Sentences with phrase «world someone live»

Sometimes, bad things happen just because as a result of sin, that is the kind of world we live in.
And if we do so, we change the kind of person we are, and we change the kind of world we live in.
While in a perfect world life insurance policyholders would always be able to pay their monthly premiums, there are in fact times when those payments are out of reach.
The online credit card search world lives on affiliate fees, where card issuers pay them whenever you sign up for a new card.
I don't know what world she lives in sometimes.
Balance is about learning the skills to deal with the constantly changing world we live in.
This is a film about the human side of technology, about the philosophical implications raised by this strange and alluring new digital world we live in.
With over 100 «hands on» exhibits themed on air, earth, fire and water you will be amazed and well educated about the wonderful world we all live in today.
Sad world we live in folks but always got ta be on your toes.
Taking a few moments everyday is essential in this busy world we live in today.
I wonder if someone has created christian death metal since they are so obsessed with death instead of the real world we live in.
It can't possibly get worse that what the western world lived under when it was under the thumb of the one and only, most holy Catholic church for 1500 years.
I also have a passion for travel and love encouraging others to get out and see more of this beautiful world we live in.
The modern world we live in help very of us much.
«It's a complex world we live in,» she said.
Which is exactly the kind of technology we need more of in the update - happy world we live in.
At our international, diverse campus, you'll be prepared to become engaged and responsible leaders, ready for the new global world we live in.
In the virtual world we live in today everyone is looking at online listings.
It's a fast paced world we live in, and like it or not, I couldn't get it all done without doing multiple things at once.
Second, improvements in rich world living standards may, for the moment at least, come from the capture of policy low - hanging fruit.
Art's world lives outside conventional time and space.
You don't see people like her often enough in this tough world we live in.
It's a funny world we live in; speaking of which, you know how I got these scars?
Title alone doesn't mean much, especially in this ever - evolving world we live in.
What's so brilliant about self - publishing and about the internet world we live in now, I've sold books in 68 countries.
We choose to be spiritual because we can see with our own eyes the amazing world we live in and how beautiful it can be when not manipulated by religion.
Have faith in the ability for mankind to help himself and do the best he can do in this crazy and chaotic world we live in.
Each month we bring you in depth information and analysis from various topics ranging from technology and space to the living world we live in.
They also offer a $ 0 Liability Guarantee for any fraudulent purchases, allowing you to rest easy in this increasingly dangerous financial world we live in.
Somehow they take the three - dimensional world we live in and represent it so perfectly that we are fooled into thinking that another three - dimensional space exists behind the mirror!
The entire world we live in is quite literally too much to take in.
When comparing these old fashion dating habits to the virtual dating world we live in know,.
Without these valuable team players on a school staff, who would teach students and teachers how to navigate in the high technological world we live in?
I understand the strange and exciting publishing world we live in today.
I'm left wondering what dream world you live in where game devs make the games they want to make rather than the games that management believes will sell?
Despite the multicultural world we live in and the data that supports the benefits of diverse workplaces, your company may encounter individual employees who do not embrace the changes within the workplace.
In the broken world we live in, our country is being hit hard with a drug epidemic.
What a crazy, mixed - up world we live in.
By standing on the shoulders of giants, humans have built the sophisticated high - tech world we live in today.
In this wonderful social media world we live in, it's ever so easy to get to know people long before you meet them.
It reminds you of this much bigger world we live in — and also reminds you of the beauty of home.
Keep in mind that in the legal - centric world we live in, professional references aren't always so easily given.
Reading some of the comments above prove what a lost world we live in.
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