Sentences with phrase «world scientists»

What are top world scientists telling government about climate extremes?
Some of the most prominent world scientists researched the topic and rejected these claims.
Now, according to the scientists, which have formed a group called the Alliance of World Scientists, our policy - makers need to push hard on other fronts.
Like many developing world scientists, Noutcha does not have a credit card, and international bank transfers are complicated and costly.
The country has excellent research infrastructure for life science and physical science, a powerful emphasis on collaborative projects and shared facilities, strong government funding of research, and an openness to scientists of all types — and particularly life scientists — from around the world
Michael E Mann, PhD (Doctor of Phraudology), Nobel Laureate, one of the world «s leading world scientists of the world, and recently honored with the bestowal of a co-papacy by the College of Cardinals.
James Hansen and more than a dozen other world scientists published a monumental 66 page scientific paper in March.
Read next: Google Science Fair 2014 kicks off to find bright young scientists with ideas to change the world
World scientists on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change agree that we need to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere by 80 per cent by 2050 in order to have a chance of avoiding catastrophic climate change.
Our hospitals could one day be brought to their knees by antibiotic - resistant superbugs — doctors and scientists are seeing the first glimpse of such a world
After keeping science alive during decades of scarcity, Cuba's «guerrilla scientists» are ready to rejoin the world
Sandra Chishimba, who was here at Lindau was on a — I'm very thrilled and feel very wonderful — she was my nominee to come to this conference, and I think she represents what third world scientists can accomplish.
Indirect evidence has also shown that epsilon Eridani may already hold smaller worlds scientists simply haven't detected yet.
He is the picture of a courtly Old World scientist.
«The consensus of world scientists, as revealed by the UN's IPCC agree — humanity is causing significant climate change.
Supporting American Postdoctoral scientists on the Institut Pasteur campus and around the world
Lynn Hershman Leeson, a San Francisco - based artist known for her use of emerging technology, spent six years working with leading world scientists to create «Infinity Engine,» a multi-room installation displaying the latest advancements in genetic engineering.
Well hey there stud if you have scientific information the the rest of the world scientist don't have why don't you share with the rest of us.
Now you lose 68 % of the jail population, but only 1 % of the worlds scientists.
If you were to wipe out all the athiests in the world, you'd lose 97 % of the worlds scientists that do «gods work»»
If you were to wipe out all the athiests in the world, you'd lose 97 % of the worlds scientists that do «gods work» in keeping your religious asses alive longer and happier.
Expressing greater worry why the Government ever considered this trend, said the truth is that the world scientists can not at the moment guarantee the total safety and security of the land water under the nuclear plant regime.
One might expect, then, that any living «Earth - like» world scientists will ever gaze upon through telescopes is likely to be anoxic, or lacking in oxygen.
As the Tsinghua fatality shows, however, it is an issue that demands attention wherever in the world scientists pursue research.
The paper, World scientists» warning to humanity: A second notice, has prompted speeches about the research in Israel's Knesset and Canada's BC Legislature, with signatories increasing with the specially formed Alliance of World Scientists.
Computer scientists are developing systems that can enhance and enrich a user's view of the world
An allegation that a prosperous first - world scientist has intentionally or carelessly maligned...
NIMS's unique system helps active research of talented young scientists from all over the world
Now over 20,000 world scientists have signed a warning begun just last November by our Radio Ecoshock guest Dr. William Ripple from Oregon.
The second outcome is that it provides scientists from the developing world with the opportunity to build networks not only with other developing world scientists, but also with developed world scientists and policymakers, which is critical.
Those words are taken from the World Scientists» Warning to Humanity, from November 1992, over two decades ago.
Charts from «World Scientists» Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice» Along with their warning, the scientists list a dozen or so examples of the kind of actions that could turn humanity's trajectory around.
But Krug said it represented a breakthrough for involvement of developing - world scientists.
The official launch of «A Disgrace to the Profession»: The World Scientists - in Their Own Words - on Michael E Mann, His Hockey Stick, and Their Damage to Science: Volume One is less than a fortnight away...
The overwhelming message of the world scientists, the US National Academy of Sciences, all the national academies of all the industrial nations, all the scientific societies in the US that have weighed in on the matter, all on record as being convinced by the many lines of evidence that human - caused climate change is real, and it's a threat.
That is, of course, very frightening to the world scientists who understand that peer review is sort of the gold standard.
Where is the logic and reason in claiming 98 % of the worlds scientists agree that there is AGW?
The first «World Scientists» Warning to Humanity» was authored in 1992 by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) and signed by 1,700 scientists, including most living Nobel laureates in the sciences.
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