Sentences with phrase «world traditions for»

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Despite criticisms against religion, every major faith tradition in the world has core principles and values that can serve as an anchoring ethos for entrepreneurs and leaders.
All was good for decades, as the tradition of buying diamond engagement and wedding rings took off just after the Second World War, when newly employed GIs were told «A Diamond Is Forever» in a clever marketing campaign by South African miner De Beers.
Fortunately, numerology tells you which days of the month you should pick for your wedding day to have the best luck (plus, here are some lucky wedding traditions from around the world you might want to incorporate).
According to the BBC, World War II is responsible for the onset of a common present - day wedding tradition — male wedding bands.
PASTA has been enjoyed for centuries and by tradition, Italian people have consumed more than the rest of the world's population put together.
World - renowned for their glamorous tropical backdrops, relaxed lifestyle, welcoming ways, and time - honored traditions of exploration and discovery, the Caribbean islands are a dream destination for MICE groups.
The Parker 99R continues in the tradition of excellence with a solid brass frame, butterfly open mechanisim, and Parker's world famous smooth shaving head design.The Parker 99R is noted for being a heavy razor, which makes cutting through the toughest of beards easy... resulting in a smooth and comfortable shave.
Beyond the special visit of Senator Collins, highlights included: • Intense and probing pre and post-dinner conversations about the economy and the world on the deck (along with wonderful wine and hors d'oeuvres — part of the tradition is that each participant ships several bottles of excellent wine to share with others) • Participation in a financial forecast survey of key factors for the upcoming 12 months as well as a review of the prior year's financial forecast survey — including distribution of funds that the prior year's attendees «bet» on the accuracy of the forecasts.
In the decades immediately following World War II, Conservatism provided, for many American Jews, the ideal balance between tradition and modernity.
As with the mystical tradition in general, the danger is that the Pentecostal mystical experience becomes a mere escape from the world rather than a preparation for a purposeful reinsertion into the world.
In fact, he is in the counterculture tradition with those Americans who between the two world wars, their higher consciousness having been inspired not by golden mushrooms but by Karl Marx as filtered through the minds of Lenin and Stalin, wanted as quickly as possible a lasting abundance for everyone.
It is for such reasons that I have found within the Wesleyan tradition a useful pattern of theological reflection and the resources for trying to think theologically in the modern world.
The eclipse of communist ideology makes it all the more important to remember that, despite its antireligious tradition, Marxist - Leninist communism was, conceptually, the product of a world that felt the need for a transcendent vision.
And while the Holy Spirit waits for us to take the earplugs of tradition out of our ears, He goes to the rocks and the stars (often in the form of Rockstars) to have them cry out the message that He is whispering to the entire world.
In the ordination service of my tradition, candidates for the ministry are asked, «Will you in your own life seek to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, love your neighbors and work for the reconciliation of the world?
What we might rather hope for, as Stanley Hauerwas suggests, are the discoveries of analogies between the traditions that might help Jews and Christians alike «survive in a world that is not constituted by the recognition much less the worship of our God.»
Many of the major models for the relationship between God and the world in the Judeo - Christian tradition are ones that emphasize the transcendence of God and the distance between God and the world: God as king with the world as his realm, God as potter who creates the cosmos by molding it, God as speaker who with a word brings the world to be out of nothing.
I write from the standpoint of a Church of England parish priest and many of my examples are from that tradition, but I recognize that the Church of England is one church amongst many churches, just as Christianity is one religion amongst many world religions which are slowly learning to share with each other their spiritual treasures and to work together for peace, the relief of human need and the preservation of the planet.
It probably took no more than an instant for Cervantes to have the simple, fruitful idea that produced Don Quixote: take a middle - aged, down - at - the - heels landowner, fill his brain with the entire tradition of chivalric romance, and then have him ride forth into the world as a knight errant.
Last year, the United States resettled more Christians than any other religious tradition primarily because Christians have been uniquely targeted for persecution in various parts of the world.
’25 Bloch believed that «the ultimate, enduring insight of Marx is that truth does not exist for its own sake but implies emancipation, and an interpretation of the world which has the transformation of the world as its goal and meaning, providing a key in theory and leverage in practice».26 Drawing on this tradition Moltmann writes that unless truth «contains initiative for the transformation of the world, it becomes a myth of the existing world.
He consistently opposed what he called «nation - building» as an American responsibility and called for more «humility» in our relation to the rest of the world, striking an isolationist chord that has been perennial in our tradition.
The anticipation of the end of the age, along with the hope for a new world to come, has had a long history in Judeo - Christian tradition.
In opposition to the blatant violation of human rights everywhere in the world, perhaps the faithful of all religious traditions will join together to do the will of God for the sake of all humanity.
Perhaps, as John XXIII proposed, the Universal Declaration is a sign of a new world community in which the religious traditions will find common ground for resolutely resisting the dehumanizing forces of this age.
Take any traditional objection to accepting the old Platonic analogy of God as the World Soul and it can be shown that the objection stands or falls with aspects of a tradition which philosophy has been moving away from since the middle ages — for instance ideas of sheer infinity, sheer immutability, also what is usually meant by omnipotence.
