WCC — in contrast to its elaborate world order visions — could not be in starker relief to the clarity and assurance (without smugness and with much charity and mercy) of those missionaries and national Christians I visited in Singapore.
To Begin the World Anew: The Genius and Ambiguities of the American Founders by Bernard Bailyn Knopf.
And the religious response to this suspicion is in each case the same: the formulation, by means of symbols, of an image of such a genuine order of the world which will account for, even celebrate, the perceived ambiguities, puzzles and paradoxes of human experience.
My own peculiar task in my Church and in my world has been that of the solitary explorer who, instead of jumping on all the latest bandwagons at once, is bound to search the existential depths of faith in its silences, its ambiguities, and in those certainties which lie deeper than the bottom of anxiety.
Colleges and universities live in the same world of grays and ambiguities as do all other institutions.
That view will reflect the enigmas and ambiguities of the biblical texts, and it will be a view of the whole world.
I believed that the only reason anyone would choose to become or remain a religious conservative is lack of the psychological strength to confront the ambiguity and uncertainty of the world.
My point is that here is a kind of transcendental mysticism which, as it were, «outgrows» the world, having first faced its ambiguities and seemingly irradicable evils.
Looking at this side of the ambiguity, we see a church in which many first - world Christians of our day could feel comfortable and undisturbed: a church that lives without question or resistance in a state founded on violence and made prosperous by the exploitation of less fortunate nations; a church that accepts various perquisites from that state as its due; a church where changing jobs for the sake of peace and justice is seldom considered; a church that constantly speaks in the language of war; a church given to eloquent invective in its internal disputes and against outside opponents; a church quite sure that God will punish the wicked.
We've already discussed Chapter 2 — «The Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Literature» — in which Enns tackles the difficult question of how to understand the Bible as special and revelatory when Genesis in particular looks so much like other literature from the ancient Near Eastern world, and Chapter 3 --- «The Old Testament and Theological Diversity» — which addresses some of the tension, ambiguity, and diversity found within the pages of Scripture.
It held that the Christian calling is to serve God in the midst of all the ambiguities of life in the world, including family and business.
In other parts of the world, there is no ambiguity.
Turn inside, they said, away from the variable senses and the ambiguities of the world, and you will discover what you can not doubt, namely the changeless and universal Truth present to but above the fickle mind — the truth of mathematics, of beauty and of good and evil.
Part of Silva's genius is his recognition of the moral ambiguities of even good - guy counter-terrorism, though he never loses sight of the fact that there are, in fact, good guys and bad guys in this world.
It figured heavily in my approval as a candidate for the ministry: the chairman of the committee, a veteran of World War I, was disturbed because I refused to embrace completely the warmaking side of the ambiguity.
Theologians throughout Christian history have envisioned the church as a community of believers not separate from the ambiguities of a sinful yet graced world but fully immersed in that world.
This chapter looks at one side of the Bible's ambiguity where we see a church in which many first - world Christians of our day could feel comfortable and undisturbed: a church that lives without question or resistance in a state founded on violence and made prosperous by the exploitation of less fortunate nations.
If one adopts a process concept of God and God's relationship to the world, the ambiguity of the world loses its character as a divine deception and becomes» an expression of the divine struggle for self - disclosure, a struggle powerfully symbolized in the paradox of a crucified God.
believe that God actively seeks to reveal the divine love fail to appreciate the way in which process theology makes sense of the world's ambiguity?
This sort of research assumes away the rich social context and great social and practical ambiguities of the real world.
The world's ambiguity is a central theme of modern liberal consciousness, and the openness and tolerance required to confront it are central liberal values.
John Hick has seen far more clearly than most that the ambiguity of the world is part of the problem of evil.
I can see no other way to interpret their curious claim that pacifists of the messianic community wish «to explore amid the ambiguities of the world what less violent alternatives might exist.»
The Whiteheadian notion of society, on the other hand, can be employed without ambiguity in both the microscopic and the macroscopic worlds.
You get the flavor of this in the studied ambiguity of the attitude to «the world» in St. John's gospel, or, for that matter, in a contrast of the first two chapters of St. Paul's letter to the Romans with the eighth.
