Sentences with phrase «world poverty»

"World poverty" refers to a condition where a large number of people around the globe experience extreme shortage of basic needs like food, clean water, shelter, healthcare, and education. It means that many individuals and communities are living in severe poverty and struggle to meet their daily survival needs. Full definition
Most of those who do were living in two - thirds world poverty only decades ago.
Yet the extent of world poverty can seem so overwhelming that many of us are left feeling helpless; that the problems are just too big for any one person to make a difference.
Compared with ending world poverty, he said, distributing food and beer was not a complicated business.
Taking a look at some basic facts and figures on world poverty makes it easier to wrap your head around the scope of the problem.
I remember when my doctor made the recommendation for me to book in an MRI on my head and coordinating this with my then manager proved to be harder than solving world poverty.
One of my favorite resources for teaching students about world poverty is here.
Third, Christian nations have developed capitalism, which today is eliminating world poverty faster than all the charitable giving and government grants in our world can ever hope to do.
This is where our answer to world poverty lies... Not in one man.
Can we really say that this is a productive method to reduce world poverty?
Read this article for the surprising statistics on world poverty.
If we see an «80 % reduction in world poverty in only 36 years, from 26.8 % of the world's population living on $ 1 or less in 1970 to only 5.4 % in 2006.»
McGlade points out that over the past two decades, world poverty rates have fallen from 42 per cent in the mid 1990s to a projected value of 15 per cent for 2015, representing half a billion people lifted out of poverty.
Which is how Beshara, a then -22-year-old Texan with a degree in developmental economics and dreams of alleviating world poverty, wound up as a South African debt collector.
Sachs convincingly presents world poverty as a manageable problem; offering a plausible and very nearly painless plan for dealing with it, and all with an unruffled self - confidence.
Aren't there more pressing issues like world poverty, rape, murder and endless war that God seems to keep avoiding?
First, we are working to reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the international targets agreed by the United Nations (UN) to halve world poverty by 2015.
Your speech has made me think that it is pointless to tackle world poverty for the same reason it is pointless to tackle Anthropogenic Global Warming.
It is the «thank you» for chairing a session at DFID's Fighting World Poverty conference.
Their plan is to export 3rd world poverty everywhere and make [A] ll people unemployed losers.
and the argument continues through world poverty / Suffering etc etc until the guy answers «Ok, I haven't found what I'm looking for».
She is also a social activist and has started community - wide 5 - 10K runs to fight against world poverty.
Mission: to positively impact the education and lives of individuals in poverty throughout the world
Five Poverty - Fighting Clean Water Projects and Designs Millions May Gain Access to Clean Water After Clinton Global Initiative «Mega-Commitment» Global Greengrants Fund: Where Green Ideas, from Sustainable Agriculture to Mine Restoration, Sprout Around the World
Criswell's scenario (chapter 9; more below) sees a need for up to 60 TW (thermal) by 2050, to address world poverty in an adequate fashion.
Attempts to alleviate the problems of third world poverty meet with similar divergent views.
World Peace Coin is a cryptocurrency that aims to end world poverty by bringing financial inclusivity in the developing world.
We are not called upon to discard completely the important salvation history themes of the Old Testament, but the church in America may find some other viewpoints more helpful in the challenges of world poverty.
You mean the pope has announced the church will liquidate all its wealth, which according to estimates is greater than that of the top 5 corporations of the US combined, and use it to alleviate world poverty?
That means he's not trying to solve world poverty, bring fresh water to Africa, bring the internet to the farthest reaches of South America, or save species in the polar regions from going extinct.
Some of the individuals were behind «megagifts» of $ 200 million to $ 2 billion, big checks most often associated with tech - industry tycoons trying to solve the world's biggest problems — from developing world poverty to lack of universal education — in one bank transfer of epic proportions.
Not because I don't care about world poverty but because one should not contribute to the delusion that saying you're against an evil discharges your duty, or even partly dischargesyour duty, to deal with the evil, and because it is unseemly to trumpet your moral superiority to the people who didn't stand up and therefore are, in this peculiar way of thinking, not as caring as you.
Like world poverty, logging forests, racial harmony, waging war, caring for our children, helping those in need and many, many other things.
Addressing energy poverty is a key step to alleviating poverty — with the I.E.A. noting that an additional 700 million people need to gain access to modern energy services by 2015 if the UN's millennium development poverty alleviation goal is to be met (halving world poverty).
After all, he says, capitalism has largely ended world poverty, boosted literacy rates around the world, increased lifespans, and created an era of prosperity unprecedented throughout human history.
In addition, a number of studies have showed that even if developed countries did actually cut their agricultural subsidies, it would make little difference to world poverty.
On the one hand, world poverty is massively less than it was forty years ago.
It is clear that Wallis believes that Third World poverty is «the system's fault.»
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