Walter Brueggemann, a theologian who writes prophetically about the need for the prophetic in the world and church today, writes: In the Christian tradition, having been co-opted by the king, we are tempted to...
First, for the arts world, the loss of a transcendent religious vision, a refined and rigorous sense of the sacred, the breaking and discarding of two thousand years of Christian mythos, symbolism, and tradition has left contemporary American art spiritually diminished.
The premium placed on marriage as the ideal site for lifelong love and childbearing by most of the world's major religious traditions, the social value attached to the wedding rite, and the support accorded a wide range of marriage - friendly norms by most religious traditions all probably help to explain the religion - marriage connection found across much of the globe.
Noting that we do not live in a sacred world valuing «received knowledge» from holy writ, but in a profane world harshly criticizing that tradition, Victoria Erickson of Union Theological Seminary in New York City wondered if we dared invite our worst critics into our classrooms for dialogue.
Much of the time our tradition has talked of a divine monarch or ruler who is absolutely in control of the world and is thus to be held responsible for whatever happens in it.
The entry point into the debate has varied, but there has always been an awareness in the Church that the search for visible unity and the communion the churches seek, is connected inextricably with the authority with which the Church interprets and lives up to its traditions, but also the way in which we act as Christians in the world.
Theology, if it is to explore adequately the meaning of play and its relation to the sacred, must «study the various biblical traditions and engage in the systematic hermeneutical task of appropriating the meaning of the biblical message for today's world.
In the traditions of the first missionaries of the East, there is the same note of wandering mission, moving out across the world for Christ.
c Finally, it is through the medium of education that there ensues, directly and indirectly, the gradual incorporation of the World in the Word Incarnate: indirectly, in the degree in which the heart of a collective Mankind increasingly turned inward upon itself is made ready for this high transformation; directly, to the extent that the tide of Grace historically released by Jesus Christ is propagated only by being borne on a living tradition.
It need not increase pollution and waste, for Third World peoples have long traditions of care for the earth, unlike the present occupants of North America and Australia.
The job of a Christian preacher, he said, is to «proclaim the given gospel to the given world,» The given gospel — that is to say, the gospel which has come to him from the Christian tradition which he represents and for which in his preaching function he speaks; the given world — that is to say, men and women in their actual concrete situation, with their interests and worries, their concerns and their problems, And the two are to go together, so that the gospel will be heard and (one hopes) accepted by those who hear its proclamation as directly relevant to their own lives.
Thanks to them, the world is lifted up towards God... In this year consecrated to the Eucharist, reviving the figure of Dom Guéranger is an invitation for all the faithful to rediscover the roots of the liturgy and to give a new breath to their journey of prayer, taking care to place themselves always in the great tradition of the Church, in respect of the sacred character of the liturgy and of the norms which mark its depth and quality.
(22) For, on the one hand, Dasein's primordial reality of being - in - the - world and its condition of «belonging to» will naturally be inclined to fix itself on the latter (langue) and to understand the sense of the textual signs in terms of the prejudices and traditions of its preunderstanding.
Whatever the specifics of their religious tradition, terrorists have often depended for their foot soldiers upon ecstatics who stand outside the ordinary, practical world of means and ends.
They too have to work for renewal of religion, for a new spirituality and tradition, for a spiritual vacuum can not exist in the world.
For several centuries the gatherings of the dominant class in American society, white Anglo - Saxon churches have tended to assume that they themselves have no cultural particularity and therefore no reason to investigate their own ethos, tradition, and world view.
The Body of Christ being released into the wilderness — amongst the darkness and danger and wolves of the world — with no «church» building to retreat to on Sunday, no «Pastor» to listen to week after week, no tribe to look for answers in tradition and no tax motivation or direction on where to give money?
In that tradition, instead of thinking of God as a persuasive power who acts as a kind of lure toward which things move, which was Aristotle's conception, Aquinas and others adopted the understanding that God creates by being the ultimate efficient cause for the world.
This biblical tradition went deep into the collective consciousness of the western world, causing people to believe that the earth was expressly made for the use of humankind, with the male gender in authority.
In seeking to develop a theology of nature, process theologians are supportive of endeavors to appropriate other images from the tradition, such as St. Francis» compassionate love for the poor and treatment of animals as sisters and brothers, the Orthodox view of the church as inclusive of all of creation, and the use of the elements of bread and wine in the Eucharist, products of the interworkings between God, the non-human natural world, and human labor, that speak, to contemporary needs.
It was, as a matter of fact, the impact of the Judaeo - Christian tradition on Western civilization that is chiefly responsible for the awareness so prevalent among us today that history presses forward toward novel achievements, that the future is open and full of promise, that man is a free creature whose own decisions and deeds enter into the shaping of tomorrow's world.
For those who have had little exposure to anything but a specific religious tradition or a denominational faith, or a religionsaturated local or national culture, an introduction to world religions and to cosmopolitan cultures makes certainties less stable.
Last December the Pope received in audience a delegation of the Joint International Commission sponsored by the Baptist World Alliance and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, who had been discussing «The Word of God in the Life of the Church: Scripture, Tradition and Koinonia».
The oral tradition he received (and this all helped to make him the civilized man he was becoming) had already created names for the large number and varied kinds of personal forces who made his world such a live place.
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