With all the ambiguities that surround the records of his teaching regarding the Kingdom, it is clear that it embodies the goal of God's reign over the hearts and lives of men, and thus sets forth the great hope of a better world both now and in the world to come.
A new Bible translation, the Queen James Bible claiming to be the world's first gay Bible, has been published (in the words of the editors) «to resolve interpretive ambiguity in the Bible... in a way that makes homophobic interpretations impossible»
Hence the misty world toward which symbols point and the opaqueness of this realm of ambiguity to clear logical articulation renders the symbols themselves somewhat suspect.
A summary of Merleau - Ponty's treatment of ambiguity points to Whitehead's notion of adventure: (i) the irreducible polarity of body - world as the ultimate scheme of existence; (ii) the irreducibility of perception to either pole of the body - world schema; (iii) the affirmation of freedom as both centripetal and centrifugal.
Another way of looking at this question of the evolution of religious thought is to note that any verbal form of statement which has been before the world for some time discloses ambiguities; and that often such ambiguities strike at the very heart of the meaning.
There was an absoluteness to his commitment as an explorer of new worlds and an ambiguity about which new world he would discover (AI 279).
The ambiguities and ironies emphasize Greene's theme of human love as a destructive and redeeming force which clouds all moral issues and makes the world an even more dangerous place.
Dr Slim pointed out, finally, that the ambiguity of civilian identity can come into play during war, suggesting that the «Western» world had largely respected the distinction between civilian and combatant.
New entrants to the world of research likely will continue to grapple with the ambiguities of the current system, negotiating for an appropriate spot on the author list.
Unlike adolescents» choices in the context of full information, their behavior under ambiguity and uncertainty also correlated with their self - reported risk - taking in the real world.
In a world where relationships are consumed by ambiguity, pride, and various shades of gray, Kolbaba enlightens readers to the ways lovers thrived in simpler times.
What began, however glossily, as an ambiguity - laced power struggle between two people from separate social and sexual worlds has devolved into a far less intriguing victory lap for an exquisite couple that wants, and can afford, most of the same things — at least until the pesky matter of baby - making gets in the way.
Katja, so fierce and finely drawn, becomes of figure of ambiguity — a woman who may surrender to hate, or perhaps a woman who sees hatred at work in the world, and wonders if she wants to be a part of that world any longer.
Hostiles is set in a bleak, bigoted world but tells the tale of a man somehow shaking all of his prejudices loose; it's an epic that hints at subtler ambiguities but forgets to actually include them in the story.
This film relies heavily on the mystery, the ambiguity of the world we live in, and how we don't / won't understand everything.
In Polanski's world, the mere fact that a mystery is solved doesn't mean there's a happy ending, and his incredible powers of ambiguity have never been so strong as in Chinatown.
While you spend a lot of time chasing an Elder Dragon that wouldn't look out of place in the movie Pacific Rim, Monster Hunter World's choice to integrate Guild and Village quests into one coherent story cuts out any confusion or ambiguity that new players may feel when it comes to figuring out which quests progress your journey.
Much like Charles Xavier and Magneto, Doom has grown from «Destroyer of Worlds» into moral ambiguity over time, while his heroic enemy, Reed Richards, sometimes veers into extremism and ethical murkiness.
When leadership becomes an exercise in maintaining (and advancing) our position, we fail to nourish school cultures based on creativity, openness, and comfort with ambiguity — qualities defining many leading - edge businesses that still seem scarce in the world of education.
«A work of art is a tangible object, something on which students can focus their emotion, through which they can explore ambiguity, and by which they can develop a connection to the world around them,» she said.
An extraordinary tale of deceit, double - dealing, and moral ambiguity - an insider's view of the counterintelligence game played by the British in Washington during the early days of World War II.
Konrad would relish the ambiguity of Trieste, a frontier town that tried to forget the communist world at its back; and he'd shake with laughter at the idea of his brother's tryst with a dead woman.
A. Books (novels and poetry more than anything else) can tell us about the ambiguity of the world.
Perhaps Tillinghast's best advice is to be comfortable with ambiguity and failure, as being right 55 % of the time is actually really good in the world of investing.
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